
How to get started with Blueprint [CSS Framework]?

Is it worth adapting to a css framework or just use the css we all know? How to get started with Blueprint [CSS Framework]? Any other css frameworks which is really worth a try? ...

CSS parser/abstracter? How to convert stylesheet into object

Is there a standard or reliable method already out there for a javascript framework such as jquery to parse a stylesheet into an object? Two reasons for why I'm wondering: I have seen a couple of questions where someone wanted to know how to get the style attribute that was set by the stylesheet for a selector, not what the selector e...

Animating elements of text-shadow with jQuery

I was wondering if there was any way to, using jQuery, animate properties of text-shadow like size or colour. It's annoying that there aren't individual properties like text-shadow-color instead of the statement only being available in combined form. ...

What are most useful media="print" specfic ,cross browser compatible css properties?

What are the most useful media="print"-specific, cross-browser-compatible CSS properties? I think we have these 5 properties for print specific. page-break-before page-break-after page-break-inside widows orphans Pls explain when and where to use these? Which are cross browser compatible? and what are other common CSS properties ca...

wonderful world of crossbrowser css

I'm just beginning to learn about the differences between how css (and html) is rendered in internet explorer vs. firefox. Firefox Displays...............................IE Displays my html code <div id="navmenu"> <ul id="menu"> <li><a href="welcome.html" target="content">Home</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.google.com"...

How to create a full brower background image slider with Jquery and CSS?

I was wondering if there's a way to combine this cool full browser background image script with a slider, to create a slideshow that would slide the background while preserving aspect ratio. The full browser background can be achieved with this code and there are some slideshows that can fade the background. Is there a way to take it to ...

What would be the best method to code heading/title for <ul> or <ol>, Like we have <caption> in <table>?

What would be the best method to code heading/title of <ul> or <ol>? Like we have <caption> in <table>. and we don't want to make them bold Example image: This is ok <p> heading </p> <ul> <li>list item </li> <li>list item </li> <li>list item </li> </ul> or always headings should be used? <h/3/4/5/6> heading </h/3/4/5/6> <ul> <l...

What is the biggest cons to use position: absolute & top/left over Float & margin+padding, If site is fixed width (970px), centered?

What is the biggest disadvantage to use CSS positioning(From Dreamweaver AP Div) for everything instead Float for fixed width, centered website? if I don't care for Mobile users Small screen users (smaller than 1024 px screen size) But I care for Screen reader user All browser user (including IE6) ...

simple unbloated method for applying a div as a mouseover fadein 100% width caption

The title pretty much says it all. There are tons of scripts out there that do so, but most of them are so bloated and end up messing up script, and just use info from alt tags. My script goes as follows: <ul> <li style="display:block"> <img src="images/portfolio/talktostrangers/1.jpg" /> <div class="capt...

Internet Explorer image offset

I'm trying to make a fairly simple image slideshow to replace a flash based one. I've got it working consistently in most modern browsers, the code validates (at least it used to. After battling IE, I'm not sure) but of course it doesn't work correctly in IE 6 and 7. I haven't checked 8 yet, but I'm not exactly holding my breath. You ca...

CSS - Help me style this menu without using margins?

Hi, I'm creating a site where I've encountered a huge IE lag when hovering over the menus. I'm using Cufon in combination and it seems like it's causing a huge lag when I apply height, width, margins or paddings to the li:hover element. So, I need to figure out a smart way of doing this otherwise. The site is here, http://w3box.com/m...

Wrapping a text using php, based on language

Hi! My problem is that I have quite a small area (div or span), in which one to about five words are displayed. However, the area is too small for some words (for instance "muziekgeschiedenis" will surpass the area's bounds). Is there a way in PHP to wrap this word, but not solely based on number of characters? I can use wordwrap(), or ...

How to avoid a backgroung to repeat itself - but to expand and occupy all the bkgrd?

Hello, I would like to use an image as background. Unfortunately, when I set the Background-image property to url(myUrl), I get the image which repeats itself in the background in several row and column. I guess it's because the image its naturally small. So, how to get the image to expends enough so that it does not repeat itself, but...

IE6 float and height

Hi i have 2 divs that floats and IE6 fails on height (its not set from css). If i have letters as g,p,j its cut off the end of these letters. Here is the code <div class="left"> <!-- this div float left --> <span style="color:#666;">Legend : </span> <!-- Here the letter g is cut --> <a title="" class="button" href="#">Cho...

CSS - Is it possible to split up a <li> element?

Hi, I'm just wondering, is it possible to split up a 'li' element? I want to try to create a menu where the :hover effect is made up of three divs. Or, I'm not sure if I need three divs. All I want is for the general :hover effect to have a certain color. Then I want a small image of an arrow like shape in the centre of each 'li'. Thus...

Best Practices & Considerations when writing HTML Emails

I've been developing websites for over a decade now, but quickly found that many of my habits in developing for the web are useless when developing for email clients. This has caused me an enormous amount of frustration, so I thought I would ask a question that would hopefully surface the best practices and necessary considerations for o...

CSS W3C compliance for jquery

Hi, Just recently I studied about HTML W3C compliance and started understanding its benefits. But when it comes to CSS W3C compliance, is it really possible for a web 2.0 website (like: boxee.tv, corp.ign.com, guifx.com/store, guifx.com/_product_61775/Deana# ) ? I found that jquery ui's CSS did not pass the validation (link) because of ...

IE remove colors for web page when printing.

HI, I have a website with background colours which are important at the time of printing, but IE removes all colours from page. I know there is some settings to disable this on IE, but I can not rely on users to get into IE settings to disable this option from IE. Is there any way to disable this from my web page, or some way arround? ...

Question about including html page in PHP

Hi, If I include an HTML page on a PHP page (say, index.php) with the following: <?php include ("../../forms/login/form.html"); ?> Then will form.php show up correctly in index.php? When I say correctly, I mean with all of its images and CSS. The reason I am asking is because that's not the case with me. I tried it out, and it will...

center an element?

if i've got a line of links like: <a>foobar</a><a>foobar</a><a>foobar</a><a id="center">foobar</a><a>foobar</a> but one of them got an id="center", could i with javascript or css position it in the center? ...