
Storing a complete graph in a RDBMS

I have several types of entities, each with their own fields, which are stored in separate tables. Each record in such a table may be connected to zero or more records in a different table, i.e., linked to records from different entity types. If I go with lookup tables, I get (m(m-1))/2=O(m^2) separate lookup tables that need to be initi...

Javascript on page is not executing before AJAX onComplete event is called

I have a form that makes an Ajax POST request to insert a widget into my database. In the form, I have a select box where you can select from the widgets. After the db insert is made, I must update the select box. I actually just replace the entire form for now. Because the select box has the widgets, I must have a copy of the obje...

Why is my URLLoader not dispatching when it completes?

I'm using a URLLoader to send a few key/value pairs to a php script, which then turns them into an e-mail, sends it (or not), and then echoes a string with a response. At first it works fine. The URLLoader posts, and I get my e-mail a minute later, but for some reason I'm not getting my response back. In fact, my COMPLETE event doesn't ...

A question on sub-graph isolation

Dear all, I am working on a problem and I was wondering if you could help me to find an answer: We consider a complete graph with +1 or -1 edges (weights). We want to determine whether there is a sub-graph for which sum of the weights (edges) with the remaining sub-graph is less than 0. I want to know whether there is any polynomial alg...

eclipse like word completion in VS

Hi! Does VS have the option or do you know of a plugin that has the same "Complete Word" functionality as found in Eclipse (originates from VIM). Talking about Alt + / (default). This is not intelli-gent in any ways, just scans for words with the same first letters up and down. ...

flex Actual CreationComplete event

Which event should I use if I want to make sure all the nested components inside a component have been created? Creationcomplete doesn't seem to work this way. ...

Unable to find a substitute command for Bash's complete in Zsh

I put the newest git-completion.bash to my .zshrc and I get /Users/Masi/bin/shells/git/git-completion.bash:2116: command not found: complete /Users/Masi/bin/shells/git/git-completion.bash:2118: command not found: complete The lines are complete -o bashdefault -o default -o nospace -F _git git 2>/dev/null \ || complete -o defaul...

use succes or complete in ajaxcall

Hello, My question is that I want to know what the difference is in the ajaxcall below If I substitute complete for success I get an empty responseText as the error says and with complete it works like it is supposed to Is it that success returns sooner then complete?? $("#formnaw").submit(function(){ var fnc = invoerFnc.attr("...

How to take complete backup of mysql database using mysqldump command line utility

Hi All, Can anyone provide any input on how to take complete backup of mysql database using mysqldump. when I am taking backup my tables from specified database are only getting backed up not the procedures and functions. Here's the backup command I am using : Operating system i am working on Windows Vista mysqldump -u username -p db1...

Get the response data into the jQuery ajaxComplete function

Hi people, What i would like to do is send the return data from any ajax call and also have it avaiable in the ajaxComplete function. So when i have a $.post or $.get or $.getJSON and so on request like this: $.post(url, options, function(DATA) { $('output').html(DATA); }); i also want to get the same data into $.ajaxComplete(...

How to call jquery ajaxStart + ajaxComplete

Hey guys, I have a load function and would like for the code to write some html into a div while it loads, and when it completes, to display the page. I saw some little writeups on the ajaxStart and ajaxComplete events, however I am not sure how to implement them. Here is the jquery I am thinking of using, however not sure how to imp...

how to determine if file has downloaded

I have the following code that allows a user to download a file. I need to know (if possible) if they downloaded the file successfully. Is there any kind of callback that I can tie into to know whether or not they were successful in download it? Thanks. string filename = Path.GetFileName(url); context.Response.Buffer = true; context....

MS CRM 4.0 CrmService - Close a Task

Hey guys, I'm trying to work out how to use the CrmService to close a Task in MS CRM 4.0 I've tried to use the SetStateTaskRequest to set a Task's state and status to TaskState.Completed and 5. I also tried TaskState.Completed and -1, but no dice there either. Either way, I only receive the ever-helpful "Server was unable to process r...

iphone uiwebview download complete page with CSS and Images

Hello, in my app there's a uiwebview that loads a url.. i use the following line to save the HTML of the page loaded locally to be able to view it offline. NSString* html=[webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML"] the problem is only the HTML of the document that gets saved, ...

auto complete request not generated

I am trying to implement auto complete with jQuery, but the request itself is not going? What can be the issue? <%= f.text_field :ads_login_name, :class => 'input', 'autocomplete_url'=> autocomplete_for_user_ads_login_name_users_path, :disabled => ( == %> I am calling this in a pop up which i created using ...

Flex datagrid - determining when grid has completed renderering?

hi, i have a datagrid which contains a number of itemrenderers, it is populated each time a user does a search. Is there an event which can tell me when the datagrid has completed rendering all new rows and item renderers? I need to trigger an event once everything has been created so that i can resize then container which holds the g...

Complete a Ruby Array

My application needs to deal with arrays of fixed size. The problem is that sometimes elements are nil but nil is a forbidden value. I think an easy way is to replace nil values with an the closest non-nil value (right before or right after). The nil values can be first, last or even multiples. Here are some examples of what I'm looking...

How do I bypass the "Complete Action Using ..."

Hey guys, I have a question related to choosing an application programmatically when shown the dialog "Complete Action Using" in Android. An example would be as follow: In my code, I have this statement startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(""))); I will then shown a...

retriving complete webpage using httpclient

hi.i am a new bie to java.i had a problem i need to save a complete webpage(with all its contents like images,css,javascript e.t.c) like how we can do with save as-->complete webpage option with HttpClient lib.plese show me a way how to do this. ...

how to prevent users' interaction when waiting for ajax's response

The scenario is like: I'm using Jquery to implement some ajax features. For example: when a user click a button "get data", Jquery will call .ajax function to fetch some data from the server. This process might take some time, so I added .ajaxSend and .ajaxComplete functions to show some animation for the waiting process (actually a 'Loa...