
rollover buttons will not show on same line

I know this is a simple fix, but I can't think of what to do. I'm trying to get the rollover images to show next to each other but it is not. I know I'm just missing 1 or 2 lines in the css somewhere. (example: http://omarjason.com/161/mock1.html) ...

How to specify a style not to be overriden by styles specified in JS

Hi guys: I got some elements whose style is dynamically modified by a JS. However, I hope one of which would not be modified. How could I specify its style, which is static, not to be overriden anyway. Thanks. ...

How to display text outside of the box of <div></div>

<div class="signup"> <div>Tenxian アカウントに必要な情報</div><br/> </div> <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/> <div align="center">@2009 Tenxian &nbsp;&nbsp;利用規約 </div><br/> <div align="center"><a href="/en/bidding/index.php">Tenxian·English</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="/cn/bid/index.php">腾闲·中国</a></...

How to avoid a:hover to act on img in CSS?

Suppose I have the following selector: a { padding: 1em; } a:hover { backgrond-color: #FF0000; } And suppose I have the following HTML code: <a href="http://stackoverflow.com"&gt;&lt;img src="so.jpg"></a> What happens is that <img> gets red-background color on mouse hover. Any ideas how to fix it? Thanks, Boda Cydo! ...

jQuery: How can I animate to a taller height with the height being added to the top of the element?

Hi, I have a simple problem but I am not sure how to solve it. Basically I have some hidden content that, once expanded, requires a height of 99px. While collapsed the element holding it section#newsletter is set to be 65px in height. LIVE EXAMPLE: http://dev.supply.net.nz/asap-finance-static/ On the click of a#signup_form the section...

[IE] Remove the complete styling of an HTML button/submit

Is there a way of completely removing the styling of a button in Internet Explorer? I use a css sprite for my button, and everything looks ok. But when I click the button, it moves to the top a little, it makes it look out of shape. Is there a css click state, or mousedown? I don't know what triggers that state. I know it's not a real...

Website without css

Hai, Is it possible to create a website without css? thanks ...

CSS Semi-fixed Element?

I remember seeing an example of this recently, but for the life of me I can't find the site. It was a button or something similar that sat in its place near the top of the screen, then when you scroll down it stays on screen. Now that I think about it, it must have been javascript-powered, but it looked really natural. Does anyone kno...

ASP.NET - Take a screen capture of a particular area of the screen?

Is it possible to take a screen capture of a particular area of a web-page from the web-page's own ASP.NET code? I need to display 6 images that are stacked on top of one another using CSS, and I'd like to offer the user the ability to right-click save-as if possible by stacking the screen capture on top top of the original image stack....

How to change checkbox's border style in CSS?

How can I change checkbox (input) border's style? I've put border:1px solid #1e5180 upon it, but in FireFox 3.5, nothing happens! ...

How to Create Multilevel jquery accordion menu using jQuery?

I want to create multilevel accordion Navigation using jQuery , I tried using this script but it not allow the multi-level. Please view the Image what exactly I am looking for, http://www.i-marco.nl/weblog/jquery-accordion-menu/# Thanks ...

override ugly two tone border style on input.

I've done this before with inputs, why on earth does this not work? http://euroworker.no/user/checkout input.text, select, file, form.other { width: 15em; font-size: 16px; padding: 2px; border-width:1px; border-color:#dddddd; border-style:inset; border-radius:5px; -moz-border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px; ...

Correct table layout generation with CSS: unexpected cells shift

I'm trying to generate a dynamic table using CSS: <html> <head> <style> div.el1, div.el2 { color:white; width:70px;height:70px; border:0px; padding:0px; font-size: 10px; font-family: "Courier"; } div.el1 { background-color: green; } div.el2 { backgro...

YUI-css problem in IE 6 and 7

If you look at the screenshot below you can see that the right menu box in red has the wrong position in IE6 and 7: <div id="doc4" class="yui-t2"> //yui-t2 = 180px on the left <div id="bd"> <div id="yui-main"> <div class="yui-b"> <div class="yui-gc"> // yui-gc 2/3, 1/3 <div class="yui-u first">content</di...

How to print a portion of an HTML page?

Hi friends I have an html page i want to print a portion of this html page, I know a javascript function to print a page, onClick="javascript:window.print(); return false; but how can i print a portion of a page. Any one have an idea, please share it to me Thanks ...

Sign up form text shows white with a white background

I have a sign up form on a website that I am developing using dreamweaver. The input text and background text are both showing as white (or not showing!) even though the page text is set at #0000CC. See it here: www.betterlifecoaching.co.uk (it is still work in progress) How can I overcome this? The sign up script is: <style type="text...

Height:100% is not considered

Hi guys, I would want to simulate the behavior of a table with div. I have a struct of my layout divide into three columns: div#wrapper { width:800px; float:left; height:100%; margin-top:7px; text-align:center; } div#left { width:167px; float:left; padding-bottom:50px; margin-right:3px; } div#main { width:454px; ...

How do I set this div's style in the style sheet?

<style type="text/css"> #[':0:adId'] { /* this does not work */ background:red; } </style> <div id=":0:adId">Loading...</div> Google Maps use this id format. How do i set the style? ...

CSS - Could use some pointers on correct positioning

Hi, I'm in need for some pointers on positioning. I've got this square which should be centered on the page. And with a logo and a logo font image kinda wrapped around the square. Now, I want this as dynamic as possible, because I use both the square and images elsewhere as well. So I can't really use stiff static positioning. This is ...

CSS regression tool?

I'm looking for a visual regression testing tool for CSS refactoring and see whether or not there are any unintended cascading behavior in a website. Ideally, the tool that can crawl a website (even locally) and grab snapshots of each page and store it in a single repository. When run for the second time, it will show the pages that ...