
WP HTTP Error: couldn't connect to host

I'm running Wordpress on MAMP and for some reason I get an error on all of my RSS feeds saying WP HTTP Error: couldn't connect to host I think its a configuration problem in MAMP with cURL, but not sure how to fix it. I have cURL enabled. ...

PHP, Don't Echo Out cURL

When i use this code, $ch = curl_init($url); $statuses = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); I am returned what i want, but if i just use that - $statuses is echoed out onto the page, how can i stop this? ...

PHP and asynchronous cURL having a weird issue

Take a look at the code below, it is a simple PHP script that uses cURL's multi handles feature: // Initialize multi handle $m = curl_multi_init(); // Initialize the actual curl handles $c1 = curl_init(); curl_setopt($c1, CURLOPT_URL, ''); curl_setopt($c1, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); cur...

Tunnel a proxy through a proxy in cURL for PHP?

Hello! I'm trying to test open proxies to figure out who to block from my site, but I'd like to do that through a proxy of my own. Using PHP and cURL, how would I go about doing so? Is this what CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL is possibly used for..? pseudo code: Server (IP address A) connects to it's own proxy server (IP address B), which fo...

PHP cURL multiple calls vs simplexml_load_file

If i am making multiple calls to an api on each page in a web app, is cURL right for me, or is using simplexml_load_file with the URL wrapper OK? Will opening, making the call, and closing the cURL connection multiple times negatively affect the app? ...

Curl Error 52 Empty reply from server

Hello I have a cron job setup on one server to run a backup script in PHP that is hosted on another server. The command I've been using is formatted like this: curl -sS Lately I've been getting this error when the Cron runs curl: (52) Empty reply from server I have no idea what this means. If I ...

Can a cURL based HTTP request imitate a browser based request completely ?

Hello Experts, This is a two part question. Q1: Can cURL based request 100% imitate a browser based request? Q2: If yes, what all options should be set. If not what extra does the browser do that cannot bee imitated by cURL? I have a website and I see thousands of request being made from a single IP in a very short time. These reque...

php curl problem

Hello. I am trying to get information of remote file with curl. Problem is that other web-server is on port 81. <?php $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_PORT , 81); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ''); $store = curl_exec ($ch); echo substr($store, 1...

What's the best way in Ruby to clean up a user-provided url string so that it's safe to interpolate into a shell command?

I want to let a user of a web app enter a URL and then pass that URL onto curl. I'd rather use curl than Net::HTTP or open-uri. But this poses a security risk. What's the best way to check the URL string and prevent any injection attacks? I'm thinking of just using a regular expression like this to check for an injection attack: raise...

cURL really slow

Does anybody know why could cURL under php5 be so damn slow to fail even at 45s timeout, downloading a few kb file on a speedO'light server? The code is here as requested (although I upped the timeouts even more for the script not to fail during execution and changed useragent to Mozilla/4.0 from initial Chrome): $ch = curl_init('http:...

cURL Download Progress in PHP not working ?

Hi, I am a PHP newbie and trying to add a progress-bar to an existing PHP script using the following method : $ch=curl_init() or die("ERROR|<b>Error:</b> cURL Error"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $c); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp); //##############################################...

Convert command line cURL to PHP cURL

I've never done any curl before so am in need of some help. I've tried to work this out from examples but cannot get my head around it! I have a curl command that I can successfully run from a linux(ubuntu) command line that puts a file to a wiki through an api. I would need to incorporate this curl command in a PHP script I'm building...

PyCURL: TLS Handshake Error

I'm using PyCURL to test a redirection service we're offering- a user hits and gets redirected to, and I'm trying to use PyCURL to request, and print out (but not HTTP request) the string "https://{a|b|c}.com", but whenever the destination URL is HTTPS and no...

CURL: Code 0 from proxy after CONNECT?

Hello all, I am trying to test the below function but every time I try to use any sort of proxy IP (I have tried about 15 now) - I generally get the same error: Received HTTP code 0 from proxy after CONNECT Here is the function, anything wrong with it? It could just be the proxies I am using but I have tried several times now. funct...

cURL,WireShark. Setting headers to post data and get xml.

Here is the dump from WireShark: POST /drm/drm_production_v2.php HTTP/1.1 content-length: 278 content-type: text/xml User-Agent: UserAgent 1.0 Connection: Keep-Alive Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ= host: <methodCall> <methodName>aMethod</methodName> <params> <param> <value> <b...

Curb epsv problem

I'm having a problem using Curb (ruby curl bindings) for FTP downloads. It looks like curb doesn't fall back to simple passive mode when extended passive mode fails. Extract from the log follows: < 250 Directory changed to /outgoing/productcatalog/35591 > EPSV * Connect data stream passively < 229 Entering Passive Mode (|||40938|) * ...

PHP Is there a PHP4 alternative to curl_multi_select

Hi there. Is there a PHP4 alternative to the function curl_multi_select() ...

PHP cURL script not working for logging in

Hi, I'm writing a script to do some search on and to get certain data, I need to login. I'm using PHP cURL library. While cURL works perfectly on other pages of this site (for example, to search or to fetch a coder / project page), I cannot make it work for login. It always returns me an error page saying - "UserId or Pas...

get many pages with pycurl ?

I want to get many pages from a website, like curl "[0000-3603]" -o "de.#1" but get the pages' data in python, not disk files. Can someone please post pycurl code to do this, or fast urllib2 (not one-at-a-time) if that's possible, or else say "forget it, curl is faster and more robust" ? Thanks ...

get atom feed and display in html (google-api)

Hello, Can someone help me out on this. I have a problem with the return results from an google-api call I want to echo them back as html, but firefox keeps displaying a feed page. In IE, I get an error saying that an xml document can only contain one toplevel element wich must be the atom "feed" element, so I don't get that. What ca...