
Is MSVCRT under Windows like glibc (libc) under *nix?

I frequently come across Windows programs that bundle in MSVCRT (or their more current equivalents) with the program executables. On a typical PC, I would find many copies of the same .DLL's. My understanding is that MSVCRT is the C runtime library, somewhat analogous to glibc/ under *nix. Why do Windows programs have to bri...

ClickOnce: getting MSVCRT C++ DLLs on user's machine

I've been trying desperately to get my application (15 C# dlls and 1 C++/CLI dll with C++ Runtime DLL dependencies) to deploy with ClickOnce. I got it to work by just copying the Release folder, but ClickOnce refuses to copy the files (msvcm80.dll, msvcp80.dll and msvcr80.dll) and deploy them in this folder. I did this nutty workaround ...

Win XP msvcrt crashes

Do any one know why an application that always ran on Windows XP now suddenly crashes the msvcrt.dll? There were only minor changes made to the threading classes, which was done under Vista in VC++ 6. For all our libraries to work we are Dynamically linking to the MFC dlls. A newer version of msvcrt does not solve the problem. Any i...

Why does windows side by side (winSxS) install policy for auto upgrade when there are known issues between versions?

We have an app compiled using MSVC 2K5, SP1 (version 762 msvcrt80) All is well, right up until somebody installs on the same machine .Net3.0SP1, and along with it msvcrt80 version 1433 is installed and a policy to automatically upgrade. Now we have random crashes all over the place and unhappy customers. I understand we can adjust our...

Visual Studio _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks always skipping object dump.

Hi, I'm trying to use the CRT memory leak detection but I keep getting the following message in Microsoft Visual Studio: "Detected memory leaks - skipping object dump." I can never get the it to actually do and object dump. I followed the directions in the Microsoft article on Memory Leak Detection (

zlib + masm

Can zlib be used with masm without all the c runtime libraries such as msvcrt.dll and many others? If so, can you tell me how? ...

The procedure entry point _wsplitpath_s could not be locating in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll

Recently upgrade a MFC++ Project which includes .NET assemblies from Visual Studio 2005 to 2008. Now whenever its installed it displays the following message: The procedure entry point _wsplitpath _s could not be locating in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll I've install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x8...

Do memory deallocation routines touch the block being freed?

Windows HeapFree, msvcrt free: do they cause the memory being freed to be paged-in? I am trying to estimate if not freeing memory at exit would speed up application shutdown significantly. NOTE: This is a very specific technical question. It's not about whether applications should or should not call free at exit. ...

How can I force MSVC++ to ignore CRT dependencies of a static library?

I don't know if it's possible to do this, but I would like the /NODEFAULTLIB to be applied to a static library project. I have many application projects (A.exe, B.dll, C.dll) that use a common static library D.lib. This library has a lot of code and also has other .lib dependencies as well. One of them is the openssl library, which seem...

How to execute some code before entering the main() routine in VC?

I am reading Microsoft's CRT source code, and I can come up with the following code, where the function __initstdio1 will be executed before main() routine. The question is, how to execute some code before entering the main() routine in VC (not VC++ code)? #include <stdio.h> #pragma section(".CRT$XIC",long,read) int __cdecl __initstd...

How to Enforce C++ compiler to use specific CRT version?

I am using VS2008 for developing a COM dll which by default uses CRT version 9 but I am using TSF (Text service framework) that is not compatible with the new CRT. I think the solution is to use the compatible one so how can I specify the CRT version? ...

Should I compile with /MD or /MT ?

In Visual Studio, there's the compile flags /MD and /MT which let you choose which kind of C runtime library you want. I understand the difference in implementation, but I'm still not sure which one to use. What are the pros/cons? One advantage to /MD that I've heard, is that this allows someone to update the runtime, (like maybe patch...

WaitForSingleObject on a file handle?

What happens when you call WaitForSingleObject() on a handle you've created with CreateFile() or _get_osfhandle()? For reasons not worth explaining I would like to use WaitForSingleObject() to wait on a HANDLE that i've created with _get_osfhandle(fd), where fd comes from a regular call to _open(). Is this possible? I have tried it in ...

Should I link to the Visual Studio C runtime statically or dynamically?

I have read arguments on both sides about whether one should link to the C runtime library statically or dynamically in Visual Studio projects, and I'm still not entirely sure what to think. My project pulls in some third-party libraries (Python, HDF5, Trilinos, and Microsoft MPI), each of which has to be built with the same runtime lib...

Is there a Windows equivalent of EDQUOT?

I'm porting some C++ code from UNIX to Windows which detects the occurrence of the EDQUOT error, which indicates that there was an unsuccessful attempt to exceed the current user's disk quota. Visual Studio's <errno.h> doesn't have an EDQUOT, although I know that Windows has disk quota functionality. Visual Studio's <errno.h> does have a...

Windows malloc replacement (e.g., tcmalloc) and dynamic crt linking

A C++ program that uses several DLLs and QT should be equipped with a malloc replacement (like tcmalloc) for performance problems that can be verified to be caused by Windows malloc. With linux, there is no problem, but with windows, there are several approaches, and I find none of them appealing: 1. Put new malloc in lib and make sure ...

Which CRT version is bundled with .NET 3.5?

To minimize deployment package, I'd like to know the CRT versions which are already included in .NET redists. The info I've already gathered are: .NET 2.0 -> CRT 8.0.50727.42 .NET 2.0 SP1 -> CRT 8.0.50727.762 However, I cannot find the CRT versions for .NET 3.5. I roughly remember I used to come across a blog page list all the version...

Where does _CrtDbgReportW ouput in Windows Mobile?

I am using ASSERTE macro to check for pre-conditions. According to its definition it is using ASSERT_BASE, which in turn calls _CrtDbgReportW to print out the message. Where does _CrtDbgReportW output goes to? I would assume that if the application is started from debugger, it would go to debugger window. Where would the messages go if ...

Visual C++ Runtime Library Linker Woes

Observe this close Scenario even though it appears to be the same as my previous questions. Still I am not getting an answer. So please don't report as a duplicate. I have a project which has 10 dependencies. First I compiled using the /MTD option in the C/C++ codegeneration section in the main project and all its dependencies are getti...

how to avoid lnk2005 error in visual studio.

Hi any body plzzzzzz help me to remove linker error 2005. I am vexed with these errors libcmtd.dll msvmrtd.dll some element(ex: _mkdir ) alredy defined like error.. ur support wil greatly help for me. "private: __thiscall type_info::type_info(class type_info const &)" (??0type_info@@AAE@ABV0@@Z) already defined in LIBCMTD.lib(typinfo...