
Problem with horizontal scrolling on TStringGrid

I have problem with wide grids of type TStringGrid. If user scrolls grid to the right and selects row then grid automatically scrolls left so first column can be seen, but not the column user is interested in. How to prevent such scrolling? I use TurboDelphi (Delphi 2006). My grid has standard options with changes: goColSizing=True ...

Is there a stringgrid in objective-c cocoa framework as there is in Delphi

Is there a StringGrid in the Cocoa Framework or has anybody implemented one that would be like the one in Delphi? ...

Delphi - OnKeyPress occurs before TStringGrid updates cell with new character

Coding in Delphi, attaching an OnKeyPress event handler to a TStringGrid: The OnKeyPress event fires before the grid cell that the user is typing into has actually updated its value with the key that has been pressed. This is obviously a problem, when I want to know what the contents of that cell are at this moment, as in, as the user ...

TStringGrid with BOTH editing AND range selection?

Question: Can anyone point to an article or code samples anywhere on how to provide BOTH editing AND range selection in a TStringGrid? Yes, I KNOW there are third-party grids that do this, but it's frustrating that the built-in grid lacks this basic capability. Background: It's pretty normal to expect to be able to both edit a cell...

How To Scroll a TStringGrid dynamically?

Hello, I am working in the Borland C++Builder IDE, using VCL controls. I am trying to get a TStringGrid component to scroll down to a row and highlight that row, based on user input in a different form. I have the highlight portion done, but I can't figure out how to scroll the grid down to the correct row. Anyone here know? ...

How to format StringGrid cell borders

I am trying to format a Delphi TStringgrid depending on cell contents and position. Whilst I can change the cell colour and shape depending on the cell contents I am having more problems with the cell borders. I want to be able to have a thicker cell border on one side or the other every n columns Any pointers? Cheers Dan ...

Delphi: StringGrid, position and Context Menu

I'm having a problem with using a TStringGrid and Popup menu I want to know the Row / Column of the cell that was last active when select an item from my Popup menu. However when I click on the popup menu, the StringGrid.Row is returned as -1. I've tried using MouseToCell as part of OnClick, but even after setting SG.Row it still retu...

How can I select multiple individual cells of a string grid?

I am looking for a string grid that allows me select multiple cells anywhere in the grid without them adjoining each other, e.g pressing CTRL and clicking on various cells over the grid. Or if anyone knows how to do this with the standard Delphi TStringGrid. Any pointer would be gratefully received. ...

Delphi TStringGrid Flicker

Hi I am adding multiple rows to a string grid from a CSV file @ runtime, However the StringGrid seems to flicker lots when it is being upadated, I presumed there would be a beginupadate / Endupdate command to stop this. However I cannot find it. Is there another way to stop the flicker when the grid id being updated. Colin ...