
How can I use TOR as a proxy?

I'm trying to use TOR as a generic proxy but it fails Right now I'm trying with python but I'm pretty sure it would be the same with any other language. I can connect to other proxies with python so I get how it "should" be done. I found a list of TOR entry nodes h = httplib.HTTPConnection("one entry node", 80) h.connect() h.request("...

Tunnel a proxy through a proxy in cURL for PHP?

Hello! I'm trying to test open proxies to figure out who to block from my site, but I'd like to do that through a proxy of my own. Using PHP and cURL, how would I go about doing so? Is this what CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL is possibly used for..? pseudo code: Server (IP address A) connects to it's own proxy server (IP address B), which fo...

Is there a Published Reusable Object Model of the web - The Correct 'Domain Language' / Terminology for an http request

I have a website which hosts web documents & web applications and also acts as an origin server for documents and applications that are served to a client via a proxy web site. I'm finding it quite difficult to find the correct names to model the players in the http request in my server-side application. For example, Hypertext Transfe...

Multiple Servers with identical services

I have a dozen servers in different locations all running the same web service application but each going against their own SQL Server DB. I am writing a desktop application that consumes the web services. I want to present the user with a drop down of all servers in the network that are running the same wweb service application. Do I ha...

"SAP Connector for .NET": Generate proxies without Visual Studio 2003

Are there possibilities/ways to generate "SAP Connector for .NET"-proxies without Visual Studio 2003, so that they can be used in Visual STudio 2008 ? ...

Python proxy question

Is it possible to filter all outgoing connections through a HTTPS or SOCKS proxy? I have a script that users various apis & calls scripts that use mechanize/urllib. I'd like to filter every connection through a proxy, setting the proxy in my 'main' script (the one that calls all the apis). Is this possible? ...

Tunneling through HTTP

WRITTEN IN JAVA Im creating a program that connects to a proxy and then tunneling to another server to send TCP packets, this is my code: { Socket skt = new Socket(proxy_address, proxy_port); PrintStream myOutput = new PrintStream(skt.getOutputStream()); String Request = "CONNECT " + host + ":" + 443 + " HTTP/1.0"; String host3 = "Hos...

Multitasking checking proxies

I wrote that little program: string sciezka = ""; foreach(var ip in listBox1.Items) { ////////////////// CHANGES IP:PORT TO WEBPROXY HOST,PORT string host=null; string zmiana=null; string sport = null; int port=0; int p...

PHP multi curl - find out what proxy was used for a particular curl handle

I'm using multi curl with anonymous proxies, and I want to flag the proxies based on performance and location etc after the curl handle is returned. I've tried curl_getinfo() but that does not return information about the proxy used for that curl handle. Any ideas? I've thought about maybe a way to identify a particular handle and stor...