
How to show a TPopupMenu when you click a TButton?

Hi, i want to show a popupmenu when click a button. but this procedure has error in Delphi XE. procedure ShowPopupMenuEx(var mb1:TMouseButton;var X:integer;var Y:integer;var pPopUP:TPopupMenu); var popupPoint : TPoint; begin if (mb1 = mbLeft) then begin popupPoint.X := x ; popupPoint.Y := y ; p...

Cursor location not updated when non-focused EditText clicked.

When non-focused EditText clicked, it becomes focused, but cursor does not move to new location. I should click it again to move cursor to a new position. Q: How can I focus and move cursor with only one click? ...

How to get a line number under cursor

Given a multi-line EditText, how can I know the line number at cursor position? ...

How do I programmatically change the position of the cursor in a Mac terminal program?

How do I programmatically change the position of the cursor in a Mac terminal program? I'm teaching a couple of kids to program and we're learning by writing a little terminal game. I've done this with C# on Windows with SetCursorPosition(x, y) so I'm hoping for something like that. ...