
Error accessing RSS feed from Silverlight with WebClient()

I'm downloaded the code from John Papa's book here: and am sucessfully running the Chapter 7 example which allows you to press a button and it reads RSS from and then displays it. So, then I replaced the digg URL

How do you create/obtain a cross domain policy for an iis7 wcf service?

The missing link in my IIS7 + Silverlight 3.0 + WCF Service app is the cross domain policy. Are there any instructions on how to create/obtain such a policy. I understand that there are two xml files that need to go in the web root of the app. What do I put in them, how do I format them, does some template exist which indicates which ...

http, https & ajax bypass, maybe?

I have a server script that I need to pass data to from the browser without reloading the page (aka ajax). The data is sensitive so should be sent via https. The page however is on the http layer. Because of same domain/protocol restriction, the browser doesn't allow this. I'm thinking of cheating the system a bit by dynamically creatin...

popup as a solution to cross domain browser policy

Hi, I'm creating a bookmarklet that send data over to say, when the user is browsing I obviously can't preform an AJAX poll, because of cross-domain policy issues. I've been using ACD, but it doesn't work well. How do I go about writing a bookmarklet that will open a (even invisible? or at least unfocused) popu...

Set form action dynamically in https-area

Hi, heres the problem explanation: Im on the domain - theres an Order-Form with the Action with an other SSL Certificate. On some conditions i set the form action to so that it will be posted on our domain, but if the user uses a CreditCart it should g...

iFrames and Cookies

I have a site on and an iframe on which reads info from I realize that there is some problems with third party cookies, iframes and P3P - particularly in Safari [my problem] Is it possible to instead, use AJAX or a hidden iFrame to pass the cookie information from to which will then "recreate" another cook...

Flash - HTTP requests won't work on localhost.

First off, I'm trying to fix something that I didn't build to begin with and the guy who's project it was assures me it was working fine when he left, although a version I haven't touched since he left seems to have the same issues. I'm also a bit new to programming in general so let me know if I've left out important information in my f...

Will cross-domain scripting using JavaScript work when the two frames have the same domain 2 levels up?

I have a scenario, in which a .net application is hosted from SAP portal. SAP portal domain: App server domain: As you can notice the portal and the app server domains are not same 1 level up.(i.e. at 1 level up, portal domain will be & app server will be

How to configure SAP Netweaver portal, document.domain value?

I have very little knowledge on SAP netweaver portal content development. However I assume netweaver portal comes out of box with standard configurations which ca be customised. Can someone tell me where & how d we configure document.domain value of netweaver portal? By default the document.domain value is relaxed to one level. However ...

If a webserver has a host name and a different alias DNS name, what will be the value of document.domain?

I have a webserver with the following host name and DNS alias name. Host name - Alias name - In the above scenario, what will be the value of JavaScript DOM object document.domain? Will it be or will it be ...

Is it possible to get the contents of a Google Docs Spreadsheet from within a GMail gadget?

Here is what I figured so far: To get content of the spreadsheet "od6" with the ID "0Aj3x4n7SOPMRdFA2VmJuampIUDFzdlAwRUwtSEJacmc" you have to acces this URL: (see API) This works fine, if I put the URL into my browser (because I'm...

DOM manipulation on a user-defined website - Same Origin Policy

Hi, I'm just reading up on possible technologies or ways to manipulate the DOM of a user-defined website in a browser or webinterface. The "Same Origin Policy" normally prevents doing this in the browser but there are several ways to avoid this. First thing I can think of is using a Firefox Add-On or Greasemonkey-Script. Another way is...