
Can't re-add Service Reference Properly

I've got a WCF service up and running on a server. We have a proxy class that we add all service references to, and I tried to add my service reference there. However, it's not exposing all of the methods, specifically the interface, allowing me to create an instance of it (this is VS 2008). However, when I create a new project, and just...

HashSet in WCF

hi friends, i'm using a HashSet in my WCF interface [ServiceContract] public interface IwcfServerSync { [OperationContract] void Test(HashSet<int> someHashSet); } When i create a service reference the HashSet turns into a int[]. I added a ServiceKnownType : [ServiceKnownType(typeof(System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int>))...

What is wrong with adding a service reference when consuming WCF in Silverlight?

This article talks about consuming WCF services in Silverlight, but claims: There will be no proxies, no generated code, no 3rd party utilities, and no disgusting "Add Service Reference" usage. What is so wrong with me adding a service reference in my Silverlight project? Are there hidden overheads? Or is it a case of Fear Of Auto Magi...

How can I update the ScriptManager from a .ascx Web User Control in DNN?

Hi, I've created a Web Service that I need to use in my .ascx page. I can't just add this: <asp:ScriptManager ID="OWUScripts" runat="server"> <Services> <asp:ServiceReference Path="~/OWUDashboard.asmx" /> </Services> </asp:ScriptManager> Because then I have multiple ScriptManagers on the page. So I did a little resear...

Update service reference not working

I'm using Visual Studio 2008 and have a WCF client working against a WCF service. They are both located in the same Visual Studio solution. After I've made a change in my WCF contract, I want to update the service reference on the client so that changes made to the contract is also made in the proxy. My problem is that the proxy code i...

Do you use ServiceReferences in LoB applications?

Do you use auto-generated WCF service references in line of business applications? Or do you roll your own? And why? EDIT For anyone looking to roll their own, I found this article which may prove useful: Understanding WCF Services in Silverlight 2. There's another article on the site for Silverlight 3 which may be a useful additio...

Custom attributes with Service Reference proxy (.net 3.5 c#)

I added a custom attribute to an enum that I was using as part of a web service. When I add the web service as a service reference to a win forms application the custom attributes do not appear in the service reference proxy objects although the enum type itself does appear. I've looked all over and haven't found anything close to a solu...

What's the best way to mock a .net service reference, like Amazon's web services

I've generated some service references to Amazon, and I was wondering if there was a good, quick way to generate mocks against the whole thing, or I instead I have to implement a mock binding, and do it that way ...

Multiple Servers with identical services

I have a dozen servers in different locations all running the same web service application but each going against their own SQL Server DB. I am writing a desktop application that consumes the web services. I want to present the user with a drop down of all servers in the network that are running the same wweb service application. Do I ha...

Why does Sharepoint 2010 Web Reference work, but Service Reference does not

Sharepoint is setup to use NTLM authentication. When I reference http://myserver/Sites/Ops/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx?WSDL as a Web Reference, I can call the methods and get valid responses. When I reference the same url as a Service Reference, the server throws an exception when calling methods. My account is admin on the Sharepoint Farm. ...

Object hierarchy returned by WCF Service is different than expected

Good Day Everyone... My understanding may be wrong, but I thought once you applied the correct attributes the DataContractSerializer would render fully-qualified instances back to the caller. The code runs and the objects return. But oddly enough, once I look at the returned objects I noticed the namespacing disappeared and the object-...

VS 2010 Error “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” when adding Service Reference for WCF Service

I have a VS2010 (RTM) solution which contains: WCF Service project Console WCF client project Class project for DataContracts and members Class project for some simple classes I successfully added a service reference in the console client project and ran the client. I then did a long dev cycle repeatedly modifying the service then u...

Webreference vs servicereference. Only one works ? Serialization ?

Hi, I've got two applications. One uses webreference to my webservice, and second use servicereference to my webservice. There is metohod which I'm invoking: [WebMethod] public Car[] GetCars(string carCode) { Cars[] cars= ModelToContract.ToCars(MyFacade.GetCars(carCode); return cars; } Car has two pools: string Code {get;set;} C...

Reference Shared Silverlight Assembly with slsvcutil.exe

I have several WCF services being consumed by different Silverlight applications. I am currently using slsvcutil.exe with a pretty standard setup to generate my Silverlight proxy objects: "%ProgramFiles%\microsoft sdks\silverlight\v4.0\tools\slsvcutil.exe" http://myhost/MyService.svc?wsdl /out:Proxy.cs /edb /namespace:"*,My.Namespace" /...

Mock/Fake ASP.NET Service References and QUnit testing

I'm just getting into QUnit testing, and have run into a problem on my first page :S We use ASP.NET Service References to take advantage of async data loading on html pages, creating a reference to a web service in the same project. What ASP.NET does behind the scenes (ScriptManager control) is create a JS file representing the service...

System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: the request was cancelled.

hello, I have a WCF service that has been giving me this error under load conditions (and I cant seem to recreate the error otherwise). we've been trying to find a way aroud it for about a week now with no such luck.. actually, the error I see has two parts to it, System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: An error: (The request ...