



Is there a StringGrid in the Cocoa Framework or has anybody implemented one that would be like the one in Delphi?

+1  A: 

The number of people who've used Delphi and Cocoa is very small. How about describing this "StringGrid" so we have some idea of what it's supposed to do?

Here are a few links thanks to Leonardo M. Rame' that explains a stringrid in Delphi., it is a simple grid component (like a table or Matrix) that allows one to save string data in its cells. There is no need for a datasource and you can set and access the data with commands like stringgrid1.cells[x,y]. There is a count, noofcolumns, noofrows properties that you can set or access.
Since Free Pascal access COCOA, it is rising :-)
Marco van de Voort
+1  A: 

From what google gave me I believe you mean simple NSTableView?

No. Not an NSTableView. The stringgrid component in Delphi is not nearly as complicated as an NSTableView. You drag the component on a form and it is a grid like a table or matrix and you can populate its cells with string data. It has count,noofrows,noofcolumns,etc properties that you could set or get. No need for a datasource and for protocols and their complications.
uh... so NSTableView is basically StringGrid on steroids?
Then it's just NSMatrix populated with NSTextFields. Not sure about the access and persistence though...
+1  A: 

Here are a couple of links showing the TStringGrid control:

P.S.: This answer should appear as a comment for NSResponder question, but, since I can't find the "Add Comments" link, I added this comment as an Answer.

Leonardo M. Ramé
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Thanks, I'm just 7 points from my objective!
Leonardo M. Ramé