
SQL Server query to Crystal Reports

I am trying to move reports that currently run in SQL Server to Crystal Reports. Essentially the statement I want to reproduce is: SELECT DATEPART(DD,DATE), COUNT(*) WHERE FOO = 'BAR' GROUP BY DATEPART(DD,DATE) Count the occurrence of records that match a criteria, grouped by date. I have used the Selection Expert to generate a e...

Crystal Reports export is very slow

I'm trying to export a Crystal Report file(.rpt) to a PDF in a Visual Studio 2008 web application. My problem is that this very slow. It is taking about 24 seconds to export a 768 KB rpt to a PDF. Does any one know how I can make this work faster? Here's my code: Dim report As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument = N...

Best way to view Crystal Reports on the web

I am trying to view Crystal Reports(.rpt) on a Visual Studion 2008 VB.Net web page and am having some problems. I tried using the CrystalReportViewer control but this is very slow for me. Just to view a 768 KB rpt file in took over 20 seconds and another 15 seconds to load a page when I clicked the next page button. Am I doing somethi...

crystal reports : character "." in domain string errors

My goal is the discern whether the domain has a subdomain or not by counting the number of periods there are in the domain name. If it has 2 periods, there is obviously a subdomain. I have the following crystal reports formula written in crystal syntax local numbervar count :=0; Local numbervar strLen := length({?domain}); local strin...

How to send values to crystal report

I want to print the values on crystal report that user input on the webform. On my form i have few textboxes, radio button list and couple of gridviews. Im not sure how to send these values to crystal report? Im using 3.5 and .Net builtin crystal reports. ...

Problem in cyrstal report

When I try to view the Report this Error message appears, Crystal Report Viewer Failed to open a rowset. Details: ADO Error Code: 0x Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Description: Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation. SQL State: 01003 Native Error: OK Note:I connect Direct to sotr...

Use Crystal Report for Visual Studio 2010

Hi every one, I'm creating an application using visual studio 2010 and I want to create some reports. I already download & instal the Crystal Report for Visual Studio 2010 but i dont know how to use it. if someone has a tuto or some thing can help me. Thanks. ...

Change the SQL request of report

Hi I'm creating a report using the Crystal Report for Visual Studio 2010 but I dont know how to change the SQL request. Thanks. ...

Is it possible to create custom crystal reports online?

I'm developing an online .Net application and I want to give my client the ability to create their own custom reports templates. Does anyone know any open source to do this or any guide on how I can achieve this? ... Crystal Reports - Subreport over multiple pages

I have a Crystal Report that has a header and a subreport with the height locked at a exact amount so the subreport will display a maximum of 20 rows on the page. However, this limitation has restricted the use of the system, and the users now require an unlimited number of rows in the subreport. I wish to keep the same layout as the r...

Crystal Reports load .rpt

Using crystal reports in a dll to load a report, refresh it's data from the db, then save it as a pdf. CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportClass rpt = new CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportClass(); rpt.Load(rptPath); rpt.Refresh(); rpt.ExportToDisk(CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportForm...

Crystal report query by three parameter & view report

Last time I used two parameter to query & show report. It worked well. Right now I am trying to use same code with another extra parameter but its not working. I am confused. Let me show you my code. Code which worked well: Parameter fields : bdate and edate Crystal report formula : {Bal_sheet.bsdate} >= {?bdate} and {Bal_sheet.bsdate...

Extract text from a PDF and save it to a database - preserving spacing

I have a PDF document containing only text that needs to be saved into a varchar column in MSSQL. The first catch is that the spacing of the text in the PDF needs to be preserved as well, which can't be done simply by copy-pasting from the PDF into SSMS. Okay, so I need an application to read the PDF as text, while preserving spacing. B...

Is it possible to load a rpt to a subreport dinamically?

Hi, I would like to create a kind of master report, with 2 sections. The first will contains a subreport that will always be the same. The other section will contain a subreport that would be loaded with differents .rpt files, depending on some business rules. I tried to use something like: report.Subreport["subReportName"].Load("path...

Adding a terms and conditions page to a Crystal Reports report

In Visual Studio 2005 Crystal Reports we have a simple report to the back side of this report. I need to add our terms and conditions page. How to insert or add a second report? Or I need to mention our terms and conditions page on back side of main report. How can I add this functionality? ...

problem with sql query of a Crystal Report

Hi everyone. When I create a new command of a report that looks like that select e.x, a.x, a.y from Table1 t, table2 a where a.z = e.z and a.xx = form1.ComboBox1.Text it generates an error. Is there a way to do it? Thanks ...

Dynamic Grouping Crystal Reports 9

Good Day, I have a crystal report that has a report parameter that can be a value between 1 and 100. If the value is less than 50, I need to group by CustomerID. If the value is greater than 50, I need to group by OrderID. I've been searching the web on how to do this and I've come across several links that says this can be done via a...

Is collection of different List<T> objects possible/right way??

Existing application: Net application, crystal reports, datasets, setdatasource Need to modify existing to use custom objects with no change to existing report templates. Need to set different data tables of template with different collection objects like Employee to List collection, Contacts to List collection, etc Now I need to know...

Crystal Report Java SDK: How to set export option on columns to 'can grow' when exporting to Excel?

The title of the question pretty much tells it all. When using the java SDK provided by Crystal Reports to export a report as an Excel spread-sheet. Although the cells grow even now, only the first line is visible in the export XLS. In the Crystal Reports UI, this is achieved by setting the 'Grow' option from the Report Export options...

Change text of text objects based on formula result in Crystal report

I want to change text of text object in crystal report (.rpt file). The datasource for the report is a datatable which consists of a column named sale, if it is '0' then I want to display the text of text object as 'sale' and if it is '1' then I want to display the text of text object as 'lease'. Please help me to add formula and based u...