
<table> column and row style....

I've a <table> which has 10 column and 10 row i want to give different background to 1st and and 3rd column and another different background color to 8th row . is it possible without css class/id ...

Is It Possible To Use Javascript/CSS To Swap Style Sheets When A Mobile Device Rotates?

I am working on a site that must be designed with mobile accessibility in mind. As part of our brainstorming, we wondered whether it's possible to detect, for a mobile browser (i.e. Mobile Safari or the Android browser), when the viewing device has changed orientation, and to use that as a trigger to change page content? As the title o...

clear view of box model

As far as i know every element in HTML associated with padding(left, right, top, bottom) , margin(left, right, top, bottom) which will create the box model for that so that we can figure it out its actual position with respect to document. any idea over it? ...

How to hide the scrollbar using JavaScript (jQuery)

How can the scrollbar be hidden? I want to do this because the scrollbar is not nice. overflow:hidden is not useful, because my div element has many other elements. So setting overflow does not solve my problem. ...

Jquery (or CSS) autoresize iframe to the bottom?

Hi guys, i've no idea how i can set properties for an iframe that's positioned 300px from the top, but should reach ALWAYS the bottom! So at the moment i've set the height of the iframe to 500px. The height should dynamically change when i resize the browserwindow. The iframe should start 300px from the top and should always reach the b...

How to show text as a superscript in "Alt text"?

How to show text as a superscript in Alt text like this: Value10 ...

One CSS per page in ASP.NET Theme

Does anybody know how to do this? Theme A style_for_x.aspx.css style_for_y.aspx.css Theme B style_for_x.aspx.css style_for_y.aspx.css Or even better: Theme A style_for_all_pages.css style_for_x.aspx.css style_for_y.aspx.css Theme B style_for_all_pages.css style_for_x.aspx.css style_for_y.aspx.css ...

alternative to visibility:collapse not working on IE and Chrome

The following page: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <STYLE type="text/css"> tr.cccc { visibility: collapse; } </STYLE> <BODY> <TABLE border="1"> <TR class="cccc"> <TD>one</TD> </TR> </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML> works only in Firefox. IE always di...

Controls not aligning properly.

I am using following code to design my home page. The output (as shown below) is not appearing properly. You can see the banner going to far left and the navigation links have a huge gap in between. How to set this? Can it be done using only the DIV tag instead of TABLE? <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ...

Can I use the CSS :visited pseudo class on 'wildcard' links?

Let's say I have a site with multiple links as follows: www.example.com/product/1 www.example.com/product/2 www.example.com/product/3 I also append tracking info to links from time to time so that I can see how my site is being used, e.g, if somebody visits the products page from the product browser I would set a ref parameter: www.e...

CSS Margins Increase with H1 Length

Consider the following markup: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Test Page</title> <link href="screen.css" rel="stylesheet" /> </head> <body> <h1>Test</h1> <h3>Description</h3> </body> </html> And the CSS: h3{ margin-top: -25px; } Now, I want the H3 to have a margin-left of how...

CSS Dropdown Menu issues

Can anyone help with a small problem. I've got a nice simple CSS dropdown menu http://www.cinderellahair.co.uk/new/CSSDropdown.html The problem I have is when you rollover a menu item that has children which are wider than the content, it pushes the whole menu right. Aside of shortening the child menu links down, is there any tweak I...

Serving CSS from a static domain

I want to serve my css and images from a static cookieless domain. Now my problem is how to point to the images from within my css files. I don't want to program my domain hard within the css file, for example: http://static.com/image.png I would rather have a variable pointing to the the image, so it works for every static domain i u...

How to show title attributes onfocus using jquery?

By default in all browser title attributes only shows on mouse over. I want to show on keyboard focus also. I know this is not possible through only HTML and CSS. JavaScript will be need. so i jquery in almost all projects. so i need a jquery solution to show title on onfocus. <a title="this is title" href="#">Websites</a> Lated adde...

How is nosotroshq.com creating the navigation effect when you mouse over a nav item?

Any JQUERY experts know how nosotroshq.com is creating the effect in their top nav? For example, when you mouse over "ABOUT US" it slowly animates down. Any ideas? ...

How to show linked file size and type in title attributes using jquery?

For example: Before <a target="_blank" href="http://www.adobe.com/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/reader_overview.pdf"&gt; Adobe Reader JavaScript specification </a> Bcoz file is PDF so title should be title="PDF, 93KB, opens in a new window" <a title="PDF, 93KB, opens in a new window" target="_blank" href="http://www.adobe.com/devnet/acro...

jquery if statement animate back

how do i add a if statement when the right image is at +400px then animate back to -400px... when hovering the right image? $('#left img').mouseenter(function() { $('#right img').animate({ left: '+=400px' }, 700); }); $('#right img').mouseenter(function() { $('#left img').animate({ left: '-=400...

CSS positioning breaks in Safari

Hi all, i have a website in which i am trying to position (using CSS) a certain on the page. the is absolutely positioned and is located inside a relatively positioned paernt . on firefox and even IE it looks ok but on Safari, things get messy and it shows 5 pixels lower than it should. i have tried to figure out for days now what is w...

@font-face problems

Right now I'm trying desperately to get @font-face to work in my website. This is the code I am using right now. @font-face { font-family: romeral; src: url(fonts/romeral.otf ) format("opentype"); } And then.... h1 { font-size:2.5em; font-family:romeral; } I am using the font Romeral. Here's a link to it: http://www.smashingm...

CSS semantics; selecting elements directly or via order

Perhaps this question has been asked elsewhere, but I'm unable to find it. With HTML5 and CSS3 modules inching closer, I'm getting interested in a discussion about the way we write CSS. Something like this where selection is done via element order and pseudo-classes is particularly fascinating. The big advantage to this method seems to...