
How do I enable saving of filled-in fields on a PDF form?

Some PDF forms can be saved, including all filled-in field data: Some others can not be saved, and all filled-in field data are lost: How do I enable saving of filled-in fields on my PDF form? Thanks! ...

Updating/Saving to a SQL Database using C#?

I can't find how to do this on google anywhere. How do you save to a SQL DB using just C# code? Is it possible? The save method that comes default when you create a DB using the wizard dosen't actually save the DB: this.Validate(); this.studentsBindingSource.EndEdit(); this.studentsTableAdapter.Update(this.studentsDataSet.FirstClass); ...

Overwriting an image file (bitmap)

Hello I am trying to save a bitmap image in a basic image editor program. Here's the code: // then save it ImageBoxInApp.Image.Save(filename); [EDIT] And I am opening the image with this openFileDialog1.Title = "Select an Image"; openFileDialog1.Filter = "All Files|*.*|Windows Bitmaps|*.bmp|JPEG Files|*.jpg...

How do i save code changes to an Excel VBA add-in?

I've made an add-in for Excel in VBA and now I need to make changes to the code, but the file won't save. I open the .xlam file, I make the changes, ctrl-S to save with no errors popping up, close down. But when I reopen, none of the change I made are there. What gives? is there some special way I have to save an add-in to make change...

Saving videos to photo library when taken from camera in IPhone

Hello, I was wondering if there is a method similar to UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(UIImage *image, id completionTarget, SEL completionSelector, void *contextInfo), that saves Videos taken from the iphone camera to the u sers Photo Albums... been trying to look for it in apple docs but havent found anything. Thanks ...

How to save contacts in an address book and list them?

I am working on making an address book in C# 2008. I need to be able to save the contacts and then later display them when the user asked for it. I also need to handle an exception when someone enters an unknown color when writing the person's favorite color. This is my code so far: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using ...

Save a picture from the user on the iPhone?

Hi, I was wondering whether the following scenario is possible; let's say a user draws his own drawing (including text and lines) over another, could the result be saved and then uploaded? Thanks in advance! ...

Why is the save button needed?

Software like OneNote has shown that auto-save can be implemented, and it works just as well (or better) as the manual save button / CTRL+S. Anyways everything that you work on you want saved. Its just if you're trying out something destructive that you would close without saving. So from a programmers/usability perspective, why is the...

writing text in textfile and saving it using saveDialog

hi , i have a little confusion.. i want to write a string in a text file which should be dynamically saved by the saveDialog i have done this task statically.. means file with specified file name is created and text is also written from jTextArea.. but i wnt to save this file on my given location and with my given name.. can u please gu...

Best way to save/load pictures with .Net & SQL Server 2005?

Hey, What is the typical way to handle product pictures in a web-page selling products? Say I had a database with books or computer components etc, all of which have their own sample pictures for example... Should I save them into the DB as binary data, or somehow handle them in the codebehind, saving them into a directory with the appr...

Extracting visual studio theme?

I want to save my theme out of visual studio so that if(when) i need to reformat my computer my theme is available for use. How can i do that? ...

Saving Drawable to Disk and retrieving - Android

how would I save a drawable to the SDcard (custom folder) and later retrieve it assuming im keeping track of the path of the saved item. Thanks, Faisal ...

How to save default context settings in c#?

Hello, could somebody tell me why I can not save dynamic data in Settings.Default.Context? My code: Settings.Default.Context.Add("myKey", "myValue"); Settings.Default.Save(); MessageBox.Show(Settings.Default.Context["myKey"].ToString());<-- This works If I don't reload the appi everything works fine. But after reload application an...

Objective-C creating a text file with a string.

I'm trying to create a text file with the contents of a string to my desktop. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right, I don't get errors but it doesn't work either... NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDesktopDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES); NSString *desktopDirectory=[paths objectAtIndex:0]; NSString *filename = [desk...

Create webpart saving its data on leaving article page

I have one custom article page layout which has a multiple lookup field called Tags refered to Tag list. In this layout, I put a webpart which do the task edit Tags for me. When I create a page from the layout and edit it, the webpart let me to add/remove tags easilly. How can I save data in the webpart when user press on link to call ou...

Objective-c saving raw text.

Hi there! I implemented saving and loading methods in my document-based application. In the saving method, I have [NSArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:[self string]]; Where [self string] is a NSString. When saving a file with just "normal content" inside of it, the contents of the file created are: streamtypedè@NSStringNSObjec...

Getting an exception trying to upload and save a file upload on remote server but local box is fine

i have an mvc app that has a form that uploads a file. On my local box, of course it works fine but when i run it on a remote webserver i get this error: Exception Details: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\directory\mytestfile.csv' is denied. ASP.NET is not authorized to access the requested resource....

MySQL - Best method to saving and loading items.

Hello, So on my older work, I had always used the 'text' data type to store items, like so: 0=4151:54;1=995:5000;2=521:1; So basically: slot=item:amount; I've been looking into finding the best ways of storing information in a sql database, and everywhere i go, it says that using text is a big performance hit. I was thinking of doi...

MySQL - Saving items

Hello, This is a follow up from my last question: Anyways, I've looked at some other examples and sources, and most of them have the same method of saving items. Firstly, they delete all the rows that's already inserted into the database containing...

retriving complete webpage using httpclient

hi.i am a new bie to java.i had a problem i need to save a complete webpage(with all its contents like images,css,javascript e.t.c) like how we can do with save as-->complete webpage option with HttpClient lib.plese show me a way how to do this. ...