
How do you perform Cron job if your hosting does not provide a cron job control panel?

I am using PHP for my application. I have a demo site and need to clean database regularly. I thought it can be done with a cronjob. However my hosting does not provide a cron job cotroll panel. What is the best way to perform cron job? How do you perform it if your hosting does not provide a cronjob control panel? Thanks in advance...

Run cronjob as user to change desktop background in Ubuntu

I am trying to run this script which changes my desktops background to a random picture in a directory. It works from the command line, and the cronjob gets run (added output and it gets spit out to a log file), but I can't get it to change my background. Here's my current line (set to run every minute for testing). 01 * * * * username ...

How do I model a 15-minute time-out with limited cron access (on Heroku)?

My team is currently using Authlogic for user authentication, which disables a user's account after 6 failed_login_attempts. I want to re-enable such a user's account after a 15-minute time period. The problem is that we are deploying to the Rails cloud host, Heroku, which offers only a one-hour cron job and a daily cron job. I seem to n...

/bin/sh: get: command not found

Hello! When I try to run a script by cron I get this error messaege: /bin/sh: get: command not found I also tried it in bash shell, and I tried 'curl', 'wget' and 'fetch' but non of them helped. Can anybody tell solution? : D ...

ssh-agent and crontab -- is there a good way to get these to meet?

I wrote a simple script which mails out svn activity logs nightly to our developers. Until now, I've run it on the same machine as the svn repository, so I didn't have to worry about authentication, I could just use svn's file:/// address style. Now I'm running the script on a home computer, accessing a remote repository, so I had to c...

Simple task scheduling inside of a Rails app

Is there anyway to setup simple task scheduling inside of a rails app? There are pieces of code that I want to run every hour, or every day or every week. I don't want to break them out into separate scripts that I then have to schedule via cron jobs. If I did that, then I'd have to remember to backup the scripts, and if I rebuild a serv...

Backup multiple Databases[MySQL] at 1 time?

Hi I have multiple databases need to back up daily. Currently, I am using cronjob to set a batch file to back it up. Here are my situation, I have about 10 databases need to backup, 3 of them are growing pretty fast, let me show you the current DB size: DB1 = 35 mb DB2 = 10 mb DB3 = 9 mb the rest: DBx = 5 mb My batch file code is: ...

shell script not running via crontab, runs fine manually

Hey guys, Before you guys jump on me for asking this question which is asked a million times over and over. Yes I have tried exporting my paths and variables and crontab still will not run my script. I'm sure I am doing something wrong. I have a shell script which runs a jar file. This is not working correctly. After reading around ...

Running only one Perl script instance by cron

I need to run Perl script by cron periodically (~every 3-5 minutes). I want to ensure that only one Perl script instance will be running in a time, so next cycle won't start until the previous one is finished. Could/Should that be achieved by some built-in functionality of cron, Perl or I need to handle it at script level? I am quite n...

Cannot execute crontab command from a php script...from shared host....

Hi, I'm running an application where I need to execute the cron job, once a form is submitted,contains more than 1 lac records in a loop(its on-demand execution of cron job and deletes the job once finished). I'm using php, I tried to configure the job through cpanel as a test and it works...the command was.."/ramdisk/bin/php5 -f /home/...

CRON job for codeigniter

I am using codeigniter. I want to know how to set up a cron job to check a table for expiring users and insert data in to another table with the list of expiring users. How to do that. When i tried to write a script with controller and model to insert the table : Content-type: text/html Fatal error: Class 'Controller' not found in /h...

Interactive task scheduler recommendations?

Hey folks, I am looking for something to manage and schedule the execution of rake tasks, like database backups or running reports; something that has a nice web interface so I don't have to use cron. I'm looking at hudson, but it seems this is more geared toward CI builds. Rather than roll my own, does anyone have any recommendations on...

Technique to compute next day's date from a date supplied via an arg?

Hi All, I'm having some trouble figuring this out. I have a script that checks a log file that is generated the day after the date specified by the script call. This is because the files fetched for the specified day's data won't be fetched until the day after. And when that cron runs in the morning, the log file will have a timestamp...

Can I use cron from App Engine?

I'd like to write a web site using App Engine. The web site will be a front end for schedule the execution of some events that I plan to run with cron. Can I use cron from App Engine? Anyone can provide an example? ...

cron job and Long process problem

Via django iam launching a thread (via middle ware the moment the first request comes) which continously fetches the twitter public steam and puts it down into the database.Assume the thread name is twitterthread. I also have have several cron jobs which periodically interacts with other third party api services. Observed the following...

Can Cron jobs be used to simultate multi threading with PHP?

I have a mysql database table filled with 1000+ records, lets say 5000 records. Each record has a processed boolean flag, default to false (0). What I'd like to do is have a PHP script run on cron every minute. Its code would be something like this: <?php process(); function process() { $sql = "SELECT id FROM items WHERE processed =...

Cron jobs using php

Hi, I am trying to set a cron job using PHP and so far having no luck. I am following a tutorial PHP - Create a Cron Job with PHP The file is being created succesfully and all my permissions are correct but the job just dosen't get processed. Any ideas??? ...

Complex time schedule for cron job in AppEngine(Java)

I need a cron job to run on every 15 mins in every weekday just from 8:00 to 16:00. How to set the Schedule Format for this cron job? ...

Django + Unix Cron, cannot import django.db

I am trying to have a Django script run every 5 minutes via cron on my dev laptop (Mac OS X). Here is the code in the script: import sys import os def setup_environment(): pathname = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(pathname)) sys.path.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(pathname...

How to run a CodeIgniter file through CRON?

I've tried the following method in the past: <?php set_time_limit(0); $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] = 'cron/controller/index'; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = 'cron/controller/index'; require_once('index.php'); ?> and putting this in a file in the codeigniter installation directory, calling it cron.php, and then invoking it via: php /home/[usernam...