
When using exuberant-ctags what options to you use?

Using exuberant-ctags 5.8 for gcc 4.4.3 c89 I am just started using exuberant-ctags and I am just wondering what options do you add. Here is a list and I am just wondering added too many could it be over kill. $ ctags --list-kinds=c c classes d macro definitions e enumerators (values inside an enumeration) f function definitions g...

ctags can not recognize c++ template

my ctags version is 5.8 i generate my ctags using : ctags -R --sort=yes --language-force=c++ --c++-kinds=+plx --fields=+iaS --extra=+q . and i set my vimrc like this set tags=./tags,./..tags,./**/tags but when i press ctrl+], vim can not jump to the class template or funciton template i searched the tags file , there is no such ...

VIM+Ctags doesn't work in WinXP

Okay guys, you're my only help :) I have GVIM v. 7.3, Exuberant CTags 5.8, omnicppcomplete (0.41) - all latest, to be exact. I'm trying to generate tags to use in VIM, but it seems to totally ignore data in tags file. I've used ctags to generate tags file for bada framework - the file seems to be okay, class definitions present etc. I ...

Is there any way of compressing the tagfile in vim

Hi, I was following the guide at teuton.blogspot.com to set up autocompletion, when I ran the command: `ctags –R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q \ -f ~/.vim/commontags /usr/include` to generate a tagfile, only to realise that the command would generate a 'commontags'-file of 1.5GB a bit larger, than I'd have liked it to b...

Vim omnicompletion for C#

I was wondering if there is any tool like OmniCppComplete for C# (method signature shown in the abbreviation is what I'm most interested in). I've searched everywhere with not avail. Update: I'll be editing mostly from a shell terminal so please refrain from suggesting GUI alternatives to Vim. ...

Path for tags in VIM for multiple projects

Hi, I've recently started using ctags on my projects. I currently have the following setup: root/tags [contains all non-static tags] root/foo/tags [contains static tags for the foo directory] root/bar/tags [static] root/something/else/tags [etc.] ... I can set tags=./tags,tags,/path/to/root/tags and everything works perfectly. Howev...

Standard library tags

I use tag files for code completion and for a quick, inline view of parameters, overloads, files (where declared), etc. Where can I find freely available tags for the C99, C++03, and C++0x standard libraries? (C89 would be better than nothing, but I'd rather have C99.) I prefer tags without cruft; e.g. implementations use reserved nam...

web server in c or java programming

how to write a web server program in c and i also want the source code..... ...

Why it's needed to "source" some Vim plugins?

From autotag.vim: install details Simply source the file autoTag.vim from your .vimrc file. This utility will (obviously) only work when using vim that's been compiled with python support. Is this needed because this is a Python plugin in vim, instead of a vimscript? Aren't plugins in .vim/plugin loaded automatically?...

ctag ignores classes in c++

how do you make ctags account for class in c++? when i jump to a tag of a function i get to the same name of the function but in a wrong class. B b; b.init(); and there are A::init() {} B::init() {} i put the cursor on init of b.init() and the jump is to A::init() {} instead of B::init() {}. Note, i didn't use a and b in my code. so...

How do I write a compiler in C?

Hi. This amu. I want to write a compiler in C. Whats basics do I have to learn for creating a compiler? ...

I want to generate list of called functions from a c source file

ctags -x --c-kinds=f *.c will give me functions defined in these C files. But I want instead just the functions called in these C files. I couldn't find that option in ctags, and cscope appears only interactive. How can I get a list of the functions called in one or more C files, sent to stdout for further piping/filtering? ...