
Html Canvas Resizing And Coordinate Space

Note: I'm using Google Chrome Currently I have this test page http://www.evecakes.com/doodles/canvas_size_issue.htm It should draw a rectangle right below the mouse cursor, but there are some really weird scaling issues which is causing it to draw at a varying offset. I think it's because the canvas coordinate space is not increasing ...

What is best method to link PDF(with icon)?

What is preferred method to link PDF(with icon) on a page in terms of semantic, accessibility, usability and SEO? for example this is a name of PDF "01ccc5.pdf" but inside PDF this is the title of PDF "How to search in long PDF" Should i use PDF subject as a file name like "How-to-search-in-long-PDF? and I want to show link of PDF as ...

JQuery selected tab problem?

I'm fairly new to JQuery and for some reason I can't get the currently selected tab to highlight correctly it should be a different color when selected. Can some one help me fix this problem? Here is the JQuery. $(document).ready(function() { //When page loads... $(".form-content").hide(); //Hide all content $("#menu ul li...

CSS selector for innermost TABLEs?

Is there any way to select only innermost tables? That is ones that do not contain any more tables inside them? I know I can filter by element.getElementsByTagName("table").length == 0, I'm just wondering if there's a more elegant solution. ...

Why doenst it apply my IE stylesheet?

If you take a look at: http://www.nrgi-raadgivning.dk/erhverv You can see in the code, that if you are coming from an IE, it should apply a stylesheet... The IE stylesheet is supposed to set the margin:0 at the dropdown menu ul, but i doesnt? Any ideas to whats wrong? ...

JQuery collapsible tabs problem?

I'm fairly new to JQuery and for some reason when I add another id selector like id="a" to my <div id="tab-1" class="form-content"> my collapsible tabs wont work how can I fix this problem so I can have multiple id selectors and my collapsible tabs will work also? Here is the JQuery. $(document).ready(function() { //When page load...

Do all CSS background properties and their values works in IE6?

Does all CSS background properties and their values works in IE6? * background-attachment * background-position ...

Quick way to pretty up a totally unstyled asp.net application

I have an asp.net app consisting of about 15 aspx pages and 30 or so user controls. For the most part it is just a basic CRUD layer on top of a database, so it consists mainly of edit forms and datagrids. All of my edit forms are laid out in fieldsets, and I am using plain asp:GridViews for my tables (they render to an html table). ...

How to create readonly textbox like structure using html(div/span) and css ?

I have web page on which i have read only text box in which i show html code. <input type="text" readonly="true" value="<table>...</table>"/> Now on the same page there is submit button because of which page post back takes place and XSS validation is triggered. Now i don't want to turn off XSS. I also tried disabled = "disabled" bu...

Wordpress - Harvard Gazette - How did they do X ?

Hi all, I just came a cross matt's post on the new Harvard Gazette wordpress based magazine. This theme is doing some very cool things I would like to know how to do too. So if any one knows of tutorials/plugins on how to do them, please share. Here are some of the things: 1) Amazing calendar. 2) A very strong multimedia section. ...

In IE8, why is it that when I point a link to Twitter.com, it pops up a "download open/save as..." dialog?

<a href="http://twitter.com/theusername"&gt;Click&lt;/a&gt; For some reason, it pops up the download instead of going to the page. Edit: When I close IE8 and open it again, it works again. Then, the 2nd time, it won't work. I have to close and open IE8 each time for it to work. ...

what is the difference px,em and ex?

what is the difference px,em and ex? Amd when you define font-size in css, do i use px,pt or em? ...

Weird top padding on horizontal list items

I have a horizontal list on which I have placed borders on the li tags in order to separate them. Its all working well but I have some mysterious padding on the top of the li which is making the borders taller than the text: http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/3706/picture13y.png I have played around with the padding and margins but I c...

Aligning text inside a div

In the below code var panel=<div name="panel" id="panel" style="display:inline;position: absolute; margin-left: auto;margin-right:auto;left: 0;right: 0;width:350px;height: 100px;filter:alpha(opacity=50);">testfield1</div>' ; panel = panel + '&nbsp&nbsp<div id ="name" style="display:inline;position: absolute; margin-left: auto;margin-...

100% div height. I am confused!!

Hi, I have been working on a dynamic page http://www.euroworker.no/order and I want my lovely rounded corners box (border-radius, not images) to fit over the generated products and ordrekommentar boxes.. This is dynamic so I have set the html, and parent element of this div to height:100%;, but it just extends to the bottom of the page.....

display:inline-block and text-indent

I am experiencing a problem with the following code in some versions of Internet Explorer: #iconautente{ background-image:url('/style/images/spritecommon.png'); /*icona_utente.png*/ background-position:-117px -15px; text-indent:-9000px; width:20px; height:23px; display:inline-block; } <a id="iconautente" href="/admin/index.php">admin<...

JQuery MouseOut Event Problem

Hello, I am trying to create a menu panel in jquery, all is complete except for one problem. When I hover over a link, it shows a black panel, i want to be able to hide that panel only when mouse is out of that black panel area. Currently it fades out even if i am inside that black box. Here is the script you can see the preview of by ...

Large data table overflows fixed width container - can I make the container expand?

I am working on a web page that used a fixed width layout, centered in the browser. The width of the centered container is set in pixels. On a couple of pages, there is a large data table inside the content container. In Firefox the table overflows the fixed width container. IE is more complex and will expand the container around the ta...

Is there any jquery version of IE7.js available?

I need jquery version of IE7.js or any other similar jquery based js for same thing? http://code.google.com/p/ie7-js/ ...

problem with setting div height to 100%

hi i have template with one wrap div which contains two important divs , sidebar and main . i decide to set main div height to 100% so always covers the whole page height. i set body height to 100%. main height to 100%. and wrap height 100%. but now wrap is always shorter than main div or should i say child divs getting out of wrap div....