
How can I find information about CSS browser incompatibilities?

Hi ... Many times when I read books related to CSS I see things like this "this will not work on some browser", "this hack will work for that browser". Where I can all information that I need to know the hacks for working for all browsers? thanks ...

IE6/IE7 css border on select element

Does anyone have a solution for styling the borders of "select" elements in Internet Explorer using CSS? ...

What requests do browsers' "F5" and "Ctrl + F5" refreshes generate?

Is there a standard for what actions F5 and Ctrl+F5 trigger in web browsers? I once did experiment in IE6 and Firefox 2.x. The "F5" refresh would trigger a HTTP request sent to the server with an "If-Modified-Since" header, while "Ctrl+F5" would not have such a header. In my understanding, F5 will try to utilize cached content as much a...

Debugging javascript in Safari for Windows

Is there a way to debug javascript using Safari 3.2 in Windows Vista? I found a link to a debugger named Drosera but I can't get it to work because the information seams to be outdated. ...

how to make textarea same width in IE and Firefox?

I want to have a textarea that's 500px, this is the CSS I use for the textarea: width: 498px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; I noticed IE and Chrome have a 1px border by default, on the other hand FF have a 2px border which results the textarea to be 502px instead of 500px, any workarounds? Just a note, I could explicitly specify the texa...

Best method of Instantiating an XMLHttpRequest object

What is the best method for creating an XMLHttpRequest object? It should work in all capable browsers. ...

Does W3C validated CSS automatically mean cross-browser compatibility?

I've finally completed a working version of my first ever CSS-supported site (thanks to some very helpful suggestions on this forum) and have validated the CSS. Before I go out and find (buy?) another machine (I'm a Mac) to check IE on, is it remotely possible that the valid CSS is really truly valid on IE as well as Firefox, Safari tha...

Using CSS to create table cells of a specific width with no word wrapping.

In a project have been involved in I needed to render tables with columns of a specific width with only one HTML line per table row (no wrapping). I need each table cell to have a padding of 1 pixel at the top and bottom and 2 pixels at the left and right. The best way I can come up with that works cross browser is to put a div inside a ...

Links to AJAX calls do not work

Hi all i am writing a Rails application and i include some link_to_remote links The generated code is <a href="#" onclick="new Ajax.Request('/b10/categories/games?category=Action', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true}); return false;">Test</a> That works perfectly fine on Safari and Firefox but when i try to click the link on IE7 and...

How best to get the user's browser information and settings for debugging purposes?

My problem is that I have a user that is having a problem displaying a portion of website I am creating, but I am unable to reproduce it on any of my browsers, even with the same version of the browser. What I'm looking for is probably a website that I can send the user to which will tell me what version of the browser they are running ...

Best Practice for Cross-Platform Browser Testing for Intranet site for small team?

Hi, in my team usually one web developer creates the web app then does some alpha testing himself before passing the fuller testing to the only tester in the company. So you probably can guess that we don't have a lot of free pcs or resources available so we can't do the wmware or virtual pc thingy :( So based on the resources on this ...

How do I test my website in multiple browsers and operating systems?

What was the url again? I want free screenshots of my webapp! So I can check conformity. ...

Browser agnostic C++ DOM interface

When programming in C++ against the browser's DOM each engine has a different set of interfaces, IE has the COM based MSHTML, Mozilla has the XPCOM based Gecko DOM etc. Is there a common API that has adapters for major browsers (and versions)? As a clarification, the application in question is a desktop application written in C++ wh...

CSS Column Overlap everywhere BUT IE and Firefox 3

OK; I'll admit it. I wrote the site in IE 6.0. I didn't know any better at the time. My bad. But it works fine there (at least), and in Firefox 3.0. The code validates. In Firefox 2.0 and many other browsers, the "content" column overflows to the left and appears on top of the decorative border, making some of t...

What the typical viewport size on a 1024x768 screen?

I am designing a web application, and I wish to know the largest size (x and y) that I can design for. As of January 2008, about half of users are using 1024x278 screens, and probably less than 10% are using smaller screens. (Phone and palmtop users are an exception here.) So we are designing for minimum screen size of 1024x768. Howeve...

Cross-browser jQuery transition animation?

Are there any jQuery 1.3 animation-transitions that work in both Firefox 3 and IE7? I have a table with multiple table rows (25 or more), with some of the rows starting hidden (these rows all share a common class; in this example, it's ".hidden"). In the table header is a "Show more" link which is bound via .click() to a function that w...

Serving raw swf files displays in Firefox but not in IE

I have a case where I need to serve "raw" swf files to the browser. That is, without embedding. We have had some problems making this work in IE now and then but managed to work around it. Until now. We're fixing some other issues with serving documents and as a side effect the flash files stop working in IE. Flash controls the browser d...

Testing a website for cross-browser/multiple-version support

This is a multipart question: Is there a tool that let's me view my site in all the major browsers along with different versions of each? If I have to actually download and install the different versions, where can I find them all? What's the oldest browser I should support within reason? Thanks! ...

is top.document cross browser?

I'm writing a javascript that relies on top.document but I'm not sure if I can assume all the major browsers supports it or not. Is top.document cross-browser compatible? ...

IE caches dynamically added iframe. Why, and how do I prevent it?

I have the following HTML / JS: <html> <body> <script> function foo(){ var html = "<iframe src=\"foo.html\" />"; document.getElementById('content').innerHTML=html; } function bar(){ var html = "<iframe src=\"bar.html\" />"; document.getElementById('content').innerHTML=html; ...