
Does WGET timeout?

I'm running a PHP script via cron using Wget, with the following command: wget -O - -q -t 1 The script will take a maximum of 5-6 minutes to do its processing. Will WGet wait for it and give it all the time it needs, or will it time out? ...

what is a cron job

I see this every time I ask questions about backing up sql through php, but I don't know what is it, or how to install it, or how to use it in my computer(windows xp) to backup mysql database. ...

how to keep in Sync with GIT repo on Mac OSX computer

Hi, I have a git server setup on an online VPS and I develop from my Mac Snow Leopard desktop. The VPS might go away at any point (and I don't feel like paying monthly subscription for private git repo) so I want to make sure that my repo in Sync at all times with the server. What is the best way to do so? Do you recommend having some ...

Creating a Named Cron Job

How do you create a cron job from the command line, so that it shows up with a name in gnome-schedule? I know how to create a cron job using crontab. However, all my jobs show up with a blank name. I'd like to better document my jobs so I can easily identify them in gnome-schedule, or similar cron wrapper. ...

Transfer files using SFTP and either PHP or shell/terminal script

I need to write a script that is run as a cron job every night which transfers some report files via sftp to another server. The report files are created every night using another cron in the format 'support_[date].csv' & 'download_[date].csv'. I'm wondering if you had any pointers on how to do the following: Find the 2 files created...

Cron job creating empty file each time it runs

I have a php script I want to run every minute to see if there are draft news posts that need to be posted. I was using "wget" for the cron command in cPanel, but i noticed (after a couple days) that this was creating a blank file in the main directory every single time it ran. Is there something I need to stop that from happening? Than...

Set PHP cron job on windows server 2003

Hi Guys, I am using Windows server 2003, IIS6, php and mysql. I have a problem setting the cronjob using built in schedule task feature in Windows OS. Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Schedule Tasks Add "new schedule task" It asks me choose programs. Should I choose php.exe or internet explorer, because php files run on...

How do I get the local system time in PHP?

Hello, I'm writing a PHP system and I need to get the system time. Not the GMT time or the time specific to a timezone, but the same system time that is used by the CRON system. I have a CRON job that runs every day at midnight and I want to show on a webpage how long will it take before it runs again. For example: Right now it is 6pm ...

Cron killing spawned processes

I have a cron job set up that will start my script. The intent of this script is to kill a process that is currently running, and start up a new version of this process (CHECKDB). CHECKDB needs to be running all the time, so we have a start_checkdb script that is basically a infinite loop that runs CHECKDB; if it crashes, it stays in t...

Is there any Python wrapper around cron ?

I'm looking for a wrapper around cron. I've stumbled upon PyCron but it's a Python implementation, not a wrapper. Do you know any good cron Python wrapper ? If not, did you test PyCron, and what can you tell about it ? //EDIT (As an answer to comment asking for more details): I am looking for something to set a cron job in a pythoni...

How to run SP in sql server after every 1 hour ?

I have a table on which i want to perform some operations after every hour. For this I created a Stored Procedure but dont know how to call it after every hour. I know their are some kind of scheduled jobs but how to use them. Is it their some kind of service also that keeps on running continously every second where i can place my piec...

what is the best way to have daily scheduled reports on my website / database

i have a website that is being hosted on Its a basic mvc site with a backend of SQL Server. I want to have a "script" or something that run a database query and sends out an email daily. what is the best way to set this up using a hosted web provider to run every day. ...

Daemon in Java: simple schedule application?

This app must perform connection to a web service, grab data, save it in the database. Every hour 24/7. What's the most effective way to create such an app in java? How should it be run - as a system application or as a web application? ...

Verifying a cron expression is valid in Java

I'm writing a scheduling application in Java using Quartz. I'm using the CronTrigger, but my cron expressions are entered into a database before they are scheduled and are based on user input. Is there a way I can verify that the cron expressions are valid when I capture them? I'd rather do this and give the user an appropriate error me...

Best Language For Cron Job?

Hi All, I realize that it can depend on certain things (and obviously how efficient the code is written); but, in general, what is the most efficient language to use in writing cron jobs? Does this simply come down to a question of what is the most efficient language period, or can the specificity of cron jobs determine one programming ...

Run cron job only if it isn't already running

Hello, So I'm trying to set up a cron job as a sort of watchdog for a daemon that I've created. If the daemon errors out and fails, I want the cron job to periodically restart it... I'm not sure how possible this is, but I read through a couple of cron tutorials and couldn't find anything that would do what I'm looking for... My daemon...

Storing crontab file inside my project

Currently, I am editing my production server's crons by typing crontab -e. I would like to store my crontab definitions inside my project, and have my system to load them from there. Is there any way I can set up the servers existing crontabs to point to an include like this? IncludeOtherCrontab /path/to/my/project/project.crontab M...

Best server-side language for MySQL and PHP

So I have access to a dedicated server and want to finally create my game - it's a browser based game, fairly simple. I know PHP and MySQL fairly well and would want to integrate with them on the front end. The question is what is a good server-side language to use either as a constant process or with cron to interface with the MySQL d...

Crontab job does not start... ideas?

Hey folks, thanks for helping me setting my cron jobs, crontab has really been a gold mine for me. Unfortunately I have a problem, and have no idea what so ever what it might be... basically a job does not start while the neighbour jobs do. I'll explain This is my crontabs job list: */10 * * * * python /webapps/foo/ fe...

Python in SU cron gives different output than manually execution

Ubuntu Server 9.10, Here is my file, import commands blkid = commands.getoutput('blkid') print blkid When I manually run (as SU) this: python I get the output of the blkid as expected: /dev/sda1: UUID="3f0ac5bb-f0da-4574-81f5-77844530b561" TYPE="ext4" /dev/sda5: UUID="67df0e7c-74fb-47dd-8520-ad720fbed67d" TYPE="swa...