
HTML layout issue in IE6, please help

Hello I have an HTML document as follows <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style/styles.css" ...

Positioning background image fixed bottom center

http://www.bunzburgerz.com/ If you look at the background image I'm not able to get it to position to the bottom of the page. Despite having height: 100%, the body tag doesn't want to make it work. Any suggestions? ...

SO: what does this css selector mean

When I check the css of SO code, there is one line: .btn - delete { has '-' and spaces inside it, what does this mean? I don't see this kind of selector in http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/selector.html ...

good tool for indenting JavaScript files

Hi All, Can you suggest any tool to re indent minified JavaScript files and compressed CSS files? ...

CSS Float Problem

i have a problem with float divs. i try everything, i search everywhere but i cannot find (maybe i use wrong keywords to search, i dont know) here is the codes: <div class="mbody"> <div class="mheader"> header content </div> <div class="mmenu"> menu content </div> <div class="mcontent"> <div class="content-right"> <div class="r-c...

what is -moz in css

I have seen in some css files -moz , but i never used. can any one tell me what is that and why is it used? ...

Problem with scrolling in opera

Update: I left the following javascript code in to show how the problem developed over time, but it turns out now this is NOT relevant as javascript is not the issue. Please take a look at the html/css code below. For an overview page with a large menu, I implemented the following function (most of which I stole from here): function is...

Set the width of a `<fieldset>` to the width of the largest containing element

Is there any way to have the width of a <fieldset> be the width of the largest field inside it? ...

Display:table for IE7 ?

Hi I've a several columns in css, with float:left property to align them horizontally. But as it float in the left side, i can't center all the divs. So i found that if i wrap my columns with another div with display:table property, all works perfectly... but not in IE7 (idd, this property is not supported -.-). does anybody has a ha...

During onHover, how to make HTML dropdown elements adopt a new background color that is unique for each dropdown element?

Is it possible onHover to make HTML dropdown elements adopt a new background color that is unique for each dropdown element? Take the following example: <select> <option value="China"> <option value="Holland"> <option value="France"> </select> I know that you can alter styling according to an attribute's value using CSS3 attribute se...

How to align input and select form elements in one row

How can I align the input and select form elements in my test case, so that their horizontal borders are aligned and all text including labels is aligned to the baseline? I want to have a label and an input form element along with another label and a select form element in one row. Therefore I want to have horizontal borders of select a...

Change iframe scrollbar height without changing iframe height

Hi SO! Is there any way to make an iframe's vertical scrollbar shorter than the iframe itself? For instance have a 500px high iframe with a 450px high scrollbar (but the scrollbar would still fully pan the iframe's content). (with Javascript, jQuery, or CSS) Thanks in advance! ...

Why scrolling with moz-radial-gradient is so slow?

Hi, I attached this style attribute to body tag: style="background: -moz-radial-gradient(center center , circle , rgb(223, 224, 228), rgb(189, 193, 200)) no-repeat fixed 0% 0% #fff;" And scrolling the page became very hard - it was lagging and scrolling slowly. Is it supposed to be so? Edit: Not only scrolling, all other jquery effe...

Positioning problems with IE7 (CSS)

I have some problems with a menu on my website. In chrome, IE8, safari, FF etc it looks fine. The only problem I have is IE7. In IE7 the menu is not at the top of the site. I have a seperate css file for IE7, but can't find the problem. My site is http://www.e107webdesign.nl It's the video menu at the right side of the screen. It is...

Div width in cm (inch)

I need to put in my site div which is exactly 25cm width ( 10 inch) in every display. How I can do it ? ...

Firebug like autocomplete css editor

Does anyone know a css(or html) editor that autocompletes code as firebug do in css? I think its called autocomplete as you type. thanks edit: i found a project called zen-coding that create shortcuts for coding html and css. but im still faster with firebug ...

html <ul>: can I specify it is arranged by horizontal or vertical?

eg: <ul> <li>a</li> <li>b</li> </ul> By default it generates: ab But I want: a b How can I do that? ...

Scale Images within Slider for Mobile Devices

I am currently working on the mobile version of my website. I use the NivoSlider throughout the site and unfortunately it doesn't seem to scale for mobile devices. I have a mobile specific section of my stylesheet and have tried using "width: 50%" and "max-width: 480px." They seem to shrink the area of the slider, but not the actual imag...

resizable backgrounds

ok i need to make a whole background image so that it resizes with the window and keeps the same proportions i need to do this only using css does anybody know how i have looked but cannot find a working solution. i tried some suggestions on here too but does not seem to work for me either thankyou ...

How can be located image in the middle of his div, if image is variable and can be bigger then his div wrapper or smaller?

Hi, How can be image center horizontally inside smaller or bigger div, (image is variable and can be bigger then his div wrapper or smaller)? Exist Javascript solution, but i looking for css solution. The sample code that not working: (html should be not changed only css) <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//E...