
JWPlayer IE issues, screen going blank after being hidden and shown.

Hi, I'm using jwplayer in html tabs in IE with jqery showing and hiding them (via style:hidden;) When I hide a tab in IE and then show it again the plays video area goes blank (you can still hear sound and play/pause the video). Does anyone know why this is happening or have a way to fix it. Cheers. Here's the jQ doing the hiding / ...

What is WebKit and how is it related to CSS?

More recently, I have been seeing questions with the tag "webkit". Such questions usually tend to be web-based questions relating to CSS, jQuery, layouts, cross-browers compatibility issues, etc... So what is this "webkit" and how does it relate to CSS? I have also noticed a lot of -webkit-... properties in the source code for various w...

Are there any known issues with putting invalid CSS characters (@,:,!) in the class attribute of a HTML element?

I wrote a comparison validator, that compares two inputs values. Originally in tried using the primary input's name attribute to store the secondary inputs id. //example: does not work in IE7 <input id='txtPrimary' type='text' class='compare' name='txtSecondary'/> <input id='txtSecondary' type='text' /> This work in every browser exc...

Jquery, how to test for a mobile browser?

Hi, How do you test for, for example, and android browser in Jquery? Cheers. ...

Enter sending HTML form with no submit

I replaced the type="submit" on my form with a type="button", to prevent form submits when the user presses enter. Will this prevent enter from submitting the form in all browsers? ...

jQuery UI working in Firefox, but not in Chrome & Safari?

I'm using jQuery UI, specifically Datepicker and Autocomplete, as follows: <script src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> $("#note_date").datepicker({ maxDa...

Browser detect contenteditable features

I realise browser detection is not generally a good idea, however as each browser has a different implementation of contenteditable, I need a way to separate out my fixes for each. Specifically: gecko and webkit require a <br /> to be inserted at the end of empty paragraphs, otherwise they are automatically deleted. ie and opera treat...

Cross browser support jQuery

jQuery is famous for cross browser compatibility but, which all properties or functions don't have a cross browser support? I know one: ui-corner-all class won't produce rounded corner effect in any IE browsers. ...

Rich Text Editing - designMode vs contentEditable

When creating a cross-browser rich text editor. Which would you use and why? Keep in mind that pasting has to be resilient to stand against multiple sources (notepad, word, other websites) and it should not be dependent on any Javascript libraries. ...

Why does this menu render poorly in Firefox 3.5 and IE7? How do I adapt?

Have a look at the menus on this page: They look okay in Chrome 5 (above) and IE8 (below). When I load the page into Firefox 3.5 (above) or IE7 (below) something goes wrong. In the first case, the arrows on the right have moved to the next row. In the second case, the menu fal...

Why is PHP not interpreted in FF but is interpreted in Chrome on my website?

Look at this URL in Chrome and Firefox. If FF, there's uninterpreted PHP code on the page. In Chrome there isn't. What would cause the PHP to display in Firefox? ...

Full-word selection in browser.

I understand that IE has a full-word selection feature, which people often want to turn off. I want the opposite. I want to automatically expand the selection to complete words in all browsers. Actually, for the moment, I don't really care about IE (but I will eventually). Anyone know of a solution for this? Thanks. ...

Really simple document.onmouseup not working with IE

Hey, I have another incredibly simple JavaScript problem... I have a div that is shown when a link is clicked on. That is no problem and working fine. I then need the div to be hidden when the mouse is clicked anywhere on the page. Again, no problem in FF,Chrome,Safari and Opera but not in IE and it is really doing my head in now(!) Her...

How to fix overlapping cross-browser issue.

In the screen shot I have shown two different look in IE and Mozilla.Above one is for IE and bellow one is for mozilla.I have circled the area with red where in IE it overlaps but not in mozilla.I have tried setting different display property to avoid overlap in IE.But failed.Can any one help me? ...

Javascript OnClick cross-browser friendly?

Can I use the following across all browsers? <a href="#" onclick="doSomething()">Click here.</a> Is this "bad practice" in regards to standards? Will it work on IE, FF, Safari and Chrome? ...

javascript context menu click event/detection - filter paste content

Scenario: I'm trying to intercept paste events inside a textarea/input text, and filter the content being pasted. Webkit/IE are handled rather well, as I can attach code to the onpaste event, and then read from the clipboard what is being pasted. Plenty of examples around. Gecko is trickier, because as far as I know it isn't possible t...

Resizing videos for mobile browsers

Anyone have any ideas how to resize videos from youtube and vimeo for mobile browsers? I'd like to do by percents...but...some videos don't like to use percents.. ...

finding location of HTML elements with javascript & offsettop

I'm trying to find the location of an element on the screen using javascript. This is what I'm doing. function locateTargets(){ var targets = document.getElementsByTagName("span"); for(var i = 0;i<targets.length;i++){ if(targets[i].className == "target"){ targetsY[targets[i].getAttribute("id")] = targets[i].o...

A full-page wysiwyg editor for xhtml?

My client has a website which is currently semi-static html pages: it contains dynamic elements such as navigation and a media gallery, but the editable content is still stored straight into several static (x)html pages, that the client edits using Expression Web. The site in itself is ready for content/style/layout separation, but the ...

Site is breaking in iphone safari, mozilla 5 and google chrome.

A site im working on is breaking in these browsers but working fine in other browsers? vista home edition with mozilla 5.0 Windows XP with mozilla 5.0 iphone with privately iphone with safari Vista with Google chrome 5.0.1 But working fine in: ie 8 and 7 on a PC, safari, firefox and chrome on the mac Check it: http://millcreek-...