and svn checkout

I am able to get cruisecontrol working with svn. What I am trying to do is that when cruisecontrol detects a change in the repository then it deletes everything inside my working directory and then checks out the entire project again. I am not sure how I can do that. Seems like cruisecontrol automatically updates the working directory wh... exec task

I am using the <'exec> task inside I am executing a .bat file and passing the arguments using <'buildArgs>. I need to pass in more than one arguments and I'm not sure what the correct syntax is. I am trying to do something like <'buildArgs>Arg1 Arg2<'/buildArgs> but it doesn't work. ...

Cruise Control .NET alternatives?

Any ideas as regards alternatives to Cruise Control .NET? ...

Build servers and source control repositories

We're using CruiseControl.NET for our build server and Subversion for source control. Our IT guy suggested putting these together on one virtual machine. For some reason that smells funny to me, but I can't explain why. It seems like the source control server is a lot less "transient" of a server than a build server. Does anyone else...

Launch IE from a windows service (more or less)

I want to use as a service and have it launch the Fitnesse test runner as a task to run a bunch of acceptance tests using the watin fixture which starts IE. Oh and I want to do this all on a virtual server. The above all works fine if I'm not running CC.Net as a service (ie. log in to the server via remote desktop and ...

Installing on Windows Vista

Trying to configure on windows vista but keep getting errors. Now getting the following error HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the extension configuration. If the page is a script, add a handler. If the file should be downloaded, add a MIME map. Can anyone plz tell which MI...

Interactive services dialog detection in Windows Vista

I have installed 1.4.3 version on Windows Vista. But It keeps giving me Interactive services dialog detection when I execute tests. I even have disabled the interactive services from services panel. but still getting this. Any idea how to get rid of this problem regards Sam ...

JS Framework incorporated with CruiseControl

Are there any JS Framework that can be incorporated with CruiseControl.NET ? Or what's the best JS Framework that have an intensive unit testing feature. ...

Force building multiple projects in

I am running multiple projects inside my These projects depend on each other. Basically if project A gets build successfully I want it to force projects B,C to get build. How can I do that? ...

Does the free Team Explorer client work without Visual Studio

We are about to setup a cruise with and NAnt and TFS, do I need visual studio 2005/2008 with team explorer installed or can I make this work with just the free Team explorer client ...

Selenium Java process called from c# not starting properly on CCNET build server

Hi, I'm setting up CCNET server to run Selenium tests. In my test code I use the following to start the Selenium RC server if its not running: var proc = new Process(); proc.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Path.Combine(Directory.GetParent(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).FullName, @"..\..\..\..\..\lib\SeleniumRC\selenium-server-1....

Anybody out there using MsBuild to do Installs?

I've noticed projects such as Msbuild Extension Pack and MsBuild Community Tasks give msbuild the power to install assemblies, sql, and setup IIS. These features seem to be oriented to doing installs and not builds. So I was wondering how many people out there are using msbuild, perhaps in conjunction with Cruise Control.Net to do in...

CruiseControl with VSS - checks all files

I have cruise control and VSS 6.0. I have configured cruise control every hour with the condition IfModificationExists. It check for the modification and get the source, but it checks all the files in the VSS. ie my VSS contains 1000 files and only 1 file is modified. CCNet detects 1 modification, but checks for all the files from the V...

source control building a branch

I am currently evaluating different source control solutions for work, and have a few questions about branching. I have the basic understanding of how to branch, but i am unsure of how our build machine ( can get a branch to build it. We have many projects, which are all relied appon by other projects (there are othe...

Repository folder structure and automated building from that structure

We are upgrading our source control (most likely to Vault) at work and are moving to the branch methodology, and are having some problems with working out the folder structure to use. We intend to use the Trunk as the development line, and a branch will be a release and bug fixes to that release. We have come up with two folder structu...

CCNetConfig command line parameter for opening a ccnet.config?

I'm trying out CCNetConfig (warning, website a little slow). Great app, one annoyance. I can see in the documentation and even in the source code (Look at the end of the Initialize method) that I should be able to pass in a command line parameter to automatically load the configuration file. I have tried: -f E:\CruiseControl.Net\ser...

ccnet Not triggering build when changes are committed to svn

There is a problem with the ccnet. The server is not able to detect modifications even after the changes are committed to SVN. Can anyone help regarding this?? Below is the configuration file for the cruise: Project http://cruise01/ccnet <sourcecontrol type="svn"> <trunkUrl>

Running MStest in cruise control .net build server

I'm trying to setup to work with our existing projects. The projects use the visual studio 2008 testing tools (running as .net 2.0). During the actual build process I get several error messages, most or which are: Type 'TestClass' is not defined. I'm assuming that this is because I don't have the testing framework i...

Missing dependencies when building through CruiseControl

The problem is that when projects are been built and produced normally without any errors the final packaged msi is missing dependency assemblies that are normally packaged if someone builds the project through visual studio for example. So what happens is that the application is getting installed normally and then crashes on run time by...

MS StyleCop and CruiseControl.NET

I wonder if anybody tried to integrate StyleCop into CruiseControl.NET. Does anybody know something about it? or at least did anybody create and publish an xsl file for displaying StyleCop result onto CCNet's dashboard? EDIT: I found this project, it provies cmd interface for StyleCop, produces result in xml format and also provides xs...