
Better to filter a stream of data at its start or end?

Hi folks, I'm working on a project in which I need to process a huge amount (multiple gigabytes) of comma separated value (CSV) files. What I basically do is as follows: Create an object that knows how to read all related files Register with this object a set of Listeners that are interested in the data Read each line of each file,...

Stream data with Node.js

I want to know if it is possible to stream data from the server to the client with Node.js. From what I can understand all over the internet is that this has to be possible, yet I fail to find a correct example or solution. What I want is a single http post to node.js with AJAX. Than leave the connection open and continuously stream dat...

Using terminal to record/save a data stream

I want to be able to save a data stream which i am returning using the curl command. I have tried using the cat command, and piping it the curl command, however i'm doing it wrong. The code im currently using is: cat > file.txt | curl Any help would be appreciated. ...

Does perforce supports file streams on Windows?

Does Perforce supports file streams on Windows, on NTFS? ...