
HTML list wrapping problem

I have a HTML list with this style: font-weight: bold; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; list-style-type: none; display: block; width:700px; font-size: 14px; white-space: pre-wrap; and the cells have this style: display: inline; and I have spacer cells between each cell with this style: padding-right: 20px; display: inline; My problem ...

CSS3 in Aptana AIR

How can I use CSS3 in Aptana Studio 2.0 with the AIR plugin? I want to build an AIR application with CSS3 (advanced), but it doesn't work correctly. I want to use like the Safari/Google Chrome type of CSS3. ORIGINAL: Here ...

Using border-radius and box-shadow together (CSS)

Ok, I know neither of these properties are completely supported yet, but I'm using them anyway :P When I add a border-radius and box-shadow (with and without vendor prefixes), the radius of the border-radius is not transparent to the box-shadow. Example: http://cndg.us/3f41a0 Is this possible to fix? I've also noticed that -webkit-box-...

CSS3 Font Embedding doesn't work at Iphone OS3.0 safari ?

Hello, I tried to embed font at web pages. I can see the font rendering properly at latest non-IE browsers, but when I tried with Iphone Safari Browser, it doesn't render. I want to know whether Iphone Safari supports font embedding. Thanks. ...

Cross-Browser CSS3 Rule

I have a stupid question, If I want to add round corner for an element in browsers which support some stuff of CSS3, I have to repeat style several time for each browser, because it is different ? For ex : -moz-border-radius: 12px; /* FF1+ */ -webkit-border-radius: 12px; /* Saf3+, Chrome */ border-radiu...

need to align part of list item to right of li - using CSS3 Jquery column-layout

Using this jquery script to acheive CSS3 3-columns, to display a list of members alphabetically. I need it to display this way, which is does: A D B E C F Here is what I am using http://www.csscripting.com/css-multi-column/example6.php? (using this js file http://www.csscripting.com/js/v1.0beta/css3-multi-column.js) To the rig...

Will a browser download a font-face even if it is not used in the page?

It would be easier for development if I can just embed every typeface I'm likely to use, but I definitely don't want the extra HTTP requests for fonts that don't end up anywhere in the page. Can anyone enlighten me? ...

CSS3 transparent gradient similar with Photoshop ColorPicker

I try to create a transparent gradient with CSS. I need it for a color picker app. I have a transparent PNG I could use but its is 20kb large and would request a new HTTP request. The code should be ultralight. Here is what I've done so far: http://jsfiddle.net/78SEK/ The one above its the good one and the bottom one is made with CSS. ...

-moz-linear-gradient with PNG background over top

So Firefox supports gradient Backgrounds. Also supports multiple Background images.. So why does this not work?? background:-moz-linear-gradient(top, #5989bd,#336296), url(Active-Arrow.png) right center no-repeat; Also tried: background-color:-moz-linear-gradient(top, #5989bd,#336296); background:url(Active-Arrow.png) right center n...

CSS - Class hierarchies???

Hi, I have a site with a customer front end, which has a catalogue, homepage, contact page, about us page and so on. There is also an administration front end. I would like to implement a kind of hierarchy where any elements within an element with class "admin" will inherit properties set in the admin stylesheet and anything else inheri...

webkit multiple inline shadows

I have trouble setting multiple shadows on one element in webkit: -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 3px #999, 0 0 5px #fff; -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 3px #999, 0 0 5px #fff; box-shadow: inset 0 0 3px #999, 0 0 5px #fff; it works fine in firefox but safari displays only the inset shadow. i tried to set both values separately. But safari t...

Access CSS Styles for Pseudo Selector in JQuery?

If I define the up and over states of a button like this: .button {color:red;} .button:hover {color:blue;} How can I get all the hover state styles for an element using JQuery? Something like $(".button:hover").css('color');... ...

How to declare a div in @page @top-left

How do I declare that a DIV should be displayed in top-left corner of every page and not in its relative position. I have a div like: <div id=header>Document</div> and I would like to display it on every page in top left corner using css like: @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.25in; border: thin solid black; paddin...

CSS Attribute Content Selector multiple declarations

I have this in my CSS: div#headwrap ul li a[href*="dev"] {background: #034769}; div#headwrap ul li a[href*="music"] {background: #A61300}; div#headwrap ul li a[href*="opinion"] {background: #b2d81e}; div#headwrap ul li a[href*="work"] {background: #ffc340}; So, my expected behavior is that where a link (a) within a list item ...

How to give transparent hexagon angle at the last <li> only?

I have to make menu like this. Items of drop-down can be increased and decreased If client will add or remove pages. width of drop-down's will depend on how many character in page title name. angle only needed at last item's right bottom corner. I Know how to make drop-down menu and how to give cross browser transparency , but I wan...

-webkit- vs -moz-transition

I am using CSS3 transitions on my site and the -webkit- seems to be working, whilst the -moz- is not. Here is the CSS: article {z-index: 2; float: left; overflow: hidden; position: relative; -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.2s ease-in-out; -moz-transition: -moz-transform 0.2s ease-in-out; } .mousedown{-webkit-transform: transla...

CSS3 transition events

Are there any events fired by an element to check wether a css3 transition has started or end? ...

CSS rgba Background Color Validation

I found a weird CSS validation result: when rgba() is used to background, it does not validate, however, the workaround is rgba() for background-color. Why that rule exists? Is it a validator's bug? Try to validate the following there, and you can see the result: div { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } and div { background-col...

css3 won't validate in w3c valdidator

-moz and -webkit won't validate in w3c css validator, should I not use it? or just use the css3 attribute without the -moz or -webkit ? ...

Mod_rewrite with multiple variables

Hello, I'm using a PHP script that dynamically generates transparent PNGs for use as CSS backgrounds from a query string that takes RGBa and HSLa values. The original script can be found here, I've only added HSLa support. Because background URLs with PHP query strings aren't very pretty, and because it seems to break the IE 6 transpar...