
How to give CSS3 support to IE?

I use IE7.js but it doesn't have CSS3 support. I use jQuery always in my projects. What is the best lightweight way to give all CSS3 selectors and properties support to IE 6,7,8? I'm not asking for HTML5 support only asking to give CSS3 support in as much as light on performance way. ...

CSS Columns and printing

In Mozilla, applying a css rule like -moz-column-count: 2; gets you 2 columns that are the full height of the page. From what their MDC suggests, this is called "Height Balancing". Webkit has something similar: -webkit-column-count: 2; I'm not completely sure if Webkit has "Height Balancing" or not (this may be the root of my pro...

JavaScript Image zoom with CSS3 Transforms, How to calculate Origin? (with example)

I'm trying to implement an image zoom effect, a bit like how the zoom works with Google Maps, but with a grid of fix position images. I've uploaded an example of what I have so far here: http://www.dominicpettifer.co.uk/Files/MosaicZoom.html (uses CSS3 transforms so only works with Firefox, Opera, Chrome or Safari) Use your mouse whe...

CSS border radius - child overlapping parent element

Hey there, I have the following markup: http://www.webdevout.net/test?011 As you can see, the "li" element is overlapping the rounded borders defined for the box. Is there a way to prevent this apart from applying the corner directly to the last "li"? Thanks ...

What are the best guides to HTML5 & CSS3 support in web browsers?

Do you know about useful resources about HTML5 & CSS3? UPDATE: I'm (and i think a lot of people) looking for pracitcal information how and to what extent is it possible to use these unfinished technologies. I found one very useful resource: http://caniuse.com/ ...

How do I set "-webkit-transition-timing-function" with Javascript?

The title says it all... ...

Is there a way to curve / arc text using CSS3 / Canvas

I'm trying to curve text this effect using CSS3, HTML Canvas, or even SVG (see image below for example)? Is this possible? If so, how can I achieve this effect? Update: To clarify: The text that will be styled this way will be dynamic. ...

@font-face and CSS3 working locally but not on hosting

Hello chaps and chapettes, I've got a bit of a strange one for you (so to speak). I've devised a little 'coming soon' page for my site which, locally, (on a WAMP setup) is working flawlessly - in capable browsers (i.e. Chrome and Safari), the page looks fine and has a nice little CSS3 transition effect upon hover. And in other browsers,...

Conditionally styling @font-face

I'm using @font-face for some headers. The replaced typeface is different in dimension and overall character. When the switch happens, the old typeface's rules don't look so good. Other than writing a conditional Javascript script, is there a way to have a set of CSS rules for @font-face fonts (if the browsers supports it) and CSS r...

CSS3 gradient background set on body doesn't stretch but instead repeats?

ok say the content inside the <body> totals 300px high. If I set the background of my <body> using -webkit-gradient or -moz-linear-gradient Then I maximize my window (or just make it taller than 300px) the gradient will be exactly 300px tall (the height of the content) and just repeat to fill the rest of the window. I am assuming this...

Test For CSS3 Radial Gradient Vendor Syntax

I'm having an issue where I'm trying to update the background gradient of an element with JavaScript based on values I specify. I tried this route: elem.style.backgroundImage = '-webkit-gradient(radial, '+x+' '+y+', 0, '+x+' '+y+', 800, from(#ccc), to(#333)), -moz-radial-gradient('+x+'px '+y+'px, circle cover, #ccc 0, #333 100%)'; S...

Burnt edges for a div using CSS3?

Is there a way I can get a non-conventional shape to a div like that of burnt sides or something similar using CSS3? ...

Roundup of HTML 5 vulgarizations and resources

Hi everyone, HTML 5 is going to change the game not just for developers but will also come into the lives of professionals of all trades have an online presence, and web amateurs. These people are not web professionals but HTML and Flash have both been an important part of their general culture of the web. Vulgarization: to make ...

Why do mozilla and webkit prepend -moz- and -webkit- to CSS3 rules?

CSS3 rules bring lots of interesting features. Take border-radius, for example. The standard says that if you write this rule: div.rounded-corners { border-radius: 5px; } I should get a 5px border radius. But neither mozilla nor webkit implement this. However, they implement the same thing, with the same parameters, with a differe...

CSS3 Inverted Rounded Corner

Is there a way to do an inverted rounded corner in CSS3, something approximately like the bottom left corner in the (crude) drawing below? /-------\ | | | | | | | ______/ |/ <---The left side is flush (straight), the slant should be rounded Perhaps border-radius could be combined with this technique? Edit: I'm not l...

Box-shadow and border-radius bug in Chrome

Hello, I've been experimenting with CSS3 and found something strange. Heres's the part of DIV style: border:#446429 solid 1px; border-radius:15px; -moz-border-radius:15px; -webkit-border-radius:15px; box-shadow:3px 0px 15px #000000 inset,0px 3px 15px #000000 inset; -moz-box-shadow:3px 0px 15px #000000 inset,0px 3px 15px #000000 inset; ...

Css3 Transition on background transparent not working in Chrome 5

I`m trying to create an animation using CSS3 transition. The animation is a gradient background that should change his color (rgba). I used the webkit tag for the gradient and it`s working in Chrome 5.0.375.55. Sample code (something like this): .tag { -webkit-transition: all 1.0s ease-in-out; background-image: -webkit-gradient(radi...

Background-image and background in 1 tag

Hi, Is it possible to have both background-image and background gradient color applied together in 1 div tag? (CSS3 and above is ok) I have the below code, the gradient background color does show up, but the background-image doesn't. What am I missing? background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#595959), to(#2e2e...

Selecting elements that do not contain a certain ID using ExtJS

I'm trying to select all the <input> elements of a form except ones with IDs containing the words foo or bar. How can I do this using ExtJS 2.3.0? I've tried the following: Ext.query("select,input:not([id*=foo][id*=bar])", "SomeForm");` ... but it doesn't work. Excluding IDs with foo in them seems to work fine: Ext.query("select,in...

Is there a way to download a font in HTML5 pages before rendering the page?

While using @font-face HTML5/CSS3 loads the page, and you slowly see the fonts appear. Is there no way to load the fonts first? ...