
Delphi Pop Up menu visibilty

Is there a way in Delphi 7 to find out if a pop-up menu is visible (shown on the screen) or not, since it lacks a Visible property. ...

Remove “Save target as…” from IE

Is there any way to remove “save target as” from internet explorer’s right-click menu by using group policies or registry hacks? Failing that is there a simple programmatic way? ...

How to create a button with drop-down menu?

Is there a way to show IE/Firefox Back button style, dropdown menu button? ...

When should I use a ellipsis in a Menu Item

The question title pretty much says it all. When should I put ... at the end of a menu item? I seem to remember reading some rules but can't for the life of me find them. For context - I'm adding a properties option to a right click menu and am wondering if it is appropriate to add them. regards ...

How to programmatically select popup menu item in Windows?

I have an app that I'm writing a little wizard for. It automated a small part of the app by moving the mouse to appropriate buttons, menus and clicking them so the user can watch. So far it moves the mouse to a tree item and sends a right-click. That pops up a menu via TrackPopupMenu. Next I move the mouse to the appropriate item on ...

Creating custom contextmenu

I have a v simple dialog box that I would like to display as a context menu. I can catch the right click and show it as a modal dialog with no borders, if possible I would like it to look properly like the windows context menu (bar on lhs, blue border) - is there a way of doing this automatically to collect user desktop settings, (needs...

How can I select an item in a PopUpMenu with keystrokes - similar to ComboBox?

When you click on a ComboBox, you can select an item by typing on the keyboard. For instance, if the ComboBox contains an item with the label "Luke Skywalker" and you type "L", it will automatically scroll to that item and select it. Is this possible in a PopUpMenu? ...

How to position a Popup menu right underneath a button in VB6.

I have a VB6 app. There is a main form. It houses a user control. This user control has a button control. When I click the button, I want a menu to pop up so that the top left of the menu is right underneath the bottom left of the button. if I do: frm.PopupMenu mnuBlah the menu comes up where the mouse is. if I try to provide co...

PopupMenu in Gtk#.

I have a Gtk scrolled window that I'm trying to attach a PopupMenuHandler function too like so: this.scrolledwindow1.PopupMenu += HandlePopupMenu; and the HandlePopupMenu looks like so: [GLib.ConnectBefore] public void HandlePopupMenu(object o, PopupMenuArgs args) { Console.WriteLine("test"); Gtk.Menu mbox = new Gtk.Menu(); ...

Creating Cocoa PopUpMenus programatically and Getting code form a GUI item built with the interface builder

I need to create many Cocoa items programatically and most resources I can find focus on creating GUI with the builder. Is there any way to get the objective C code for an interface item created using the interface builder in XCode? Also, I am a little confused about PopUpMenus. Are PopUpMenus contained inside PopUpButtons or are the ...

KeyListener or TraverseListener in SWT Menu

I'd like to be able to detect keyboard input (namely the TAB key) when an SWT menu is open, but it doesn't seem to broadcast any events when listeners are added with the addListener method, and there are no addKeyListener or addTraverseListener methods. I've also tried adding listeners to the control to which the menu is added (it's a ...

Minimize Delphi Application with Live Popup Menu

I'm attempting to run this in a timer: Application.Minimize; ShowWindow( Application.handle, SW_HIDE ); It's been in the code forever and we just discovered that it doesn't work when you have a popupmenu active, it doesn't minimize the MDI parent window. I figure if I can close the popup menu before running this code, then I'll be ok...

Programatically instantiating a NSPopUPMenu without a NSPopUpButton with Cocoa OSX

So awhile back I made a cocoa widget that was a button that when pressed, would pop up a popup menu and handle the selection. This was quite trivial using the NSPopupMenuButton class but now I need to do something slightly different. I have an openGL widget and when I click on a certain part of this widget, I need to pop up the same po...

how to add message map to dynamic menu item in MFC

Hi, I writing a MFC which has a listview control. When the user right clicks any item , I am generating a dynamic menu item with that text that is selected in listview. Everything is displaying properly, but I do not know how to add a message map to that dynamic menu item. Any help? void CMyListDlg::OnRclickList(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESUL...

Delphi Dynamic Menu Items

I have a popup menu that has a few items in it. Option 1 - Sub1 - Sub2 Option 2 - Sub1 - Sub2 Option 3 - Sub1 - Sub2 I want to be able to add a Sub sub menu to Option 3 sub2 so it would look like: Option 1 - Sub1 - Sub2 Option 2 - Sub1 - Sub2 Option 3 - Sub1 - Sub2 - Dynamic Item1 - Dynamic Item2 - Dynamic It...

Double right click to Show a PopUpMenu with A TListView !!

Hi, I have a TListView and TPopupMenu, and I want to show a context menu when I right click on a TListItem. I tried the "AutoPopup" by assigning the component, but on a right click the PopupMenu is shown only and the wanted element is not selected. So i tried to use the "OnMouseDown", but we need to click and click again to show the men...

Is there any simple way to determine when the popup menu was dismissed?

I'm displaying a popup menu using TrackPopupMenu and would like to know when it is dismissed via clicking outside of it. I've looked through all the menu functions but didn't find anything useful in this regard. Spy++ told me that no window message is sent in this case. So, is there an easy way to do it without installing a mouse hook? ...

Return popupmenu selection in MATLAB using one line of code

I have a GUI which uses a selection from a popupmenu in another callback. Is there a way to return the selected value of the popupmenu in only one line without creating any temporary variables? I've tried several solutions, but I've only managed two lines with one temporary variable: Three lines: list=get(handles.popupmenu1,'String'); ...

css styling for Flex PopUpButton

Hi, How can I give a specific color (Let's say red) to the border of dropdown menu of Flex PopUpButton. Also if how can I set text properties (text should be bold) of dropdown Menu of PopUpButton. Thanks in advance - Atul ...

JPopupMenu errors, not selecting or closing

Alright, so heres my problem: I have an application I am working with that creates a Dialog that has a JTree in it. when someone right clicks on the JTree I need to determine if its in the 2010 folder. If it is I need to create a popup menu with one option : "Migrate to 2011". I had am having now is that I have the menu pop up with th...