
Background color stretches accross entire width of ul

Hi, I have a simple list I am using for a horizontal menu: <ul> <h1>Menu</h1> <li><a href="/" class="selected">Home</a></li> <li><a href="/Home">Forum</a></li> </ul> When I add a background color to the selected class, only the text gets the color, I want it to stretch the entire distance of the section. Hope this makes s...

Change Style/Look of Asp:CheckBox using CSS

I want to change the standard "3D" look of the standard asp.net checkbox to say solid 1px. If I try to apply the styling to the Border for example it does just that - draws the standard checkbox with a border around it - which is valid I guess. Anyway, is there a way to change how the actual textbox is styled? ...

Using Divs to display table-like data

I want to display data like the following: Title Subject Summary Date So my html looks like: div class="title" /div div class="subject" /div .... etc. The problem is, all the text doesn't appear on a single line. I tried adding display="block" but that doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong here? Update Please ...

Centered background image is off by 1px

My web page sits in a DIV that is 960px wide, I center this DIV in the middle of the page by using the code: html,body{background: url(images/INF_pageBg.gif) center top repeat-y #777777;text-align:center;} #container{background-color:#ffffff;width:960px;text-align:left;margin:0 auto 0 auto;} I need the background image of the html...

What's the relationship between margin, padding and width in different browsers?

CSS width value = display width of inside? or CSS width value = display width of inside + CSS margin-left + CSS margin-right? ...

Which CSS tag creates a box like this with title?

I want to create a box like this with title: Can any one please let me know if there is a default CSS tag to do this? Or do I need to create my custom style? ...

How do I add a "last" class on the last <li> within a Views-generated list?

Title says it all. ...

Are there any utilites that will help me refactor CSS

I am working with some CSS that is poorly written to say the least. I am not a design/CSS expert, but I at least understand the C in CSS. While the built in CSS support inside of VS-2008 is far improved over previous versions, it still doesn't quite do what I am looking for. I was wondering if anyone knew of a good program or utility th...

How to set the background-position to an absolute distance, starting from right?

I want to set a background image for a div, in a way that it is in the upper RIGHT of the div, but with a fixed 10px distance from top and right. Here is how I would do that if wanted it in the upper LEFT of the div: background: url(images/img06.gif) no-repeat 10px 10px; Is there anyway to achieve the same result, but showing the back...

How to center DIV in DIV?

I'd like to ask you if anyone know how to horizontally center DIV in DIV with CSS ( if it's possible at all ). Outer DIV has 100%: <div id="outer" style="width:100%"> <div id="inner">Foo foo</div> </div> I've been searching for the solution for some time but I haven't found it anywhere yet... ...

Sharepoint, master pages and CSS

I am trying to develop everything in sharepoint as features so I can easily deploy to test and live sites without having to do any manual steps. I can deploy my master page okay, and though currently i have to switch it on by hand I am confident I can automate that in the future. What I am having difficulty is getting a CSS file to mat...

How do you handle browser specific .js and .css

This is not a new topic, but I am curious how everyone is handling either .js or .css that is browser specific. Do you have .js functions that have if/else conditions in them or do you have separate files for each browser? Is this really an issue these days with the current versions of each of the popular browsers? ...

What browser is best for testing web standards?

When I build a site, I'd like to have at least one browser I can show it off in without any hacks or workarounds, and yet still retain maximum functionality. Knowing that none of the browsers have perfect standards adherence, which one comes closest? Also, are there any standards areas in which a single browser seems to specialize? Oper...

Best css reset

I'm looking for a css reset kit, but I never used one before. So which kits its out there, and whats your experiences regarding these kits? And, is its any different between these kits, something you need to think about? Related: Is it ok to use a css reset stylesheet? ...

IIS CSS Caching

When we are developing new sites or testing changes in new ones that involve css after the new code is committed and someone goes to check the changes they always see a cached version of the old css. This is causing a lot of problems in testing because people never are sure if they have the latest css on screen (I know shift and clicking...

Hyperlinking an image using CSS

I know this is probably the dumbest question ever, however I am a total beginner when it comes to CSS; how do you hyperlink an image on a webpage using an image which is sourced from CSS? I am trying to set the title image on my website linkable to the frontpage. Thanks! Edit: Just to make it clear, I'm sourcing my image from CSS, the C...

Which browsers support page break manipulation using CSS and the page-break-inside element?

I'm trying to use the page-break-inside CSS directive, the class of which is to be attached to a div tag or a table tag (I think this may only work on block elements, in which case it would have to be the table). I've tried all the tutorials that supposedly describe exactly how to do this, but nothing works. Is this an issue of browser ...

Trying to resize a jQuery dialog in IE6?

I thought I had seen a bug report about this on the jQuery site, but now I cannot find it. I'm trying to resize a dialog in IE6. But when the element is resized, the content and title bar don't resize down. They will resize up if the dialog is made larger, however. The result is that the close button ends up being cut off and the content...

CSS to make a table column take up as much room as possible, and other cols as little

I need to layout a html datatable with CSS. The actual content of the table can differ, but there is always one main column and 2 or more other columns. I'd like to make the main column take up as MUCH width as possible, regardless of its contents, while the other columns take up as little width as possible. I can't specify exact width...

How can I apply my CSS stylesheet to an RSS feed.

On my blog I use some CSS classes which are defined in my stylesheet, but in RSS readers those styles don't show up. I had been searching for class="whatever" and replacing with style="something: something;". But this means whenever I modify my CSS I need to modify my RSS-generating code too, and it doesn't work for a tag which belongs...