
PHP cURL isn't storing the session cookie... How to fix this?

Hi all, I am making a class to comunicate with our company API... I'm using curl to post data and retrieve the response in json. In the last part of the code (after the class), i log the user into the server (it gives true), but when i try to connect again with curl, he says that i'm not logged! I've done a google search already and adde...

What are the key-value pairs on a form which finally get POST'ed?

I have looked in stackoverflow and googled for this question but havent found anything relevant. Given a web-page with a form, which is possibly implemented through loads of javascript/.NET etc... I am trying to get the list of key-value pairs that I need to pass to it so that my program (lets say, using curl) can perform an HTTP POST. A...

What are the limits of PHP's multi curl functions?

Is there any limits in the max amounts of concurrent connections a multi curl session make? I am using it to process batches of calls that I need to make to a API service, I just want to be careful that this does not effect the rest of my app. A few queries, do curl sessions take up the amount of connections the apache server can serve...

Odd array key/value variable assigning in CURL posting

Let's say I have an array, and I print it: print_r($myArray); Array ( [post] => 333434kj [test] => wOVvc [tytytyty] => xyzsalasjf ) This array gets assigned to a CURL Post: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "field1=".$f1."&field2=".$f2."&something=True"); Since "field1" is equal to "post" and $f...

Idiots Guide to compiling curl with ssh in Windows

Hello, I am not a c developer, but I have been asked to to compile curl with ssh. I have downloaded the source for curl, libssh2 and openssl. I have managed to compile curl within VS2008, but I have no idea on to add the libssh2 and openssl. Any help would be grateful. Thanks ...

How to use cURL to fetch text

I'm trying to grab/fetch text from another URL using cURL. The location of where I grab the text from is within a blank HTML document with dynamic (not static) data, therefore there are no HTML tags to filter. This is what I've got so far: $c = curl_init(''.$_POST['username']); curl_setopt(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, t...

How to play with the CloudApp API in CURL?

I am trying to play with the CloudApp API with CURL and it keeps giving me the redirect message, and I don't think I'm initializing it right. The docs are at and my request currently looks like: curl -G --digest -u [email protected]:[censored] -H "Content-Type: application/json" ht...

Need help modifying curl php image get script please

I need to modify this simple script, have searched the web for hours but getting nowhere with it. What I need to do is firstly fetch the url to be used from either a text file on my site or from a decoded json output - such as "$FullPicURL = "" . $data[2];" or "file_put_contents($image, file_get_contents("http://somes...

translate rss-feed that was grabbed by cURL

Hello, my most trusted programmers and thank for all the help! I grab rss-feed by jquery-ajax using php curl. It's loading very nicely directly on the page. However, I would like to translate the text, that is now html, title within h2 and text within p, wrapped by a div-container. Google's api-script for translation doesn't seem to ru...

Problem automating login through php + curl - quite possibly due to __VIEWSTATE

Hello, I am trying to automate the login process for the site: The site is running on .NET and expects the VIEWSTATE variable to be appropriate set and that is what is most probably tripping up the login function? Any tips on what maybe going wrong? The code is attached. Thanks in advance. <?php $username=urlencode('<...

Remote login to facebook account

Hi everyone! For my project purpose, i need to login to my facebook account remotely and retrieve some information from there. For the login purpose, i am using cURL library of PHP. On execution of the code, facebook page asks me to enable the cookies on my browser which i have already enabled. Is there any problem with the code? Can any...

How to create a public form for other sites in php?

Hi I need a public order form to provide registered users in my site. I can give a link to the users then user can copy paste that link to their own sites. If any person order via from the user site. the details must be saved in my site. How can create that kind of a page. any body can help me please :( ...

How to scrape data from LocService ( using PHP

Hi all. I'm looking to scrape geolocation data from LocService (a solution to track GPS pings from an Android phone) and host it in a MySQL database as a PHP cron job. The login system uses HTTPS. I'm having trouble returning anything through cURL. Has anyone got any ideas? Gausie ...

CURL error (CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated)

Warning: curl_setopt() [function.curl-setopt]: CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when in safe_mode or an open_basedir is set in /home/path/curl.php on line 594 I don't have access to php.ini. Can this be fixed without editing php.ini? ...

How can I get page's <title> tag's content if it can't be parsed as XML?

I'm using PHP libcurl to load a page. Now I need to get this page's <title> tag's content, and some other information too. I've tried to parse it using SimpleXML, but with no luck, because the page isn't valid XML. Can you suggest some other way to easily get contents of <title> tag? Thank you. ...

Trying to use preg_match on extracted html page but this is perplexing me

I've been trying the below script (within a larger app I'm working on) for hours now and I just can't understand what the problem is, no matter what I get "Notice: Undefined offset: 1" meaning that its having some problem putting the result into an array from the preg_match... I did a process that was nearly identical to a similar page e...

Executing multiple cURL requests

Hi guys, I am trying to sequentially execute multiple curl requests, but I am not really having any luck, here is my code thus far, //upload photo $file= 'photo.jpg'; $args = array( 'message' => 'Photo from application', ); $args[basename($file)] = '@' . realpath($file); $ch = curl_init(); $url = '

Using cron + cURL to download files at night, network takes a few seconds to connect

I start a cronjob at 1:00 A.M. to use curl to check for updates on the web for some files, save needed updates to a text file, and then read the text file and download off of that. I then output the curl responce to a log file so I can see what's happening in the morning. It seems my connection doesn't start for about 4 seconds after cro...

curl - looking to test some Rest APIs - what is the syntax to Post xml to a rest api with basic authentication?

curl - looking to test some Rest APIs - what is the syntax to Post xml to a rest api with basic authentication? ...

Trouble posting HTML as variable in Curl

I am using CURL to post an array. It didn't work without using http_build_query(). I set one of the rows in the array like this: $postVars['key']=' <table style="border-style: solid;" width="850" align="center" bgcolor="#e9e9e9" border="3" bordercolor="#999999" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td colspa...