
How to detect leaks under WinCE C/C+ runtime library?

I know the possibilities of basic leak detection for Win32 using the crtdbg.h header, but this header is unavailable in the CE CRT library headers (i'm using the lastest SDK v6.1). Anyone knows how I can automatically detect leaks in a WinCE/ARMV4I configuration with VC 9.0? I don't want to override new/delete for my class hierarchy, I...

Visual Studio _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks always skipping object dump.

Hi, I'm trying to use the CRT memory leak detection but I keep getting the following message in Microsoft Visual Studio: "Detected memory leaks - skipping object dump." I can never get the it to actually do and object dump. I followed the directions in the Microsoft article on Memory Leak Detection (

Memory leaks detection while using Boost

Hello, I would like to get the memory leaks information using _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC, and especially the files and line numbers, but I don't get them at the end. I only get something like this: {130} normal block at 0x00695128, 16 bytes long. Data: <\ E Pi > 5C A5 45 01 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 E8 50 69 00 I've seen that th...

Why might _CrtSetBreakAlloc not cause a breakpoint?

I'm using Visual CRT's memory leak detection routines from <crtdbg.h>; when I call _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks one allocation is reported consistently on every invocation of the program: {133} normal block at 0x04F85628, 56 bytes long. Data: < > B0 81 F8 04 B0 81 F8 04 B0 81 F8 04 CD CD CD CD The address varies but {133} is a...