
Why do I get a bad_certificate error when using spring and CXF

I am using CXF generated code to connect to a remote web service over SSL and through a corporate proxy. The code works fine when the connection is established through the Java API and all SSL settings are set as system properties as follows. System.setProperties("https.proxyHost", ""); System.setProperties("https.proxyPort"...

Annotation endpoint Location for JAX-WS

Hi, does exist a specific annotation to define the address of the endpoint. In fact, I want to remove the attribute address in the SPring file and move the annotation directly in the impl. class. Current: jaxws:endpoint id="dataManagerEndPoint" implementor="#dataManagerService" address="/datamanager/v1.0" @WebService public interf...

cxf / jaxb complex types

Hello, I use CXF to generate the classes from WSDL but I don't know how to access the following field : <s:complexType name="text-with-layout-type" mixed="true"> <s:sequence> <s:any minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </s:sequence> <s:attribute name="L" type="s:string"/> </s:complexType> The resulting class is : @XmlAccessorType(X...

android webservices method getting null parameter value while calling

when I invoke webservices method working fine without parameters. But with parameters I am getting null in the inside the webservice method. Here my code and wsdl file private static final String METHOD_NAME = "getCityList"; private static final String SOAP_ACTION = "" + METHOD_NAME; private static final ...

Problem with Mule cxf:outbound-endpoint (client) and HTTPS/SSL.

Dear readers I have a small problem configuring the CXF transport in Mule 2.2 to call a WS-method on service exposed, using HTTPS/SSL. Calling the same method using plain HTTP works fine. I’ve searched a lot on this issue and found among others the following link:

problem with JSON array as input to REST service

Hello All, I am using Apache CXF RS to produce a REST service which accepts both XML and JSON as input. I use the default JSON provider i.e. Jettison. My trouble starts when my input json has an array in it. For example, { person:{ telephone:[ { type: "mobile", number: "123" ...

Apache CXF WSDLToJava Error: operation already exists. How to bypass?

I am developing second client application that is consuming existing SOAP web-services. I generate Java from existing WSDL using the latest Apache CXF 2.3 tool wsdl2java -client -ant and get WSDLToJava Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: An operation with name [{urn:somesc...