
ASP.NET DataGrid and custom paging

I'm trying to implement a DataGrid in ASP.NET, and want to achieve custom paging so that I don't have to provide all the data in one go. I've spent several hours researching on the internet, but haven't found anything useful. When I view the page I see the first set of results in the grid, with the previous link disabled. When I click ...

Button Click event getting fired after rowdatabound for grid view

Hi, When I click on a button which is outside of the GridView in my page, the GridView rowdatabound event is getting fired before OnClick event for the button. I am using the button for custom paging so I need to reverse the order of these events. Any thoughts ?? Thanks in Advance, - Amit ...

ASP.NET Gridview Paging Problem

I have a gridview that is databound in the code-behind using a stored procedure. I am handling the Paging event in the code as well, but whenever I click on a page number, I keep getting the empty data template instead of more rows. Any suggestions? EDIT: I am re-binding the data source of the gv after I change the page index. Here i...

Custom Paging on GridView Populated by Button Press

I've got a Gridview that's populated by a Search button and I'm not sure how to go about doing custom paging for it. I run the search query using sp_executeSQL right now and it returns the entire resultset. I'd like to know what steps I should take to set up custom paging and sorting on the GridView and the most efficient way to modify ...

Problem in Custom Paging with ASP.NET 2.0 GridView

I have a Database table containing product information as follows: ProductID, KeywordID, ProductDescription and there are some keywords stored in a Keyword table as Keyword ID, KeywordDescription I have to show a paged report for products on a page containing the gridview and a combo box - The Keyword is selected in a combo box and th...

how to get the n-th record of a datastore query

Suppose that I have the model Foo in GAE and this query: query = Foo.all().order('-key') I want to get the n-th record. What is the most efficient way to achieve that? Will the solution break if the ordering property is not unique, such as the one below: query = Foo.all().order('-color') edit: n > 1000 edit 2: I want to develop a ...

Subsonic-Paging-Order problem

I have a datagrid where I am using the custom paging option (ref: in the Subsonic framework. I also have a dropdown that filters the data by State. This is added to the query through the addwhere call. the data is ordered by state ASC and then city ASC. the data seems to be...

devexpress aspxgridview - custom text for paging

Is there a way to customize the top and bottom paging display? Like I want to display the Top as "Now displaying 1 - 10 of 1000 records for ". Bottom page as normal grid style like [1][2]... ...

how to let the DataPager know the number of total records in the DataSource in custom paging?

Hi, The default paging mechanism needs to have the entire contents of the query that's to be paged through each time the ListView is rendered so that it can correctly determine how many pages the data can be broken up into. Essentially, it needs to know how many total records we're paging through. So, when employing custom paging we...

Paging in mvc like blogger

I like to implement a paging in my mvc(C#) application like the one in blogger( The Paging should look like: `New Posts Home Older Posts` The Page should contain the number of items configurable. Any ideas on this? ...

Autopaging or custom paging which is better in datagrid?

i used datagrid control in .net platform... but now i am in big confusion .. that is ..which is better to used custom or autopaging option.. gud explaination or example is needed.. i dont know about any method.. very well. i find on search.. but i dont find good material.. thanks... ...

Access Control inside GridView Pager Template - ASP.NET

Hi, I am trying to access a LinkButton that is inside a PagerTemplate in a GridView. However, I am getting a NullReferenceException and I don't know what I am doing wrong here. I have tried the following... ((LinkButton)GridView1.BottomPagerRow.FindControl("lnkbtnPrevious")); ((LinkButton)GridView1.FindControl("lnkbtnPrevious")); C...

Problem with custom paging in ASP.NET

I'm trying to add custom paging to my site using the ObjectDataSource paging. I believe I've correctly added the stored procedures I need, and brought them up through the DAL and BLL. The problem I have is that when I try to use it on a page, I get an empty datagrid. <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="PageTest.asp...

Dojox grid having problem with Contentpane

the grid appears properly on template's first loading. But when you click the paging button to load flooders.php thru list_result1() only the paging buttons will appear. I already tested the flooders.php outside the template and it works properly. what seems to be the problem? and what are the tools that i can use to see if the javascr...

How to implement Gridview Custom paging using Stored Procedure?

Hi folks Can someone redirect me to your own blog link or any other link explaining complete tutorial about how to implement gridview custom paging using stored procedure? My search in google giving me old articles from year 2006. Right now I am using 3.5 and c#. ...

Total Number of records required in paged .NET datagrid control

I am using a data grid and has bound a data source with it. I am trying to get the total number of records in the grid in overriden InitializePager method from pagedDataSource DataSourceCount. I thought DataSourceCount returns number of records from SelectCountMethod of ObjectDataSource, but DataSourceCount is giving me the page size...

ASP.NET Custom Paging

How to keep custom paging for dynamic result sets ? (i.e) based on 10 Dropdowns selection my stored procedure will Dynamically generates resultset,but it populates million records. Row statically know Record count,cusom paging is efficient,but how to achieve it for dynamically grown result set? Problem I have to bind generic List to G...

custom paging on gridview control

below code works fine if i remove the PagerSetting or remove PagerTemplate so if i have both (PagerSetting & PagerTemplate) then my page number is not display. my qeustion is: how can i display both (PagerTemplate and PagerSetting) togather at the bottom of the Gridview ? plese see the below source code. <asp:GridView ID="gvTable" runa...

accessing paged data source from itemDataBound in

Hello, I've bound my repeater to a PagedDataSource and I want to get the PagedCount from the ItemDataBound event. I've tried a few things and it's not working. Does anyone know how to do this? ...

GridView paging in C#

Hi all, I am using PageIndexChanging event for handling GridView paging in C#. But don't know how can to use PageSize/PageNumber/PageCount there. In other word my code is forced to return all data always. Note following code: protected void grdList_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e) { grdList.PageIndex = ...