
What Programming Book would you NOT recommend to Developers?

Like a lot of people on Stack Overflow I love to read books about programming, almost as much as I love to read the lists that people add onto their websites, Blog's and this very website. However, for every gem there are a thousand turds, and to one developer a gem could just be a shiny turd to another. Whilst there are hundreds of b...

How Do You Take Criticism?

I find taking criticism pretty painful. Does anyone have a good strategy for dealing with this? Edit: I can see this is going to be voted down, but I'm not going to delete it as an exercise in "taking criticism" ;) ...

An analog of C++ FQA for C#

I have found C++ FQA Lite very edificatory and would like to read more criticism. Could you recommend me something similar but concerning C#, please? Thanks. ...

Software Critique: Open Source Software

Where can I find critical analysis of OpenSource projects? ie: in-depth analysis of methods within the source, a comparison of projects with others, and performance metrics ... I'd like to read something about existing projects that would give me an overview of its design, implementation, strengths and weaknesses, so I can choose somet...

What does it mean for an application to be bloated?

I myself have accused applications of being bloated, but is this really the problem with an application? Years ago I accused Microsoft of producing "bloated code" without myself actually seeing such code. Juvenile, I know. Now I feel that calling something "bloated" without specific constructive criticism is reduced to childish name c...

Can you criticize this code?

I was wondering if anyone would be so kind as to look at this code I've written for practice. Besides a little php, c if my first language and I'm trying to teach myself. so pretty much, what am I doing wrong, where can I optimize, anything. What this code does is (in terminal) draw a bunch of random 1's and 0's, but I added an effect k...

most professional way to tell a developer they are no good

What is the most professional way to break it to a developer that they're not very good? I haven't been a developer for as long as some of the others out there. But I have already had to deal with some really crazy people. What is the best way(s) to stay professional and critique a developer who really is horrible at his/her job, kee...

Where would I find critiques for my source code?

Well the most obvious answer is here. Self taught programming has some down sides, one of which is the lack of code peer critique which can help one expand his/her programming scope. Since I'm working by myself, what would be a great way for me to get some critique on all of my source code (like a really long source code)? ...

Is there anything wrong with this ORM?

Roughly a month ago (after christmas) i found this post and realized how useful reflection is. So i decided to learn and got carried away and spent around 10days on this which became a ORM for sql(ite). My question is, is there anything wrong with this ORM is used? I never used an ORM before and i heard you should not write one yourself...

Entity Framework Vote of No Confidence - relevant in .NET 4?

Hi, I'm deciding on an ORM for a big project and was determined to go for ADO.NET Entity Framework, specifically its new version that ships with .NET 4. During my search for information on EF I stumbled upon ADO .NET Entity Framework Vote of No Confidence which I'm not sure how to take. The Vote of No Confidence was written sometime in...