
Blocking syscalls with no other load in system (linux kernel)

Hello If there is only 1 running application in the system (and default 100 sleeping process), and it do a blocking syscall (I'm interested in blocking recv or blocking read). Will linux kernel delete this application from task_t *current pointer? ...

Sharepoint: Display the current date

Is it possible to display the current date in the master.default page? I am running MOSS 3.0. ...

Jquery current menu

Hello I have: var href = window.location.href; if('/welcome\\/') > 0) { $('.menuwelcome').css('display', 'block'); $('#welcome2').append('<b>Приглашаем субагентов</b>').find('a').remove(); $('#welcome2').find('img').attr('src', '/static/images/arrow_black....

[CakePHP] How to get ID of current record?

Hi all, another CakePHP framework question... how can I get ID of current record? Tnx in advance!!! ...

How to use "currentTime" property for MpMoviePlayerController

Hi , I am trying to use the property of MPMoviePlayerController i.e "currentTime". But its showing warning "warning: 'MPMoviePlayerController' may not respond to '-currentTime' ". Can you please help me for how to use this property. Actually i am trying to find out the duration of time for played video . So that i will check with ti...

show current location along with destination on same map for iphone

I am using the following code to display a map of destination: NSString * theAddress = [myString stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSString *urlString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@";output=csv", theAddress]; NSString *locationString = [[[NS...

.htaccess redirect from directory it's in to specific subdirectory without filename

Hello, I have a server. (Apache). On this server there is a subdirectory (subdir1). In this subdirectory, I have an .htaccess file. How can I set up this .htaccess file to redirect me from the directory it is in (regardless of what the directory is called) to a specific subdirectory? Redirect {current .htaccess directory} {current .hta...

Label.Text / Convert.ToString And String.Format Help / Thousand Separator

I have a label that i want to show it's Text("1234567") Like A Number With Thousand Separator// how can i do this with : Lable1.Text = string.Format(.....; Lable1.Text = Convet.ToString(.....; please explain these two. ...

Current index of the LI occurence

The scenario is described below. <li onmouseover="swapArrow_white()" onmouseout="swapArrow_black()"><a href="#">Menu<img src="common/images/downArrow.png" class="downarrow" /></a> <li onmouseover="swapArrow_white()" onmouseout="swapArrow_black()"><a href="#">Menu<img src="common/images/downArrow.png" class="downarrow" /></a> <li onmouse...

opening an exe from current dir C++

I have the python code... but how do i do it in c++? I don't have much experience with c++. What i want is to make an exe that will be put as autorun in an cd. It has to open the application.ini file in my cd with xulrunner.exe in my cd. As the path will vary in each computer i hav to do something like this. import subprocess import os...

Time not updatating when using sysdate Oracle on Windows

Not sure what causes that problem, but when I run query select to_char(sysdate, 'HH24:MM') from dual; I constantly get the same time 15:08. I even check a different Oracle DBMS on different machine (also Windows) and got the same result. ...

Silverlight 4 Get Current User

I have seen this question posed regarding silverlight 2 but I have not seen any questions about silverlight 4. Is there a way to get the current user running an application in silverlight 4.0? I thought I remember seeing that as one of the features of 4.0 but I cannot find it. (Maybe it was just wishful thinking on my part.) I woul...

How do I get the current user in Perl in a portable way?

How does one get the current user in a portable way? This seems like an FAQ but perlport doesn't speak about it, maybe because some odd systems don't have the concept of "user" to being with? However, let's stick to *nix and Windows. getpwuid($>) is not implemented on Windows. $ENV{USER} || $ENV{USERNAME} seems finicky. http://search....

Simple jQuery current selection function??

I have a few lists, and when a user clicks on an item I would like it to change the class to current, but if a users then clicks on another item in the same list to switch that to current and remove the current from the previous item selected. any quick examples, i know this is probably out there already but couldn't find a good examp...

Need clean jQuery to change parent's class when children are clicked

I needed some method of adding/removing classes of a parent element when it's children are clicked to reflect which child is currently selected. In this case a UL parent and LI children in a tab scheme. I needed a way to mark the current tab on the UL so I could style a background sprite on the UL; since styling my LI's backgrounds would...

Is it possible to change the current time of a thread or jvm instance in java?

I want to test some class methods that contain logic dependent on the current time it is running. I'd like to set the thread/jvm/system time to a specific future date in the JUnit setup and run my tests. Also I would like this to be temporary. Has anyone done this before? I was thinking of something similar to TimeZone.setDefault(timezo...

count data in current month in MySQL

dear all. i have a lot of data in my database. after that i have some MySQL code for counting data. i want to make them can count monthly. how to make this code can count just in current month? its mean if now september, it was just counting on this month. and the data from the other month is ignored. whats MySQL code to make it so th...

make a column in sybase default to the current date/time of row insertion

I have a sybase 15 DB and for one of my tables, I want to make a column default to the current date/time of the row insert. Is this possible? In a sybase text, the following is said: ALTER TABLE sales_order MODIFY order_date DEFAULT CURRENT DATE On my DB this dosn't do anything ,as CURRENT DATE is not recognized. ...

Problem with retrieving current SignalStrength

So the problem is in getting real-time values of signal strength for the currently connected base station. When I use neighbor cell info, I always get fluctuating values of RSSI (what is definitely right). However, when I try to get signal strength for current cell I receive constant value (it shows me -63 dBm (25 asu) all the time). The...

Upload Photo To Current User Album Facebook PHP

I wrote a Facebook app and need to be able to save a Photo in the current user's photos. I am using PHP. Anyone have any ideas? ...