
A tag and click events href="javascript: my_function()" vs onclick="my_function()" or ...

There are several ways to define click action on anchor tag like: <a href="javascript: void(0)" onclick="funciton_X()">click here</a> or <a href="javascript: funciton_X()">click here</a> or <a id="a_tag" href="javascript: void(0)">click here</a> <script type="text/javascript"> $('#a_tag').click(function(){}) </script> ...

Cross domain script tag working in FF and Chrome but not IE

We are providing a snippit of HTML that our client can embed on their website to make a callback to our API. This HTML is a simple form and a Javascript file hosted on our server. This is what the client hosts on their website ( <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&l...

@font-face issues

I am having some issues with loading a custom font on a site that I am working on. Seems to work in Chrome, but that is it... I attach a custom stylesheet, <link charset="utf-8" type="text/css" href="" rel="stylesheet"> and in the stylesheet I write: @...

CSS Browser Detection

I dont understand why the HTML5 website I am working on is different in all browsers. I know it must be CSS, but I dont know what. on Chrome: on Safari: on IE 7: on FireFox Mac: the style sheet ca...

Cross Browser Live Testing?

Are there any tools to allow for LIVE previews of pages in cross browser systems? I have a problem with a few links in IE and I need to test to see if I've fixed them, however pretty much every cross browser service offers screenshots of the page as opposed to live rendering? I cannot test links on a screenshot. NB I work with a Mac ...

Cross-browser event handling

I need a cross-browser function for registering event handlers and a (mostly) consistent handler experience. I don't need the full weight or functionality of a library such as jQuery, so I've written my own. I believe I've accomplished my goals with the code below, and so far my testing has been successful, but I've been staring at it fo...

Website printing and flash

I have a client who has a flash gallery on most of her pages. When the page loads the gallery starts fading in images in a loop. Now, when someone decides to print the page, browsers other than IE7/8 will print the blank space before fade in instead of the first image, IE7/8 will print the current state of flash regardless. I have trie...

if IE conditional comments not working

It seems like a silly question, but I'm stumped. I'm using an if IE conditional statement to fix some issues in IE6. In the head, I have <!--[if lt IE 7] > <script type="text/javascript" src="js/ie6.js"></script> < ![endif]--> And in the ie6.js file, I have a simple alert, which works when I take it out of the conditional comment. B...

characters not allowed in DOM ids by spec, and by browser

The following question is a good rundown on what the spec says about the contents of the id attribute: my question is, how well do browsers adhere to this spec? I am pretty sure that i can use all numeric ids in firefox for example. ...

How many external style-sheets are required for cross browser compatibility?

I have just started web development after a few years. Mostly in the past I would specify a style-sheet dedicated to IE6. Now, Chrome and Safari seem to be rendering elements better, over FireFox. What is standard procedure for external style-sheets these days? IE6 (STILL?) - IE8? FF even? It would be greatly appreciated if anyone has...

Make IE behave like Firefox

i was wondering... when we design websites... there are cross-browser compatibility and browsers different behavior to HTML is an issue... designer has to check his design and work for cross-browser design consistency.... can we do somthing about it like add some libraries\scripts to the code so that one browser bahaves like other, so ...

Website menu displays funny in all IE before IE 8

Hi all, I am new to CSS and have coded my first site with CSS. I will admit to not fully understanding CSS yet but would like to learn. I have heard about special XHTML & CSS coding being needed for older IE browsers but really don't know what CSS code is causing the trouble. The website is here. The problem is with the top and bottom ...

If Chrome and Safari are both based on WebKit, does that mean I don't have to test both browsers?

If Chrome and Safari are both based on WebKit, does that mean I don't have to test both browsers? ... or are there certain situations where I should explicitly test both Chrome and Safari? ...

jQuery, html(), append() issue with IE

Hello i'm having problem writing data (html, contains tables) returned from an ajax request to a div. The code works on Chrome, firefox..except IE (tested on IE 8) I use the following code: function ajax_test(option) { $('.loading').fadeIn(); $('.roto_messages').empty(); $.get("options.php?i="+option, function(data) { ...

Best book that talks about css hacks and building cross browser compatible css techniques

Here are some books that talks about CSS Hacks. Of these can you suggest the best one.

How to use Unicode symbols on webpages?

I'm using some Unicode symbols on a webpage I'm making. For purposes of this example, let's say it's this guy: '☺'. As I understand it, under the correct implementation of CSS, you can set any font you want, and if it runs into a character that is not present in that font, it will start falling back through the font-family backup choice...

Rereating the blocks content in ie7

Ie7 repeats the blocks content if i write float: left; to that block. Has anyone the same problem? How could I fix that? Any ideas? ...

Remove default browser styles on form elements.

Note: I've tried searching on google, but couldn't find what I was looking for. Browsers have some default styles they use for rendering form elements, which is different from browser to browser. Is there a way to reset all of the native browser styles for form elements like select, radios, checkbox etc, to make a consistent look across...

How to position a div in bottom right corner or a browser?

Hi guys, I am trying to place my div with some notes in the bottom right position of the screen which will be displayed all time. I used following css for it: #foo { position: fixed; bottom: 0; right: 0; } It works fine with Chrome 3 and Firefox 3.6 but IE8 sucks... what can be a suitable solution for it? ...

IE Javascript error checking on Microsoft virtual PC........

I'm checking IE 6 issues of a xhtml css page on locally using VPC image of Microsoft Virtual PC. IE6 showing a JavaScript error. In VPC image i doesn't have MS Visual Studio installed. Web-page has many JavaScript. How to know from Which script and where in script this error is coming?. I can know on My PC with the help of Visual St...