
Updating Database From Dataset?

I wanna update my database from my dataset. mydataadapter = new MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM table0; SELECT * FROM table1; SELECT * FROM table2;", con); myda.Fill(dataset); //...... // for example I'm doing a change like this ds.Tables[2].Rows[1][3] = "S"; //Then updating the database MySqlCommandBuilder com = new MySqlCommandBuild...

C# SQL Data Adapter System.Data.StrongTypingException

I get my data from SQL to Dataset with Fill. It's just one table with two columns (CategoryId (int) and CategoryName (varchar)). When I look at my dataset after fill method, CategoryId Columns seems to be correct. But in the CategoryName I have a *System.Data.StrongTypingExceptio*n. What could that mean? Any Ideas? ...

SQLiteDataAdapter Update method returning 0

I loaded 83 rows from my CSV file, but when I try to update the SQLite database I get 0 rows... I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. The program outputs: Num rows loaded is 83 Num rows updated is 0 The source code is: public void InsertData(String csvFileName, String tableName) { String dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(csvFil...

DataReader, DataAdapter & DataSet - When to use?

I want to know when i have to use these ADO.NET Components???can anyone brief it with an example??? ...

OdbcConnection for a string in a csv

I've got some code below that would allow me to access a .csv file on the server and pull the contents into a datatable which enables me to iterate the rows easily. For somethine completely seperate I have the contents of a csv in a string variable and I'd like to be able to pull that string into a datatable also. How can I do this witho...

How does rolling back an application level transaction interact with SqlDataAdapter events in ADO.NET, or does it at all?

When utilizing the RowUpdated event in the SqlAdapter class, i'm assuming that it is raised directly following the return of the database interaction that executes the update. If that update is part of an application level transaction (utilizing the SqlTransaction class) which is then rolled back, does this affect or interact at all wit...

What is the difference between a DataSource and DataAdapter?

Title says it all. What is the difference between a DataSource and DataAdapter? I'm trying to decide if I should descend from IDataSource or IDataAdapter for code to be shared between Winforms and WebForms and I can't seem to figure out what the difference is other than slightly different ways to use them. ...

Saving and retrieving image in SQL database from C# problem

I used this code for inserting records in a person table in my DB System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); Image img = Image_Box.Image; img.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp); this.personTableAdapter1.Insert(NIC_Box.Text.Trim(), Application_Box.Text.Trim(), ...

Database concurrency issue in .NET application

If userA deleted OrderA while userB is modifying OrderA, then userB saves OrderA then there is no order in the database to be updated. My problem is there is no error! The SqlDataAdapter.Update succeeds and returns a "1" indicating a record was modified when this is not true. Does anybody know how this is supposed to work, thanks. ...

DataAdapter SelectCommand that excludes current DataTable rows

Is there a clean method of creating a DataAdapter SelectCommand to select rows from the database that are not already present in the DataTable? I am calling DataAdapter.Fill(DataTable) and only want to have new rows inserted into the DataTable. ...

Creating DataAdapters for Entity Framework

This relates to the reporting suite we are using, but I believe the pattern is the same for WinForms and other .NET technologies. The reporting suite we are using (XtraReports 10) supports design time preview of the data if the DataAdapter property is set. When using a DataSet datasource, a TableAdapter is generated (by the DataSet), wh...

DataSet - Ensuring PrimaryKey data when Filling with a query that is a join.

When filling a DataSet, I am using the "AddWithKey" value for the DataAdapter's MissingSchemaAction. According to MSDN: Adding schema information to a DataSet before filling it with data ensures that primary key constraints are included with the DataTable objects in the DataSet. But, when I do the following: DataColumn[] ...

Using transactions with ADO.NET Data Adapters.

Scenario: I want to let multiple (2 to 20, probably) server applications use a single database using ADO.NET. I want individual applications to be able to take ownership of sets of records in the database, hold them in memory (for speed) in DataSets, respond to client requests on the data, perform updates, and prevent other applications ...

Returning a single row in a strongly typed DataSet in C#

I have a Strongly typed Dataset TableAdapter in C#, how do I get a single row from it? ...

DataAdapter.Fill to specific table in dataset

I am trying to make use of DataAdapter, unfortunately stuck with straight ADO.Net, and all of the examples I see have a call like this: dataAdapter.Fill(dataSet, "TableName"); I want to do a fill in that manner, meaning the data goes into a named table, so that I can properly manage the tables later on in the cycle. Unfortunately, it...

Android - What does adapter.notifyDataSetInvalidated do?

What does the method adapter.notifyDataSetInvalidated() accomplish? There is no documentation on it. I am trying to reload a ListView and notifyDataSetChanged or notifyDataSetInvalidated don't seem to accomplish anything. ...

Create a adapter without knowing the driver type

One of the great things with is that you dont have to know which kind of connections/commands that you are using (interface based programming). You can use a connection to create a command, and command to create a reader. IDbConnectin con = CreateConnection(_connectionString); //factory method IDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand...

Error handling with SqlBulkCopy - could it be any harder?

Running very low on ideas here. I've got a case where I'm using SqlBulkCopy to pump data into a DB, and about halfway through I run into different exceptions (primary key violations, index violations, etc). I've confirmed that the violations are in fact true and need to be corrected in the data. What's infuriating, though, is that if I ...

Dataadapter and datasets issue

Hi all! I have the following situation - three tables in the db : - um_users (id, name) - um_roles (id, description) - um_user_roles (user_id, role_id) I load into a data set two datatables : the "users" one, and another one build on the other two, like this : _cmd = new OracleCommand("select * from um_users", _conn); _odaUsers ...

.Net SQLCommand times out when executing Stored Procedure which returns no records.

Hi guys, I wonder if any one may be able to help? I have an issue with a SqlCommand object that when it executes a stored procedure that returns no records, will timeout. The stored procedure is not complicated, it is just a simple SELECT ColumnA, ColumnB, ... FROM TableA WHERE Id = @Id type of thing. If I run the SP in Sql Managment ...