I have a website page that uses tables for layout and I am trying to convert it to CSS (never used before)
The navigation is 6 forms with different images placed besides. I know I can give each of these an id and position using css but there must be a less clunky way?
I was wondering If I can create a class which specifies the lin...
My menu's at the right column are bigger than my newsarticles.
This is causing that the menu is overlapping my footer.
How do I get my footer pushed down in the same proportion as my right column?
Any help would be appreciated
website: http://www.e107webdesign.nl
Hi to everybody :)
Im starting making an application with GWT. Now, i use the AbsolutePanel widget to describe a "div". After this, i create a label (should be a span?), i add to this panel and i apply a css class to the div.
this is the code :
public void onModuleLoad() {
AbsolutePanel contenitore = new AbsolutePanel();
I would like to remove all CSS background images for a given element and all of its children with Javascript. This question is sort-of a spin off on another question I asked. The end goal is the same, to skin jQuery UI widgets.
I am currently using jquery/jquery-ui if any of would use these to solve the problem.
Any ideas?
Somehow my news is pushed down in Internet Explorer 7 (on all other browsers its ok).
I want to get rid of the gap between the menu's and the news, so the news will fit to the menu area's.
Any idea where I can find the missing link?
Website is: http://www.e107webdesign.nl
Help would be appreciated.
I've got a bit of a problem with my asp.net mvc site in IE7. My web designer has included the following css to get a nice display in IE7:
.container { background: #f2f2f2; border: 2px solid #ddd; padding: 12px; behavior: url(/devsite/Content/PIE.htc);
-moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; bo...
I recently lunched a web site that uses CSS Sprites. It works fine in Firefox 2.0+, Internet Explorer 6+, Safari 3+, Opera 9+ and Chrome 1+, but it looks bad in iPad/iPod/iPhone.
here is a web site http://show.oboz.ua/. It has one sprite image http://show.oboz.ua/css/sprite.png
On IPod it looks far from perfect.
I have a middle size of website that share a common header/footer and almost each page would have its own specific file for layout. I have put the common header/footer in a sperated html file, but I do not know where to put the css file because the link element in footer.html <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="footer.css" /> ...
Hi need some help in implementing custom controls for Bing Ajax maps, Can I simply overwrite current styles is this the best method or do I need to go deeper into the javascript and api?
any links to good resources would be appreciated
hi there,
I have a iframe that loads into out page that causes a display issue. We've tried CSS changes although it still causes a problem. Is there anyway to hide an iframe using jquery that is loaded externally.
we've tried the document ready but it looks like the external js file that it uses also has the document ready method so...
As JavaScript in blocks HTML rendering, and it's good practice to keep JavaScript at bottom, just before closing body tag , is it not the case with CSS also?
I know we can't keep external CSS outside .
I'm using the AnythingSlider tool and am having some trouble with the css and js on this. Basically, the slider has a number of navigation tabs that help jump from slide to slide. I want to change this so that when a coldfusion conditional runs, certain tabs will either remain in a default state or become inactive (change color of tab ...
Hi Folks, I am looking for some info on CSS style used for many websites these days. Its a style where whole screen is occupied by one background and the websites content is posted on top of it under smaller dimensions.
Something like this website: http://www.obiweb.com.au/
How do we achieve something like this?
I would like to understand how can I use jQuery to work with asp.net and css.
When I'm writing asp.net code and for example I'm adding to a page DropDownList, I can't see it in the source when I'm opening source of a page in web browser. Instead of dropdownlist I can see select tag. When does the "magic" is done to change asp.net ta...
Okay so I have have a basic HTML page with a number of images:
img { display: inline; float: left; height: 150px; }
All works fine unless the browser width is resized to near the edge of the furthest right image, at which point it the last image jumps down a few pixels, see below images:
Firefox 3, tried ...
I'm trying to create a fluid layout with http://www.tinyfluidgrid.com/
I want to create a 2 columns layout (grid_12) inside the body (grid_16) but the left bar (grid_4) and the right bar doesn't wrap the whole body so what should I do:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
I'm working on a template with a designer and we see different things. In my browser on mac the input field are next to the labels but for the designer in his browser the input fields are under the labels.
I use eric meyer's css reset so everything should be correct. Here's a screenshot to illustrate what I mean (left is what it should ...
What steps should I follow to be able to minify CSS from the command line (Windows or Solaris)?
I'm using Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 to revamp a site.
I am using Dreamweaver's built-in Spry Collapsible Panel widget to shorten the length of a bio page by having additional paragraphs about board members extend out when 'more' is clicked, and close when it is clicked again.
Here's the resulting html when you insert an instance of a Colla...
I need to make a layout that looks like this:
[250px - fixed div] [fluid div, must expand depending on the width of the body and the 2 divs next/before it] [250px - fixed div]
is this possible?
the container of all 3 divs is also fluid (100% width).
all these divs contain background images (left + right + repeating center image...