
Flex: linking dataProvider with custom itemRenderer in a DataGrid

Hi there, Im working at a DataGrid which has a custom itemRenderer with a checkbox and a Label inside. Im struggling adding the the values from a xml to the wright label dynamically... how can I make the connection from the datagrid's dataProvider (a xml doc) to the label and the checkbox? My itemRenderer loks a following: <mx:Componen...

Flex - Custom Component - Percentage Width/Height

I am trying to create a Custom Flex Component using the Flex Component framework: All good components allow you to define their dimensions using percentage values using: MXML: TextInput width="100%" or Actionscript at runtime: textinp.percen...

Flex 3: should I provide prepared data to my component or make it to process data before display?

I'm starting to learn a little Flex just for fun and maybe to prove that I still can learn something new :) I have some idea for a project and one of its parts is a tree component which could display data in different ways depending on configuration. The idea There is list of objects having properties like id, date, time, name, descri...

Android - need UI help/advice

I have been working on Android for the past couple of months getting to know how various components work. One area I am completely lacking in knowledge is any sort of User Interface or graphical interface creation. As an excercise I have been asked to break down the HTC call screen into what components it contains and rebuild as close ...

Initialize properties of custom component before creating children in flex

Say I have the following custom component: <s:Group xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:mx="library://"> <fx:Script> <![CDATA[ [Bindable] public var prop:String; private function formatProp() : String { ...

FLEX: passing costructor parameters for MXML-based custom components ?

hi, I've implemented a MXML custom components and I would like to pass parameters to the constructor: newUser = new userComp("name"); instead of using set methods. Is this possible if the custom components has been built in MXML (with initialize=myPseudoCostructor() method ?) Or I can only set the parameter with an additional line o...

JSF 2.0: java based custom component + html table + facelets = data model not updated

Hi, I'm having problems getting the data model of a HtmlDataTable to be correctly updated by JSF 2.0 and Facelets. I have created a custom Java-based component that extends HtmlDataTable and dynamically adds columns in the encodeBegin method. @Override public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException { if (this.findCo...

Flex - How do I use a variable to define the name of an instantiated object

Essentially this is what I want to accomplish, however it doesn't work like this. Is there any solution: - The problem is I can't dynamically name a new object... ??? pulling my hair out. import views.printingView; public function initComponent(o:Array):void{ SomeObject::Array = o; for(i=0; i <=SomeObject.length-1; i++){ '...

Why do encodeXxx methods in UIComponent accept FacesContext parameter?

I haven't ever before created custom components in JSF so I've noticed only now that methods like encodeBegin(), encodeEnd() etc accept FacesContext parameter. FacesContext instance can usually be received with FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(). So, I wonder whether these methods have FacesContext parameter just for convenience or som...

Why do I get error "prefix [..] is not defined" when I try to use my jsf custom tag?

I created a jsf custom tag (I'm not sure that it's correct, I could miss something easily, so I attached code below). Now I'm trying to use this tag but I get an error: error on line 28 at column 49: Namespace prefix gc on ganttchart is not defined So, here is the xhtml-page: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 T...

How to implement custom JSF component for drawing chart?

I want to create a component which can be used like: <mc:chart data="#{}" width="200" height="300" /> where #{} returns a collection of some objects or chart model object or something else what can be represented as a chart (to put it simple, let's assume it returns a collection of integers). I want this component t...

android: Check if a View is bringed to front

Hi Guys! I made a custom component which simple extends a WebView This component is used into activities that are loaded from a tabhost. This component creates a timertask too. I'd like to execute the task only if the activity that contains the component is visible. Ex: public class MyWebView extends WebView { public MyWebView(Conte...

Custom options in Joomla! component help

I am building a module, or component not sure yet, but I need to have a some options that depend on another option. For example, if you choose "A" then options 1, 2 and 3 appear. If you choose "B" then 4,5 and 6 appear. I can make everything appear at once just sending in the but can I make some params only appear after another is chos...

How do I create a custom text field in Tapestry5 that renders some Javascript onto the page?

I have been trying to create a custom textfield in tapestry which will render some javascript when it gains focus. But I have been having trouble trying to find an example of this. Here is some of the code i have started off with: package asc.components; import org.apache.tapestry5.ComponentResources; import org.apache.tapestry5.Field...

How does 'binding' in JSF work?

I've created custom component which shows chart. Now I need to make binding support for this component i.e. generated chart-image should be available (as array of bytes) to backing bean via binding mechanism. I'd like to know some general info about binding implementation techniques. Any links and examples are welcome as well. Thanks...

How can I define custom 'contentGroups' in a custom Flex 4 component?

The spark panel component for example can be written like this And its skin file will handle layout of the contentGroup, controlBarGroup, and titleDisplay. Notice, however that the contentGroup is doesn't appear in the code above and that the controlBarGroup accepts child mxml components. Now say I want to create a c...

Does a VCL OrgChart component with decent features exists? Is there a viable alternative?

I am using DevExpress OrgChart component that is still maintained but not developed since 2003 (fortunately bugs are fixed, but nothing more). Honestly this component, even if it starts to look too old still suffices my requirements except for 2 things: 1) it doesn't support at all the staff feature, for understanding what I mean see t...

Programmatically creating scrollview(s) from custom component in android

I'm trying to build a compound control in Android, containing (among other things) a ScrollView. Things go wrong when I try to view the control in Eclipse, crashing with a NullPointerException after the error message: "Parser is not a BridgeXmlBlockParser". Stacktrace: java.lang.NullPointerException at android.view.View.<init>(View.jav...

jsf 2.0 composite components - how to modify outer beans / attributes

Hello community, I am just learning JSF 2 and playing with simple custom components. Imagine an ajax enabled custom component with two inputText fields: ... <h:body> <composite:interface> <composite:attribute name="domId" required="true" /> <composite:attribute name="value" required="true" /> </composite:interface> <compo...

FLEX: UIComponent Click Handler??

Hello, Thanks for reading. I'm trying to put a label and an image on a UIComponent, side-by-side. I want to use UIComponent for efficiency reasons, and the entire component is more complicated than just a button with an icon. I'm trying to get a click handler on ther entire UIComponent so that when a click happens on either the label...