
Cufon Hover & Change of font syntax

Could someone help me rewrite this syntax below to get it right. I want the font to be replaced by my font whilst accepting the :hover so my button will change when i hover over it. Cufon('button', { fontFamily: 'Disgrunged A', hover: { color: '#ed1c24' } }); ...

How to disable Cufon on certain elements?

Hiya, I currently use Cufon accross our site with something similar to Cufon.set('fontFamily', 'DIN Medium').replace('h1'); Now for a single H1 tag i would like Cufon to be disabled, this is without changing the H1 tag to any other tag, it must remain as it is. I can add classes etc to the H1 tag if required, and can do any HTML/CSS/JS...

Trying to get Italic font working with CUFON and Avenir Font

I tried everything. First, I did the standard thing - upload all 4 files (regular, bold, oblique, oblique bold). So. Avenir Light Avenir Bold Avenir Light Oblique Avenir Bold Oblique Note that I am using the "Light" version of Avenir as the Regular font. Anyhow.. after I installed this on my website (

Cufon multiple fonts - How?

Hi, I am trying to implement 2 cufon fonts on the same page for the first time. Its not working. In the documentation this is provided as an example: <script src="Vegur_300.font.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="Myriad_Pro_400.font.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascrip...

Cufon: links change size on hover and stay that way

I have text links in a paragraph which is replaced using Cufon. For some reason, when I hover over the links, the text in them gets wider, and stays that way when I move the cursor away. A colour change, added to hover in the css, reverts as one would expect. So it isn't "stuck" in the hover state as far as I can tell. When I turn javas...

Cufon selector problems

Hello StackOverflow. I am using Cufon ( to replace some text in a menu. Problem is that I only need to style the first <li> of the first <ul>. I have tried using: Cufon.replace('#menu ul li > a', { fontFamily: 'Christopherhand', hover: { color: '#99c635'}}); With the > seperator, but it does not...

Cufon displays an artifact in Safari when letter-spacing CSS attribute is used

You can see this problem for a while at: I'm trying to display a cufon headline and nav system. The font I'm using is a little too widely kerned, so I'm trying to push the letters closer together with letter-spacing in the CSS: h1, h2, h3 { margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: "DIN 1451 Std", Trebu...

First tab doesnt show with Jquery UI Tabs using Cufon

I'm using Cufon to render the font for my Jquery Tabs. A strange problem I'm finding is that with the first tab, the text isn't rendered. If I remove Cufon, the text is there, or if I remove jquery tabs (so that its just html list items) the text is there (properly rendered by cufon). There seems to be timing issue with the loading ...

Cufon delay in WordPress, Mac/Safari/FF...

Using cufon 'manually' not the plugin.... I have a delay on many page loads in Safari and FF on the Cufon enabled headings.... Tried moving Cufon higher up (eg before wp_head() and the plugin code that calls, without any real effect. Some pages no problem but others just a long enough delay to be anno...

Cufon h2 on div hover

Hi all, I have h2 tags inside divs which I need to change colour on div hover, if the cufon is turned off, the h2 tag changes colour fine, but when cufon is turned on, it doesn't change colour. Here's my code: Cufon Cufon.set('fontFamily', 'DIN'); Cufon.replace('.listing_04 li a .bx1 .right .head_bx h2', { hover: true, hoverables: ...

cufon hover resize

Hi there, I'm looking for a way to make Cufon-Buttons, that will automatically resized, if the browser window is resized. Everything is fine, only the hover won't work. This is the syntax I use ("rel" is a variable representing the relation of content to window ): Cufon.replace("#nav li a",...

Cufon textShadow + hover problem

I only want the text-shadow to be on the hover state. here's the example page: **JS** Cufon.replace('.headerright', {hover: true,'fontFamily' : 'League Gothic',textShadow:'0px 1px #cccccc'}); **CSS** .headerright{text-transform:uppercase; font-size:76px;color:#CD7674;} .headerright a:hov...

Cufon Not Working in IE - A CSS Issue

I'm having the oddest problem. I'm building a theme for Wordpress using Cufon. Cufon works perfectly in Chrome and Firefox, but I couldn't get it to render in IE, so, since I'm still in the middle of development, I set the problem aside to deal with later. Sometime yesterday, I was fiddling with other CSS elements in my theme. Later, I ...

Cufon jQuery Hover as a child element?

I'm having an odd problem with Jquery Hovers and Cufon. My Nav is setup like this: ... <li> <a class="title" href="#">Title Text</a> <a class="sub" href="#">Photo Gallery</a> </li> ... When I hover over the LI. I want the a.sub to turn white (which works by adding a class because its normal text.) and I ant the a.title to turn gre...

Cufon delay in Internet Explorer

Does anybody have any idea why Cufon has a second delay upon loading the page in Internet Explorer (all versions) - I've got <script type="text/javascript">; </script> right before the closing </body> tag also. Thanks ...

Child elements in a list using Cufon

Hi, I'm trying to use Cufon on the parent li tags on a list and just regular text on the sub level items. The problem is cufon is applying it's style to all items. Is there a way to exclude sub level items from Cufon? I've tried .parent li a:not(.parent li ul li a) but it dosn't seem to work ...

Why is this hyperlink taking the whole table cell and not just on the text ?

Facts: I'm working under Visual Studio .NET 2008 I'm using Cufon-yui.js as a font replacement tool. The link is inside of a Table (as it handle much more info) The command I use is: <asp:HyperLink ID="thisistheID" runat="server" NavigateUrl="#"> <h3 style="width:250px;">Title of the Link</h3> </asp:HyperLink> In Firefox and IE,...

Cufon / Jquery Parent Item only

I have a multi stepped navigation and I want to apply cufon to only the top level. So it goes like this: <ul> <li> <a href="#"> CUFON ME </a> <ul><li>sub nav, dont cufont me</li></ul> </li> </ul> Right now its selecting all the child elements, I just want the top level one to be selected. Cufon.set('font...

How can I avoid seeing the rendering of Cufon font replacement tool while loading a page?

I've published a website and every page has an or element with Cufon (cufon-yui.js) and sometimes while the page is loading , the visitor can see the text replacement tool doing it's job. It looks bad, some users are asking about it. Why would that be happening if I'm using it (cufon) like anybody else and I don't' see this text rende...

Select top level list items only with Cufom, Jquery

The below JS is selecting all of the list items, i need to select only the top level list item anchors. HTML and Cufon below: <script type="text/javascript"> Cufon.replace('#navigation ul#nav li a', { textShadow: '#dedede -1px -1px', hover: { color: '#2a668f' } }); </script> <ul> <li><a></a></li> <li><a></...