
IIS7 Response.WriteBuffer not working

We have an ASP.NET 1.1 application that uses Crystal Reports to spit out an excel spreadsheet. The codes works under IIS6 but when we try to migrate it to IIS7 it is spitting out html with no content instead of the Excel file. The MIME Type exists. Below is the code we are using. I did not write this code as I'm working primarily in ...

Max number of Columns in Crystal reports?

What is the maximum number of columns that can be displayed in crystal report? [Including all formats like landscape, A4....etc] ...

Show detail section under Footer Section

Hello Friends, I am using Crystal Reports. Is it possible in crystal that if i want to print details section under footer section. I have all the calculation at footer level and after that i want display all details records. Thanks ...

how do you set the default export name in the crystal report viewer

On an ASP.NET page, when a user is viewing a report from the Crystal Report Viewer(CRV) they have the ability to export the report (eg to PDF). The default filename for the export is the ID of the CRV. I would like to set the default name to be something that is based on the parameters of the report. (eg "Sales for 2008"). I know I c...

Crystal Reports - TestConnectivity returns true on dev machine but false on test machine

Hello, I have a SQLServer 2005 database on a client server. I have a VPN connection to their server. I am using the connection code from here When I run the winforms app from my local dev machine it works fine, reports display things are great. When I run the app from testing machine it fails. I have followed the trail and found out th...

Crystal Reports: Subreport on more than one page

Hi I have a Crystal reports, report set up and I want to insert a sub report as the first page. I thought I can do this buy placing a subreport in the PageHeader of my other report. It works well but it does not display the rest of my sub report pages; it only displays the first page. Can someone help me configure this? Thank you. ...

Horizontal page in Crystal Reports

Hello, How can I design my report to use it horizontally ? I really need more fields so vertically won't show everything. Thanks. edited: I need the page to be landscape instead of portrait. Sorry, my version is 8.0. ...

Print without Printer selection dialog

Hi, I want to print my crystal report directly, without printer selection popup. How can I do this ? myReportDocument.SetDataSource(saveDataSet); //Print crystalReportViewer1.ShowRefreshButton = false; crystalReportViewer1.ShowCloseButton = false; crystalReportViewer1.ShowGroupTreeButton = false; crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = myR...

Crystal Report Refresh

I am using crystal reports in my project(Frontend:Visual Basic and Backend:SQL).In my project i have to mail the crystal report(which is a Request for Quotation Report) to vendors which i attach as a .rpt file and send it through Microsoft Outlook.The problem is that once i send a saved .rpt file to a vendor say ABC,the .rpt file which i...

Crystal report vs2005 sp1 installation problem (failed to create backup folder)

I'm using the standard crystal report that comes with vs2005, today i'm doing a fresh install on a new computer and when i installed crystal report sp1 for vs2005 it popped up a weird error "failed to create backup folder -110" Tried googling it, but no luck. The closest thing is this not a valid update for my OEM version ? it insta...

Programmatically change crystal report formulas

I was wondering if it is possible to change formulas of a crystal report programmatically. I want to list all formulas of a report in my web app and give the user the possibility to modify them. Is that possible? ...

crystal report 9

new page break is not working when exporting from Crystal report 9 using visual studio I have set the below options in crystal report 9 design paper size is a3 and orientation is landscape. I have created 2 report groups (date and org unit) I want a page break after every new date and after every new org unit. I have alread...

Crsytal Reports: VS 2005 Deployment

Hi I am using the CR that was included with VS 2005. It works fine locally but when I deploy to my production machine I am getting the following error: Could not load file or assembly 'CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.CommLayer, Version=10.2.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304' or one of its dependencies. The syste...

printing Problem Through Crystalreport Viewer

hi, I'm trying to print a report or export it to pdf file. The CrystalReportViewer binding is ok, but, when I click the Print Button of the NAV, nothing happens, could you help me please? Thanks ...

Row and column headings on crystal reports.

Hi, I am using the crystal reports 2008 version. I need the column headers to stay on top while scrolling down the data. The column headers are present in the page header section. Is there a way to get this done? ... c# Crystal Printing Problem

**Hello Friends I am using Asp.Net C# & CrystalreportViewer. I developed report in crystal 8.5 and call through crystal report viewer. Everything running fine but when i click print button on top crystal bar it's pop up window which is say that export in pdf and then print from there. So when i click ok it's create pdf file and then i am...

Refresh Crystal Reports without "Parameter Values" dialog

I am running Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008. I would like to dynamically refresh my report based on a parameter. For instance, I'll have a customer contract and I want to switch between customers based on a VB.NET winform button click. I was expecting the code below to work, but I keep getting the "Enter Parameter Values...

multiple versions of Crystal Reports in web.config

Before we were not using Crystal Reports. In our project now we have added Crystal Reports to our project. When I transferred my project to the server it produced a Crystal error. I suspect that Crystal is not installed on the server. Then installed Crystal 11 on the server. The development machines have Crystal 8.5. The server produces ...

Crystal Reports Running Total Field Formula

WhileReadingRecords; numbervar ContadorVenda=0; IF {RELATORIO_ANGLO.tp_movimento} = "V" THEN ContadorVenda:=ContadorVenda+1; How do I make this formula to show the value of "ContadorVenda" on the report ? ...

Crystal Reports

my problem is that i have to mail crystal reports through outlook to different vendors. I've got the solution how to mail through outlook but the problem that i am facing now is that i have to attach the report and the report should be such that it shows details of a particular row from the database. i tried using .rpt file and attached ...