
Namespace Organization - AOP Validators

I have started using aspects for parameter validation in our development framework. It works nicely, and I enjoy not littering the first half of a public method with validation code. What I am wondering is if anyone has any recommendations with where in the namespace structure you would place parameter validation? Part of me thinks th...

Application Frameworks - Buy, Build, or Assimilate?

I was curious as to what other shops are doing regarding base application frameworks? I look at an application framework as being able to provide additional or extended functionality to improve the quality of applications built from it. There are a variety of out of the box frameworks, such as Spring (or Spring.NET), etc. I find that ...

Has groovy an include mechanism?

We are searching for an include mechanism for groovy scripts to have space for cross-cutting-concerns. In my example we have, web service endpoints as groovy scripts and want to log to our web service protocol. for that we use our implicit object (getting from our framework) to create the logging statement. But this is boilerplate code...

Refactoring: Cross Cutting Concerns workaround

Is there a workaround for implementing cross cutting concerns without going into aspects and point cuts et al.? We're in Spring MVC, and working on a business app where it's not feasible to go into AspectJ or Spring's aspect handling due to various reasons. And some of our controllers have become heavily bloated (too heavily), with ton... MVC 2 - most elegant way of isolating guard code - guarding against null controller parameters

Hi all I have a very simple problem, but I'm looking for the 'best' solution to the following: I have multiple controller actions something like this: public ActionResult DoSomething(PackageViewModel packageByName, DoSomethingInputModel inputModel) { if (packageByName == null) { Response.StatusCode = 404; Respon...