
Setting CSS pseudo-class rules from JavaScript

I'm looking for a way to change the CSS rules for pseudo-class selectors (such as :link, :hover, etc.) from JavaScript. So an analogue of the CSS code: a:hover { color: red } in JS. I couldn't find the answer anywhere else; if anyone knows that this is something browsers do not support, that would be a helpful result as well. ...

How get the :hover css style of an anchor with jQuery?

How can i get the :hover in css stylesheet on the fly with jquery? stupid example: { color: red; font-size: 11px; } { color: blue; font-size: 12px; } how to retrieve that color and font-size before that mouse will go over the anchor? ...

Are jQuery's :first and :eq(0) selectors functionally equivalent?

I'm not sure whether to use :first or :eq(0) in a selector. I'm pretty sure that they'll always return the same object, but is one speedier than the other? I'm sure someone here must have benchmarked these selectors before and I'm not really sure the best way to test if one is faster. Update: here's the bench I ran: /* start bench */...

“text-decoration” and the “:after” pseudo-element, revisited

I'm re-asking this question because its answers didn't work in my case. In my stylesheet for printed media I want to append the url after every link using the :after pseudo-class. a:after { content: " <" attr(href) ">"; text-decoration: none; color: #000000; } In Firefox (and probably Chrome but not IE8), text-decoration:...

In CSS, can I add text of a different style before or after other text?

For example, if the following is part of an HTML file: <span>foo</span> can I somehow add " bar" after it in italics with the .after and .before pseudo-selectors in CSS so that it would say "foo bar"? ...

Pseudo selectors after a class selector?

I've got a class .text2{ font-size: 1.2em; color: #473f37; padding-bottom: 0.3em; } I want text of links to appear white within this class, how do I do it? <div class="text2"> <a href="notice">Notices</a> </div> I tried the below and it not working .text2 a:link{ color: white; } ...

How can I insert new text with a hyperlink into a page in CSS?

Say I have the following code: ... <div id="originalContent">Foo</div> ... How can I use CSS to insert "Bar" after "Foo" and make "Bar" a hyperlink, like this: ...Foo Bar... I know that this would write "Foo Bar": #originalContent:after { content: " Bar"; } but I can't figure out how to make "Bar" a hyperlink. Any ideas? ...

Firefox: Generating icon on :hover:after state? (CSS)

Hello, slight problem. I have a 20 x 20px delete icon which I want to show overlaying a 112 x 112px image when it is hovered over. The image also has some descriptive text below, so using Safari I pulled it back up using relative positioning. The code I threw together goes something like this: <html> <head> <title>Gallery Test</title> <...

Mootools support for selector chaining?

Does Mootools support pseudo-selector chaining either natively or with a plugin? In jQuery, for example: $("div:first-child:visible:contains('chocolate chip cookie') > h1") I know this can be accomplished by chaining method calls but I'm really after having all of the selectors within the string. ...

Does Prototype.js support custom pseudo-selectors?

That is, can I define a selector called "shiny" and do ... ? $$('div.shiny') //undesired -- class based $$('div:shiny') //desired -- logic based This is available in MooTools and jQuery. ...

nokogiri with :after css pseudo selector

I've the following html: <li><a href="/stumbler/millisami/tag/company/" class=""> <span class="right">69</span> company</a> </li> and I want to scrap the text after the span tag, i.e. "company" So, when I tried doc.at_css("span:after") the no method error :after is thrown. How to use pseudo selectors with Nokogiri?? ...

:empty pseudo selector with jQuery on a form element?

Is there a way I can use a jQuery pseudo selector like :empty or :not(:checked) on an input/textarea/select element, or any other way I can return an object that is empty? ...

Select first list in table - CSS first-child?

Hi, maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree. I'm have a table with 6 columns, each with an ordered list in. I want them all to have a border except for the first list. The site is in development here Basically though the html is <tr> <td> <ol> <li>hello</li> </ol> </td> <td> <ol> <li>hello</li> </ol> </td> <td> ...

CSS Pseudo-selectors and IE

I'd like to use css pseudo-selectors ( parent > child, element:first-child ) in my stylesheet but IE6 doesn't seem to recognize those. Is there any plugin (jQuery preferably) that would allow me to use pseudo-selectors freely without worrying about the damned IE6? Thanks ...

Access CSS Styles for Pseudo Selector in JQuery?

If I define the up and over states of a button like this: .button {color:red;} .button:hover {color:blue;} How can I get all the hover state styles for an element using JQuery? Something like $(".button:hover").css('color');... ...

how can i select first second or third element with given class name using CSS?

ie. i have the following: <div class="myclass">my text1</div> some other code+containers... <div class="myclass">my text2</div> some other code+containers... <div class="myclass">my text3</div> some other code+containers... i have the css class div.myclass {doing things} that applies to all obviously but i also wanted to be able to ...

Use :not() pseudo selector in IE7/IE8

Hello, is there any way I can get the :not() pseudo selector to work in Internet Explorer 7/8? Is there any javascript that can do the same thing as the CSS3 :not()? ...

CSS2 Pseudo selector for first element of `its kind`?

Hello! Is there a way to do something like this in CSS2 (not 3)? h2:first{bla bla;} Thank you! ...

Help with a pure CSS Checkbox Image replacement? (understanding the

I've got a checkbox list in a table. (one of a number of CB's on the row) <tr><td><input type="checkbox" class="custom_image" value="1" id="CB1" /><label for='CB1'>&nbsp;</label></td></tr> <tr><td><input type="checkbox" class="custom_image" value="2" id="CB2" /><label for='CB2'>&nbsp;</label></td></tr> <tr><td><input type="checkbox"...

:after pseudo-class and tags

Hi, I just created a simple page where I tried to emulate ajax with CSS. For doing that, I wanted to create invisible radio-buttons with visible labels, an external CSS-file should be loaded as soon as the user clicks on a label. There is just one problem: Tags are printed out as plain text inside the class. Is there a way to handle tha...