
Asynchronous cross-domain POST request via JavaScript?

I could just create a form and use that to do a POST request to any site, thing is the FORM method isn't asynchronous, I need to know when the page has finished loading. I tried messing around with this using an iframe with a form inside, but no success. Any ideas? EDIT unfortunately I have no control over the response data, it varie...

Accessing ASP.NET 2.0 web services from Silverlight 2.0

I have some ASP.NET 2.0 web services and I have a Silverlight control that accesses these services. When I run these under the localhost, everything works fine. However, if I deploy the web services to an ASP.NET server and run my simple Silverlight html host locally, Silverlight no longer gets a response from the asynchronous web servic...

Security and Cross Domain with ASP.NET MVC JsonResult and jQuery

I am using MVC to develop an application that will have ajax interactions. I have JsonResult methods in the controller returning my json serialized data. So for example when a request is made to mvc serializes the data as json and sends it back. I am using jQuery on the client side to handle the... snapshots disobeys Same Orgin Policy?

I'm trying to write some Javascript that shows data based on an HTTP GET request to a server on a different domain. From what I've read, this is made tricky due to the SOP (Same Origin Policy). I'm curious how "Snap Shots" (webpage previews) work. Here is an example page: Could som...

embedding one kind of syntax inside another: is it kludge or clever?

Background: Recently while looking at a "structured text editor" I noticed they used a trick to change python/perl/c++/java et al. into a "structured" outline by sneaking XML into the comments of the respective languages. I remembered seeing this trick inside a windows bat file once as well. The REM statements of the bat file were used ...

Sharing session across domain

Currently we are facing a problem with sharing a same session across subdomains. we are using Jboss server. Users access the site corresponding to their locale say en_US that has unique domain name. A cookie is created corresponding to the domain. Users are allowed to go to other locales that have different domain name. The problem is...

Is WebKit among those browsers implementing the upcoming x-domain XMLHttpRequest features?

Many of the upcoming generation of browsers (FF 3.1, IE8) are going to support cross-domain XMLHttpRequests in one fashion or other (with security concerns, as long as the server opts in, etc). Is the same bit of functionality going to be in WebKit? FF: IE: http://blogs.msdn...

Lets solve cross-domain ajax, totally on the client, using script tags.

I know, there's JSONP, which involves server cooperation to name-space the data. What is bothering me is the fact that the content of script tag src is evaluated, but it's NOT available to read. <script src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; All we need to figure out is how to namespace the data, that's all. Of course I tried...

Cross Domain Cookies With FormsAuthentication

I know the security risk associated and have brought it up with the business, but they want to have their 5 domains to share the login cookie. We are using and have no plan to stop using ASP.Net Membership and Profiles. Is this possible? A hack would even be greatly appreciated. ...

Example of JSON-P with WCF?

I'm trying to make a WCF service that will work with JSON-P (long-story short, we have to call the web-service cross-domain and receive a call-back, so I need it to work with JSON-P). I found a code-sample on MSDN ( If I extract the ZIP file and navigate to Samples\WCFWFCardSpace\WC...

How to redirect different sub domain requests to different servers

Under my domain, one of the subdomain must be directed to one server that hosts the relevant applications, and the rest must be directed to another server that hosts the relavant applications. So, any requests to the url\* must be directed to one server, and any requests to the url\* must be directed to...

Cross-domain policy not taking effect

Hi, I've created a ClientAccessPolicy.xml that looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <access-policy> <cross-domain-access> <policy> <allow-from> <domain uri="*"/> </allow-from> <grant-to> <resource path="/" include-subpaths="true"/> </grant-to> </policy> </cross-domai...

ASP.Net Authenticate users from another trusted forest

Hi, I want to authenticate users from another (trusted) forest in my Asp.Net application. So far, i've got this in my web.config: <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <appSettings/> <connectionStrings/> <system.web> <compilation debug="true" /> <authentication mode="Windows" /> <authorization> <deny users="?"/> ...

Ajax Cross Domain Calls

Can we make Ajax request to a different instance of server(different port) running on the same machine ...

Can JavaScript load XML data from a third-party domain?

Can JavaScript load an RSS XML feed from Yahoo? Is client-side JS allowed to access 3rd-party domains? ...

How to implement a cross-domain Ajax request using CakePHP and jQuery?

I am using CakePHP for my project, and I am generating XML views so that I can interact with them (CRUD) from an external website. There is authentication required on the CakePHP website. Essentially, I want to view "" from "" However, I get this error when using jQuery's aja...

How to set a cookie on a separate domain in Rails.

How can you set a cookie on a different Domain that is calling my site with a javascript call? It works in FF3, but not in IE6. My server is called from a javascript tag on a seperate site and domain. The result returns javascript that populates their page with data (it's a widget). I am trying to set a cookie using domain=".mydomain....

cross domain access in iframe from child to parent

Hi, how do we access parent document from a document loaded inside an iframe when the page loaded inside iframe is from another domain ? I am getting a permission denied error. Thanks in advance for the help. ...

How can domain aliases be set up using Django?

I am working on creating a website in Django which consists of two parts: the website itself, and the forum. They will both be on separate domains, i.e. and How can this be done in Django, when the forum and main site are part of the same instance? ...

Simple_XML cross-domain file access disabled

I need to retrieve an XML file from another domain I own from PHP. I'm using simple_XML to do it but, apparently, cross-domain is disabled: Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration I have no access to server's config (shared hosting). Any clue on ...