
Python: Cyclic imports

What will happen if two modules import each other? To generalize the problem, what about the cyclic imports in Python. ...

A Class modelling /design query

How would I model such a situation? How should the database be designed? What classes should I have? Problem Statement: Each employee belongs at least to one project, each project has many tasks, each task is assigned to at least one employee. I should be able to churn out the employees working on a project. the tasks that belong t...

How to do cleanup reliably in python?

I have some ctypes bindings, and for each body.New I should call body.Free. The library I'm binding doesn't have allocation routines insulated out from the rest of the code (they can be called about anywhere there), and to use couple of useful features I need to make cyclic references. I think It'd solve if I'd find a reliable way to ho...

Cyclic reference in a database table

I am quite ashamed to ask this, but recently there has been a situation where I need to create a single table for three different types of banking entities that are related to each other. Let me explain. Imagine a BANK table that holds details of either a Governing Bank, or a regular Bank that operates rural branches, or the rural branc...

Model-Controller cyclic reference/design problem

I have a CoreData entity X, and controllers for this entity, XController. Now there's another entity, XGroup, containing a collection of X entities, and a XGroupController. Now the problem is that XGroupController needs to interact with XController, and it would be nice to just pass XGroupController a XGroup to observe, and then get th...

Get empty objects over WCF with entity framework

Hi! I've a WCF Service, that uses entity framework (with POCO objects). One methods returns a list of users. It was working correctly, but another method cannot insert anything because the database wasn't having "IDENTIY" setted on the primary key. Since I've done that, regenerate the EDMX model, I've a problem to get my list of user...

Data model, cyclic references

I have the following data structure for storing meridians and parallels. Each cartographic point stores: A] geographic and spatial coordinates, cartographic distortions, etc. B] pointer to north/south/east/west node. It allows to store relationships between points, first of all their affiliation to the meridian/parallel... class...