Anyhow, I have a problem. A tiny problem I suppose, but one that's bugging me. I updated the CSS for my anchors on my blog, so that they were underlined with a border. Problem now is all my images that were linked are underlined, and it looks wrong.
So I assume the only way to fix this is to apply a CSS class to all the images inside an...
How could I select IE7 with pure (valid) CSS?
I'd like to know all css settings in page using jquery. I know to get some css's setting, we do like this,
As this, I tried to use $('*') to get all css settings but couldn't success.
Please give me some advice.
Is there any way to apply a specific CSS class to all cells in a given column in a JQGrid?
Unfortunately I have to support IE7 (and preferably IE6)
In IE8, Safari, Firefox, Chrome, I get a perfectly good layout ujsing an outer div to enlose two boxes.
| |
| -------------- ----------- |
| | | | | |
| | A | | B ...
My question is straight: why there is "inherit" value for (almost) all the properties in HTML-CSS .. even-though all browsers support inheritance for all (as per my observation, yes, all) the properties .. When I asked google about it .. I could come up with a statement saying
"Even though certain characteristics
are inherited aut...
#select-arial { font-family: Arial; }
#select-verdana { font-family: Verdana; }
#select-geneva { font-family: Geneva; }
#select-sans-serif { font-family: Sans-Serif; }
#select-courier { font-family: Courier; }
#select-monospace { font-family: Monospace; }
#select-georgia { font-family: Georgia; }
<select name="font_select">
Hi, in CSS when you set something's width or height to 100% it really only sets it to 100% of the browser window. Is there any way to make it 100% of the whole page?
Let me rephrase: I want this element (a dic) to take up the ENTIRE page, no matter how much you scroll. Having parent elements with 100% size and 100% width doesn't work be...
I always see code like this:
#container {
background:#000000 none repeat scroll 0 0;
I thought position relative is used to accommodate the div relatively to its parent element using the CSS proprieties left right top and bottom (px). What's t...
Some websites use a DIV with relative position and then they apply absolute position to the child element in order to place the element in the desired position (e.g. left 0 or right 0). Others use floats, for instance float: left or float right. Which one is better? or in what kind situations they are better?
Since I use fixed layouts,...
I have a div (#main) that has been centred to the middle of the body element. body has a horizontally repeating background image and colour, aligned to the top-left of the element. #main has a fixed width, flexible height, and its own background image and colour.
What I'm trying to accomplish, as illustrated below, is to have the backgr...
My css is this:
This places the background image of the bottom of the div, and the content is centered.
But I cant figure out how to place the c...
The problem is that the dimensions of the div box and its location will be changing dinamically via JavaScript, and the box itself must be 100% transparent. Look at the picture to figure out what I mean. As far as I know, there is nothing that can be done via pure CSS, am I right? Maybe you know some tricks that could help me out (except...
Here is the code I am using:
.customBulletList {
list-style-image: url(images/bullet.png);
The weird thing is that it shows up in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera. Is this CSS property not supported in IE or something?
Thanks in advance.
Hi all,
I'm using this script
to create custom css select boxes in my page. Javascript code that is used to apply the css styles on selectboxes, uses their id as a parameter:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#cont').selectbox({debug: true});
I have a website (using PHP). The main background is of green color and content area is of white. While switching to one page to another (as it takes a few milliseconds) the background color gives a flash before the white takes it over. I think its because of the way the dom element being drawn/created. I tried using ob_start(); and ob_f...
Hi all
I am working on and I am experiencing a problem. If you compare the spacing between the leftmost column and the center column to the spacing between the center and the rightmost column, you'll see that they are different by at least 10 pixels.
The spacing has been done by using a table layout with a 10px wide ...
.mac{margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;}
.table{.mac; color:red;}
I want to be able to do that, it doesn't make sense to me why I would need to do:
.table{margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; color:red;}
I know for the table I could do:
<table class="table mac">
or just type the .table{margin-left:auto; margin-right; color;} l...
I am trying to change the font color on disabled radcombobox control. Any idea what I may be doing wrong in the code below for the font color not to work?
.RadComboBox_Web20 .rcbDisabled .rcbInputCell input,
.RadComboBox_Web20 .rcbDisabled .rcbInputCell .rcbItem,
.RadComboBox_Web20 .rcbDisabled .rcbInputCell .rcbInput,
I tried called css import but cannot evaluate xslt variable , is there any other way of doing this
<xsl:template match="/" priority="1">
<xsl:variable name="RecipeId" select="page/abc/a'" />
<xsl:variable name="CampaignId" select="page/abc/a" />
@import "lander_umetrix_264.css?ucid={$CampaignId}&urid={$RecipeId}";