
How to convert hash data to original data?

I hashed data with ComputeHash how can I learn original data from hashed data? private void btn_Hash_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { HashAlgorithm ha = HashAlgorithm.Create(); Stream file = new FileStream(@"C:\temp\simetrik.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); hashClass.hash = ha.ComputeHash(file); listBox1.Items....

serializing an RSAKeyValue property in Serializable class

I have a class in my C# project marked with the [Serializable] attribute. It has a property of type RSAKeyValue: [XmlElement(PUBLIC_KEY_TAG_NAME)] public RSAKeyValue Key { get; private set; } When I try to serialize an instance of my class to XML and then deserialize that XML back to an instance of my class, I get: System.Invalid...

Is there any way to sign an XDocument?

I would like to sign my XDocument XML document (to verify it later on). Is there any way to sign an XDocument or do you have to convert it to an XmlDocument? ...

RSA PKCS#1 compliant signature

I am using PKCS#1 2.0 (OAEP) standard (signature with appendix), but there are some issues not clear to me. What is the physical object that is beeing signed? I know it's hash function value and so on (I do know the algorithm), but is it calculated from the binary fform of the file, no matter what is the content? What is the physical r...

Hashing SSNs and other limited-domain information

I'm currently working on an application where we receive private health information. One of the biggest concerns is with the SSN. Currently, we don't use the SSN for anything, but in the future we'd like to be able to use it to uniquely identify a patient across multiple facilities. The only way I can see to do that reliably is throug...

A good way to manage cryptographic keys?

What's the canonical way to manage cryptographic keys associated with particular source code? (e.g. SSH or RSA key pairs strongly associated with a particular program). I am reluctant to check this into version control for obvious reasons, but I don't want them to reside only on few people's local hard drives either. ...

User security in the database of my website

Lets say i have a website that will store some sensitive personal data (bank related) On this website i have an oracle database with a USERS tables that will store the logins and passwords of users from I have a few questions : How should i store passwords,encryption of course, but which ? What should be the pro...

Can another application access a private key stored in a key container using RSACryptoServiceProvider?

I am using RSACryptoServiceProvider to generate public/private key pair and using cspParameters object to store it in a key container. My problem is that after i store the private key in a key container, can another application access the key container and retrieve the private key i generated? If yes, the security of the key is compro...

How does this giant regex work?

I recently found the code below in one of my directories, in a file called doc.php. The file functions or links to a file manager. It's quite nicely done. Basically, it lists all the files in the current directory, and it lets you change directories. It had access to all my files (add, rename, info, delete...). I don't remember installi...

RSA encryption or ms access Database file in c#

i hav a pbm i wanna encrypt mdb file using RSA i did but ven i do decryption and open decrypted database file it asks me for a database password .why? my ms access has no password before encryption plz using C# language. 2008 vs and ms access 2006 ...

HMAC security - Is the security of the HMAC based on SHA-1 affected by the collisions attacks on SHA-1?

Is the security of the HMAC based on SHA-1 affected by the collisions attacks on SHA-1? ...

Attacking synchronized clock protocol (Kerberos)

If we assume that an attacker is able to control the clock of Alice, Bob, and the KDC (key distribution center) how could the attacker attack the Kerberos protocol? ...

Convert DSA asymmetric key in .NET XML format to PEM format

I have a DSA private key exported using the DSACryptoServiceProvider.ToXmlString, and I need to convert it to PEM format ("file.pem"), so I can open it in PHP using openssl_pkey_get_private function. How do I accomplish this? The solution can use DSACryptoServiceProvider.ExportCspBlob method if it's of any help, I just need to convert ...

How can Malroy impersonate Alice in the Wide Mouth Frog protocol?

How can Malroy impersonate Alice in the Wide Mouth Frog protocol? Notation: A: Alice B: Bob S: Trusted server Ta: Timestamp A Ts: Timestamp S Kab: Session key between A and B Kas: Session key between A and S Kbs: Session key between B and S Protocol: step 1: A->S:A,{Ta,Kab,B}Kas step 2: S->B:{Ts,Kab,A}Kbs ...

Why does the Kerberos protocol not feature perfect forward secrecy?

Why does the Kerberos protocol not feature perfect forward secrecy? ...

What for are the commonly used PKCS-Standards: PKCS#7, PKCS#10 and PKCS#12?

What for are the commonly used PKCS-Standards: PKCS#7, PKCS#10 and PKCS#12? ...

How to calculate the Modular Multiplicative inverse of a number in the context of RSA encryption?

How to calculate the Modular Multiplicative inverse of a number in the context of RSA encryption? ...

Encryption: How to turn an 8 character string into a 128-bit key, 256-bit key, etc?

I tried to research this, but there were still some questions left unanswered. I was looking into figuring out how an 8 character password gets turned into a high-bit encryption key. During my research I found articles that would talk about the salt value. Assume you could get all 256 characters to play with, then an 8-character passwor...

Is it possible to modify a file without changing its hash value.

I need to edit some cfg files for an application, but the thing is the application wont start if I do since it must match. I dont have the sources of the application. I guess if the hash doesnt match the hash of the exe, it exits. Could you bypass this somehow? ...

C# - CryptographicException "Bad Hash"

I'm receiving a CryptographicException "Bad Hash.\r\n" from the code below when I call CreateSignature. Any ideas as to what might be causing this? RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter RSAFormatter = new RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter(new RSACryptoServiceProvider()); RSAFormatter.SetHashAlgorithm("SHA256"); byte[] signedHash = RSAFormatter.Cre...