
Does opacity:0 have exactly the same effect as visibility:hidden

If so, does it effectively deprecate the visibility property? (I realize that Internet Explorer does not yet support this CSS2 property.) Comparisons of layout engines See also: What is the difference between visibility:hidden and display:none ...

Superscript in CSS only?

How can I get superscript done, only in CSS? I have a stylesheet where I mark the external links with a superscript character, but I'm having a hard time getting the character aligned correctly. What I have currently, looks like this: a.external:after { font-size: 50%; vertical-align: top; content: "+"; } but it doesn't work. ...

CSS3 outline using CSS2 border

Sadly, CSS outline isn't supported in IE7, so i'm stuck using border. But adding a border to any element on the page takes up room and possibly shifts the page. If i'm adding a 2px border, then I set a -2px margin, it sill isn't perfect, as list items move to the left, and "margin:auto" really screws with it. You can see examples here:...

DIV Vertical Scroll bar on left

Is it possible to put DIV's Vertical Scroll bar on left of the div with css? what about jscript? ...

dynamically change color to lighter or darker by percentage CSS (javascript)

we have big application on the site and we have few links, which are lets say blue color like the blue links on this site. now i want to make some other links, but with lighter color, obviously i can just do simply by the hex code adding in the css file, but our site let user decide what colors they want for there customized profile/sit...

Element Positioning affected by Browser Screen Resolution Change

Hello, newbie developer here. There's this small problem I always encounter. Every time I try to change browser resolution (or what do you call the event when you scroll the mouse wheel while pressing ctrl), some elements (Mostly form elements) get to be shifted down or somewhere else, which does not conform with the original positionin...

Is it possible to change the style of the "Browse" button in the file upload html control?

I've been looking all over Google for an easy, clean way to change the style of the Browse button of the HTML <input type=file> control, but all solutions I've found so far involve hidden controls, absolute positioning of images, jQuery plugins etc. Is there a way to accomplish this using CSS2 that I've missed? ...

How to find an element using CSS2 Selector in Motoools and hide it?

Hello! How can i find this span element with class="rocon.rocon-br" in #conttile2 by Mootools' Css Selector? This element is created dynamically by Javascript (rounded corner), so this is what i see in Dragonfly Dom tree for it: html > body > div#wrapper.wrapper > div#penalties.container > h2#conttitle2.rc10.rocon__8.rocon-init > span....

Looking for XHTML / CSS WYSIWYG editor recommendations.

Hello. I'd like to know if there is a good XHTML / CSS editor available. The intent is to be able to create html pages that resemble a design in question. The editor should be WYSIWYG and output should be standards compliant (XHTML, CSS2) and the markup produced should be readable and lean. On Googling, I do get a list of many product...

Put text input inside label for radio button?

I'm trying to make a radio group specifying a bunch of options, and an extra option "other" with a text input to specify. The code for this particular radio button I'm using is <input type='radio' name='RadioInput' value='Other' id='RadioInput_Other' /> <label for='RadioInput_Other'>Ohter: <input type='text' name='RadioInput_Other_...

difference between img.slider and .slider

hi everyone, I was just curious: whats the difference between img.slider and .slider (when all of my images have class "slider"). I noticed that when i tried to target the images with class name "slider" via writing .slider { margin-top: 10px; } ^ did not work img.slider { margin-top: 10px; } ^ did work. Why is this the case? Th...

How to fill the space between two floating divs?

I have code: <th colspan="3" /> <div class="l_table_th" /></div> <div class="c_table_th" />Zamów pakiet punktów</div> <div class="r_table_th"/ ></div> </th> left and right div's are necessary for rounded corners (by background, no CSS3) of HEADER for table. And my problem is: how to make center div fill all the space between them...

Is there a way to express the CSS3 negation pseudo-class in CSS2?

For example, I have some CSS3 code: .iMore:not (.__lod ):active { color: #fff } .iMore.__lod { color: #888 } I need to somehow express the same thing in CSS2. I figure it would have to be more verbose, but is it even possible? ...

rounded corner fallback without javascript

what css workaround that you folks use to fallback support for ie6, 7,8 ? i need rounded corner for text inside div (button) image as background-image in div (make the image rounded corner) ...

CSS2 Pseudo selector for first element of `its kind`?

Hello! Is there a way to do something like this in CSS2 (not 3)? h2:first{bla bla;} Thank you! ...

ImageFlow display default width height

Has anyone here worked with http://finnrudolph.de/ImageFlow/ it resizes my images, and I want them to look bigger, I've played with the settings...but....So can anyone help me? I want the imagesz to be displayed at 80-90% of the original width and height ...

ie6 ul.li hover

i know that ie6 can only do hover on a href element. but i do not need a href element. i have ul.li element like below ul.testclass li { display: inline-block; } ul.testclass li:hover { background-color: #ffffff; } it work on all browsers except ie6. any workaround to make it work in ie6? ...

crop text too long inside div

<div style="display:inline-block;width:100px;"> very long text </div> any way to use pure css to cut the text that is too long rather than show on next new line and only show max 100px ...

:focus on ie6 with csshover3.htc

i try to use csshover3.htc on ie6 for input:focus but fail. Does :focus work on ie6 with csshover3.htc workaround? ...

press tab to go to selectbox

i have a textbox follow by a selectbox, when i press "tab" on textbox, it doesnt go to selectbox. how to make it go to selectbox? is the solution required to use javascript? is there any workaround without using javascript? editted: <html> <input type="text" tabindex="1" /> <select tabindex="2" > <option value="volvo">Volvo</option> ...