
Delphi: StringGrid, position and Context Menu

I'm having a problem with using a TStringGrid and Popup menu I want to know the Row / Column of the cell that was last active when select an item from my Popup menu. However when I click on the popup menu, the StringGrid.Row is returned as -1. I've tried using MouseToCell as part of OnClick, but even after setting SG.Row it still retu...

ASP.NET/Javascript hyperlink popup menu upon left click

I need to display a mobile-phone compatible popup menu when user left-clicks a HyperLink control. A menu will contain various options for this link, so its handler had to be aware of the clicked link data (actually, each link corresponds to a nickname). What do I need to make that work?:) ...

How to show a TPopupMenu when you click a TButton?

Hi, i want to show a popupmenu when click a button. but this procedure has error in Delphi XE. procedure ShowPopupMenuEx(var mb1:TMouseButton;var X:integer;var Y:integer;var pPopUP:TPopupMenu); var popupPoint : TPoint; begin if (mb1 = mbLeft) then begin popupPoint.X := x ; popupPoint.Y := y ; p...