
What is the best strategies to make css layout with any number of columns?

I want to good method to make css layout with any number of columns. I need less use of div and css with semantic coding. I need code for Fixed width, centered site and footer always should be at bottom. I need compatibility with all mainstream browsers including IE 6 and 8. and it's possible to make without the use of CSS Hacks and IE ...

CSS for docking/sliding panel on a web page

Hi, I would like to display any validation error messages on a web form similar to compilation error messages in visual studio that slides up from the bottom when there are errors. the error message panel should overlay on top of the form without taking extra space and can be closed if required. how to achieve this with the help of CSS...

Text style affecting the whole site

I've got an input so the user can type either html or plain text. When the user copy & paste text from MS Word, for example, it generates a weird html. Then, when you view that topic, you can see the whole page's style is affected. I don't really know if the generated html has unclosed tags or something, but it looks like it does and thu...

overflow: hidden on the left side too?

could one use overflow:hidden for both sides? cause i want the row to be centered. EDIT: ive got a row of link elements. i want it to be like: http://jqueryfordesigners.com/coda-popup-bubbles/ the row will stick out both to the left and right. not just on the right side. with other words: i want to center a very long row within a div ...

Question about jQuery Selectors

Hi, i want to select all h1 tags except myclass with jQuery. For example i want select < h1> but i don't want to select < h1 class="myclass"> Thanks ...

IE6 is rendering a period.. totally randomly. This period does not show in any other browsers. HELP!

I just previewed my page in IE6 and for some reason it is rendering a period for absolutely not reason. I looked in my html to make sure I didnt add an extra period on accident or something and was unable to find ANYthing. http://cypresslakesfla.com/models-new.php Take a look, make sure you have IE6 tester and you will see. Anyone se...

Embedding fonts into Adobe AIR application

Hello, everyone! Here's another issue with HTML-based Adobe Air application I am developing at the moment. The question is whether I can embed custom font into my application. If it is possible, then, how do I do this? I have my custom font file in app:/fonts directory, Firefox displays text correctly using this font when I'm viewing...

Textbox with drop down list behaviour using CSS/JavaScript

I'm trying to create a uniform style for a small web form. The problem is that the dropdown list seems to be pretty impossible to style as needed - the browser scroll options etc coming from the OS seemingly. The solution I can see is to manipulate a combobox implementation so that I can use a text box, with the selections managed thr...

CSS -- Creating sub classes

I have a default style for my input boxes. I would like to add an additional style to the box when I specify a class of "req". It's not working. Here's my code. CSS: input{background-color: #000; color: #FFF; border: 1px solid #515151; width: 230px;} input req {background-color: Purple;} HTML: <input id="FirstName" type="text" cl...

css width to fill parent

I am sure this problem has been asked before but I cannot seem to find the answer. I have the following markup: <div id="foo"> <div id="bar"> here be dragons </div> </div> My desire is to make foo's width = 600px (width: 600px;) and to make bar have the following behaviors: padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; mar...

Css positioning problems.

I'm trying to make this jquery drop down bar be on top at all time. I'm running into trouble on a specific page that is using jquery innerfade here: http://ithacacigars.com/cigars.php For some reason is slips behind the images. <?php include('perch/runtime.php'); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3...

Strange scrolling behavior in IE with checkboxes in a scrollable div

I have a "multiselect" control that looks like this (sorry for the long id names, they are kinda autogenerated because this whole thing is being generated by a custom tag): <div class="default-skin-outer" id="myMapSelect_multiSelectOuterDiv"> <div class="default-control" id="myMapSelect_multiSelectControlDiv"> <span class="d...

Mechanize not recognizing anchor tags via CSS selector methods

(Hope this isn't a breach of etiquette: I posted this on RailsForum, but I haven't been getting much response from there recently.) Has anyone else had problems with Mechanize not recognizing anchor tags via CSS selectors? The HTML looks like this (snippet with white space removed for clarity): <td class='calendarCell' align='left'> <...

Any nice looking or "WOW" effect looking for HTML select

Previously, I am using <select size="8"> <option>Item 1</option> <option>Item 2</option> <option>Item 3</option> <option>Item 4</option> <option>Item 5</option> <option>Item 6</option> <option>Item 7</option> <option>Item 8</option> <option>Item 9</option> </select> provide a JList box liked place, to hold a collections of item, to l...

How can I show different content when JavaScript is disabled?

Hello, I need to show COMPLETELY different content when JavaScript is disabled. I know I can use <noscript> tag... but how can I hide the rest of the page when JavaScript is disabled? Thanks. ...

CSS Selector picker/finder?

Anyone know of a tool/Firefox Plugin that would allow me to click on a DOM object in a page and give me the CSS inheritances that Is needed to style that element? So if there are a bunch of nested elements ol li ol li etc... what should my CSS look like to style said element? ...

image not appearing in IE7 OR IE8

I have an image that is using absolute positioning on my site. It is positioned to appear over a css-background-image. It works fine in gecko based browsers and webkit. I was surprised to see the same problem in BOTH versions of IE including 8. I am currently using a png for the image but tried it with a jpg and that made no difference. ...

Readable Font that is Web Safe

In a web app I work with from time to time the issue of text readability has come up. The reason is that it involves passwords which will be read off of the web page or written down. One of my co-workers pointed out the Crystal font as one that is designed to be unambiguous ("l" and "1" aren't confused, "0" and "O", etc), but I'm prett...

Is it useful to #container, #Wrapper in every CSS layout?

Is it useful to add whole code in #container, #Wrapper in every CSS layout? Can't we make layout without this extra div ? What are pros and cons to use this extra div? Is it good practice ? Is it useful for any type of design/layout? Is it semantically correct? ...

What is the benefit add position:relative to every layout element?

in many website's source code i saw position:relative is added to every div which makes layout and no #wrapper div being used? Is it good practice to add position:relative to every layout div? Is it related to IE 6 only? this is css .header { position: relative; float: left; left: 143px; width: 977px; height: 150px; background-color:...