
Detecting multiple linked C runtime on windows

Hi, I have some problems with one of the projects I am working on on windows (64 bits). The program sometimes crash, sometimes does not, and I suspect the problem to be linked with multiple linked C runtime. How can I detect this on windows ? I tried with depends.exe, but it did not report the CRT ...

Can't find MSVCP80.dll (side by side problem?)

Hi, when I try to start the release-version of my project from visual studio 2005 (SP1) I get the following error message: "This application has failed to start because MSVCP80.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem" When I look at the manifest for the release version it specifies the following: <?xml v...

How to build QTcore4.dll without dependency to MSVCx80.dll?

Dears, I have a windows screensaver that I want to recompile using the QT libraries, so that I can make available for more platforms. I am facing problems with the deployment on Vista and XP. I compile my screensaver statically with MT, and run the dependency checker. The results are: MyScreensaver.SCR needs several DLLS, QTCORE4.DLL ...

Should I redistribute msvcrt.dll with my application?

Should I redistribute msvcrt.dll with my application and use the private dll if some of the application's libs dynamically depend on msvcrt.dll? I.e. are any incompatibility issues possible with the system's msvcrt.dll (dll hell)? Application is targeted for Windows Server systems. ...

C-based console app crashes when run from cmd.exe, runs fine in VS2008 debugger?

Not sure what's going on here. I have an Windows console app written in C. When I run it from within VS2008, it runs fine. If I run it from the cmd.exe prompt, it crashes, usually in malloc(). I am guessing it is a race condition due to a mismatched CRT library. The app is simple. It calls into the WinHttp layer to send a GET reque...

Using Gcc on Win32 and linking to msvcrt.dll

I know microsoft recommends against linking to the msvcrt.dll, so please spare me from that warning. They do it all the time in their software (like WinDbg) and they won't introduce breaking changes since all VC6 apps link against msvcrt.dll. Linking against msvcrt.dll has several benefits. Small executable, easy deployment: msvcrt is t...

Different versions of msvcrt in ctypes

In Windows, the ctypes.cdll.msvcrt object automatically exists when I import the ctypes module, and it represents the msvcrt Microsoft C++ runtime library according to the docs. However, I notice that there is also a find_msvcrt function which will "return the filename of the VC runtype library used by Python". It further states, "If y...

Side-by-side configuration error (Microsoft.VC80.CRT v8.0.50608.0)

I have an assembly with the following manifest embedded: <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"> <dependency> <dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Microsoft.VC80.CRT" version="8.0.50608.0" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b"></assemblyIdentity> ...

Working around fls limitations with too many statically linked CRTs?

When loading external DLLs (not under our control) via LoadLibrary, we're hitting a problem where the statically linked CRT in those DLLs are failing to allocate fiber-local storage. This is similar to mskb 193462, except that this is FLS and there's only 128 of them. Are there any useful ways to work around the problem? The CRT is usi...

How can I find out what makes my application mix the statically and dynamically linked CRT


vcredist_x86.dll and version 8.0.50727.4053

Hello, Visual C++ 2005 I build on my system use CRT DLLs version 8.0.50727.4053. I believe it is the latest one and was automatically updated by Windows. On user systems, this version of the DLL is not found. I have used vcredist_x86.exe in the past as a part of our installer to install runtime DLLs. It used to work. My problem is tha...

.NET Application that uses Tessnet2 fails

Hi, I have an app that uses Tessnet2. The application fails when I try to call its Init method. The failure is just awful - no exception (ANY), no any trace of error, not even "Send report" window. The app's process is just droped. The problematic code is: Recogniser = new Tesseract(); Recogniser.SetVariable("tessedit_char_whitelist...

How to disable buffer overflow checking in the Visual C++ Runtime?

i, and a few thousand other people, are getting an error being thrown by the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime: Which for the benefit of search engines, says: Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Buffer overrun detected! Program: %s A buffer overrun has been detected which has corrupted the program's internal state. The program cannot ...

Statically linking against library built with different version of C Runtime Library, ok or bad?

Consider this scenario: An application links to 3rd party library A. A is built using MSVC 2008 and is statically linking (ie. built with /MT) to the C Runtime Library v9.0. The application is built using MSVC 2005 and is statically linking to A and (using /MT) to the C Runtime Library v8.0. I can see trouble with this - for instance ...

Does msvcrt.dll use a linear congruential generator for its rand() function?

I am trying to predict the output of a program that uses msvcrt's rand() function for generating the face of three dice. I believe the code is something like: dice[0] = rand() % 6 + 1; dice[1] = rand() % 6 + 1; dice[2] = rand() % 6 + 1;, and I was wondering if I could use a prediction program for linear congruential generators to predict...

How do I find the cause of this linker error?

After going through a lengthy process to rename a project, my DLL project will not build in Debug mode (Release builds work): MSVCRTD.lib(msvcr90d.dll) : error LNK2005: _CrtDbgReportW already defined in LIBCMTD.lib(dbgrpt.obj) This project, and the five static libraries it depends on, are set to use "Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)" (unde...

How to build MTd projects which use MDd dlls in VS2005

I am building my application in Visual Studio 2005, using project properties ->c/c++->CodeGeneration->RuntimeLib: MTd (using static CRT library-LIBCMTD). The application is using 3rd party dlls and libs which are built in MDd(using dynamic CRT lib- MSVCRTD). I'm getting linker errors as: MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll) : error LNK2005: __mkti...

StaticCRT(LIBCMT(D)) and DynamicCRT(MSVCRT(D)) conflict

I am developing a project which uses third party dlls and libraries. I want to build my project using static CRT (LIBCMTD) as I wish to run my application in "IBM purifier". However, the third party libraries are built using dynamic CRT(MSVCRT). This gives linking error as: MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR80D.dll) : error LNK2005: __mktime64 already ...

Private Unmanaged Side by Side Assembly Problem

We have a large MFC application that uses a number of DLLs. So far we have been using vcredist_x86.exe to install MFC and the CRT into the unmanaged side by side assembly cache (C:\Windows\WinSxS). When MFC/CRT is installed in this way, the application runs (on a clean XP machine). According to the MSDN documentation, you can install MF...

Why might _CrtSetBreakAlloc not cause a breakpoint?

I'm using Visual CRT's memory leak detection routines from <crtdbg.h>; when I call _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks one allocation is reported consistently on every invocation of the program: {133} normal block at 0x04F85628, 56 bytes long. Data: < > B0 81 F8 04 B0 81 F8 04 B0 81 F8 04 CD CD CD CD The address varies but {133} is a...