
php and js // csv to tables (with extras) to csv

I'm trying to find something already made (hopefully) or some tips on where to start, but what I need to accomplish is take an existing csv file, load it into a html table, be able to edit it, or add duplicate rows, then save my edited version as a new csv file. ...

SQL Server 2008 Rows to 1 CSV field

We're on SQL Server 2008 and I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to have a stored procedure return my results in 1 CSV field for example: SELECT TOP 4 carModels FROM dbo.Models would return Jeep Honda Mitsubishi Ford I would like this returned in 1 field like so: Jeep,Honda,Mitsubishi,Ford I know we can do this with an asse...

export csv in zend framework

Hi there, I'm trying to export a database table as a .csv downloadable from the browser. My code is zend framework based and I'm almost there with the following action: public function exportTableAction() { $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(); $fileName = $this->_getParam('f...

XML vs comma delimited text files

Ok, I've read a couple books on XML and wrote programs to spit it out and what not. But here's the question. Both a comma delimited file and a XML file are "human readable." But in general, the comma delimited file is much easier on my eyes than a XML file; the tags typically take up as much if not more space than the data. This just...

csv2table + pagination

I'm using this jQuery plugin to turn a CSV file into a table. I then want to paginate the results. I know I should probably do it server side but I'm curious to see if its possible client side. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $('#view1').csv2table('Book1.csv'); $('table').each(function() { var curren...

How to Replace a column in a CSV file in Python?

I have 2 csv files. I need to replace a column in one file with a column from the other file but they have to stay sorted according to an ID column. Here's an example: file1: ID, transect, 90mdist 1, a, 10, ...

How to export data to a csv file with iPhone SDK 3.0?

Hi, My application has a function which can export some data to a csv file, and then copied to PC. I am not sure what api to use to implement this function. Does anyone know about this? Thanks in advance. ...

What is the best tool to query delimited text files in Java?

I need to execute basic queries on a text file which consists of several columns. I tried to use StelsCSV which is a JDBC Driver for CSV files. It is good but commercial. Do you know other tools for the same task? ...

open/edit/save csv files with php

Is there any php/mysql software that can pull data from a mysql database or a csv file, and allow you to edit, perhaps copy/paste new rows, then save this file as a csv? needs to be web based. any pointers will help. ...

Validation of TSV file in Java

I make a web application to upload a tsv file JDK -> 1.4 Struts -> 1 Resin -> 3.0.9 TSV file parsed with "\t","\n","\r" Validation is.  1. Is the file name along a naming convention?  2. Is it TSV file? How should I do validation of a picture or Office document similar to TSV? ...

Python's CSV writer produces wrong line terminator

According to the its documentation csv.writer should use '\r\n' as lineterminator by default. import csv with open("test.csv", "w") as f: writer = csv.writer(f) rows = [(0,1,2,3,4), (-0,-1,-2,-3,-4), ("a","b","c","d","e"), ("A","B","C","D","E")] print writer.dialect.lineterminat...

Ruby: how do I calculate a duration given 2 datetimes from a CSV file?

I have a number of CSV files which contain start and finish times. I can use FasterCSV to parse the files, but I don't know the best way to get the duration in Ruby. Here are the values in my hash generated for each row of the CSV files. start time: Mon Jul 20 18:25:17 -0400 2009 end time: Mon Jul 20 18:49:43 -0400 2009 ...

Manipulating huge CSV files with sed

I have a set of 4 massive CSV files that I need to modify. What I need to do is match this expression /^(.*),,/ copy the atom then prepend it to every subsequent line until the atom is matched again. Then I need to rinse and repeat until the end of the file (each file has approx 25k lines in it). Finally I need to go back through and r...

What's a good language for validating CSV files?

What's a good language for validating CSV files? Edit: Yes I am looking for an excuse to learn a new language. Often the files have extra blank rows or fields, or the fields are too long. Currently I'm using VBA script in Excel, but was wanting to try some other languages. ...

Any way to import multiple (csv) files to an Access db

I have multiple csv files with the same scheme, and I want to import them in one step. A solution could be to use the "import wizard", but I can only import one file with it. Oh, and it would be the best to work in msaccess2003. THX ...

How do I handle line breaks in a CSV file using C#?

I have an Excel spreadsheet being converted into a CSV file in C#, but am having a problem dealing with line breaks. For instance: "John","23","555-5555" "Peter","24","555-5 555" "Mary,"21","555-5555" When I read the CSV file, if the record does not starts with a double quote (") then a line break is there by mistake and I have to ...

How can I access the data in many large CSV files quickly from Perl?

I have a number of scripts that currently read in a lot of data from some .CSV files. For efficiency, I use the Text::CSV_XS module to read them in and then create a hash using one of the columns as an index. However, I have a lot of files and they are quite large. And each of the scripts needs to read in the data all over again. The q...

How to load text file (txt/csv) into a database table (Windows) - looking for an RDBMS independent solution

Hi all, I am looking for a generic way to load flat/text files (txt/csv) into a database table in a .Net application. So far I know that... 1) I could MSSQL BCP - but that's MS SQL Server only 2) Use the JET engine to access flat files (pain with schema.ini file etc. as file names frequently vary) 3) Load txt/csv file into a .Net array...

Unicode to UTF8 for CSV Files - Python via xlrd

I'm trying to translate an Excel spreadsheet to CSV using the Python xlrd and csv modules, but am getting hung up on encoding issues. Xlrd produces output from Excel in Unicode, and the CSV module requires UTF-8. I imaging that this has nothing to do with the xlrd module: everything works fine outputing to stdout or other outputs that d...

C#, regular expressions : how to parse comma-separated values, where some values might be quoted strings themselves containing commas

In C#, using the Regex class, how does one parse comma-separated values, where some values might be quoted strings themselves containing commas? using System ; using System.Text.RegularExpressions ; class Example { public static void Main ( ) { string myString = "cat,dog,\"0 = OFF, 1 = ON\",lion,tiger,'R = red, G ...